DI Profiles on Exchange???

  • Unfortunately, there is not a Standardized naming convention for Direct Amplifier Rigs.

    I suggest using Rig Manager to search Rig Exchange.

    Using RM will let you not only search for the word "direct", but, you will likely get even more results with a sort by the Cabinet column. If you don;t see a Cabinet name, or there is some indication in that field that there is no cab, it is either a DA Rigs (the kind you want), or a Direct Preamplifier (DI) Rig (the kind you don't want).

  • Unfortunately, there is not a Standardized naming convention for Direct Amplifier Rigs.

    I suggest using Rig Manager to search Rig Exchange.

    Using RM will let you not only search for the word "direct", but, you will likely get even more results with a sort by the Cabinet column. If you don;t see a Cabinet name, or there is some indication in that field that there is no cab, it is either a DA Rigs (the kind you want), or a Direct Preamplifier (DI) Rig (the kind you don't want).

    I was under the impression a direct profile was a profile of the entire amp without the cab, aka DI.

  • I was under the impression a direct profile was a profile of the entire amp without the cab, aka DI.

    Kemper's term for a profile of an amplifier without the cabinet is Direct Amplifier Profile.

    A profile labelled DI might be a Direct Amplifier Profile, but a Direct Injector (DI) box could have been used with a Preamp only. Or, a DI profile might have been created from the FX end of a guitar amplifier, or from an amplifier's Line Out.

  • Hello. How do you search for DI profiles on the exchange? I'm buying a powerhead to use with a cab so I'd like to narrow the search to just DI's. Thanks.

    in the output of the section of the Profiler you can set the monitor output cab off. This disables the cab section in any profile. Will that accomplish what you need?

  • Here's another question. Can I use a Fryette Powertstation to profile an amp? It has a direct out that is taken from the speaker output and stepped down for input into a DAW. I assume I could get cranked amp profiles at bedroom levels using the PS.

  • The PS is a reactive load which will achieve what you are looking for. It will colour the sound slightly compared to using a normal DI in line with the real speaker due to the PS having it’s own impedance curve which maybe different from the speakers you would normally use. However, this may not be a bad thing it is just a slightly different flavour. If you already have the PS try it and see if you like it. I did it with my Two Notes Torpedo Reload and got decent results but still preferred the real speaker and cheap DI versions. Its really just personal taste.

  • My direct captures so far have been kind of meh. Purchased a Kemper DI box figuring it is "official" and would work best. Did not care for the results. Tried a Torpedo Captor as the DI and it was better but the captures did not sound like the pro versions or quality one found on rig exchange.

    The amps being profiles are good amps as well. They captures sound kind of "thin". Will have to figure how to beef them up a bit so to speak.

  • Are you able to monitor the amp and the Kemper through your guitar cab when you profile? I've done direct profiles that way and have been able to get profiles that I can't distinguish from the amp when played through the same cab. Sometimes it takes refining and sometimes not but I've been able to consistently capture good profiles. I'm using a Waza Tube Amp Expander (with the speaker IR bypassed) as a reactive load DI but I don't see why the Kemper DI wouldn't be at least as good, probably better.

    My direct captures so far have been kind of meh. Purchased a Kemper DI box figuring it is "official" and would work best. Did not care for the results. Tried a Torpedo Captor as the DI and it was better but the captures did not sound like the pro versions or quality one found on rig exchange.

    The amps being profiles are good amps as well. They captures sound kind of "thin". Will have to figure how to beef them up a bit so to speak.

  • Thanks for the reply ba_hill. Set up the direct capture (hardware as in the manual) but up until last night have only had headphones to monitor so have not bothered so to answer the question no. I borrowed some monitors from a friend and now have them hooked up to the Kemper. So in theory that will enable me to compare the profiles?

    The process seems straight forward and simple but being a Kemper newb probably missing something something basic. Will try it out this weekend.


  • Hi Mookytc,

    I don't think monitoring through either headphones or studio monitors will work for this. You need some kind of power amp for the Kemper (or a powered Kemper) so that you can listen to it through your guitar cab. Otherwise you have to use a speaker simulator of some kind. That may be why the Kemper DI sounds thin compared to the Two Notes. The Kemper DI doesn't have any speaker simulation. That's not a flaw of the Kemper DI, that is how it should be for its intended usage.

    Are you planning to use the DI profiles mainly with IRs for recording or into an FRFR speaker? Or are you going to use them through a power amp into a guitar cab? If you're using them into a guitar cab I think it's best to monitor through a guitar cab when you capture them. If instead you're using them with IRs you'll need to add the IR to your monitoring chain somehow. Otherwise you're not hearing what they will sound like and it's hard to tell if you've got a good profile, if it needs refining, etc.


    Thanks for the reply ba_hill. Set up the direct capture (hardware as in the manual) but up until last night have only had headphones to monitor so have not bothered so to answer the question no. I borrowed some monitors from a friend and now have them hooked up to the Kemper. So in theory that will enable me to compare the profiles?

    The process seems straight forward and simple but being a Kemper newb probably missing something something basic. Will try it out this weekend.


  • I have a Kemper powered device but notice when I toggle between the amp and kemper profile it does sound the same. Once I store the profile, locate and play it sounds a tad thin.

    Guitar > Kemper Profiler

    Kemper line out > into Amp

    Amp out into DI input

    DI to speaker exit to cab

    DI output to Kemper.

    I do not have the direct out (Kemper) to cab hooked up (doing everything through the DI).

    Basic set up but at work and supposed to be doing other things (busy today) :P hopefully this does not confuse.


  • Hi Dave,

    If you don't have a cab sim of some kind on the KPA's output when you're monitoring this way you're listening to the Kemper without a cab and comparing it to your amp with its cab. It will definitely sound thin when using the Kemper DI. The Torpedo Captor has a cab sim built in but it may not sound like your real cab so if you use that while profiling when you play back the profile it won't necessarily match your real amp and cab. The KPA DI needs a real speaker cab connected when you're profiling so that means you can't run your powered KPA into the speaker cab. You could do that with the Torpedo Captor, though. You might try connecting the Captor as you described but instead of connecting the real speaker cab to the speaker thru of the Captor, connect your speaker cab to the KPA's power amp. Then you can switch between hearing your amp or the Kemper through the speaker cab. That way you can be sure you're getting a good profile. Make sure you turn off the speaker sim in the Captor.


  • Sorry for hijacking the thread. For the DI in rig manager search by cab - N/A. Yes Brian new I was missing something basic. Can listen to the amp through the Captor but when ready to compare plug cab into output of Kemper (just move the speaker cable back and forth between Captor and output of Kemper until satisfied) The Captor can take the load of the real amp. Brilliant....will try that this weekend.

    Another way would be to hook up a second cab which I do have to the Kemper. Might be easier. I'll figure it out. Thanks for the support. :thumbup:

