A few general question before I pull the trigger.

  • Hello everyone! Hope 2020 has been good to you all so far. Sending much love to all you Kemper-fans here! And to the creators of this amazing amp. I'm on my hands and knees thanking you for making this product. I can not express in human words the love and gratitude I have for all your hard work making our tonal-dreams come true!! You guys are true visionaries and great artists in every sense of the word. Who would've thought 20 years ago this would be the future?

    Alrighty, after some consideration (selling my new flat recently helped financially too), I have come to the conclusion that I'm ready to join the hype.

    Later this week I'm pulling the trigger and I'm buying the KPA Powerhead (toaster) that includes the Kemper Controller (floor pedal) I also added to my cart the AKG K-702 series headphones after having read another thread about those here on the forums (Thanks user: HappyKemper, shout-out to you :)) and a 50EU priced good quality jack cable from guitar to input.

    I have also been considering buying a FRFR speaker cab system, but having been recently informed about the Kemper Kab & Kone needless to say I will wait for the official release of these items and buy those instead. What can and will look better than having the teal colored toaster on top of the teal colored Kemper Cab? I think I need to recolor my walls just to complete the studio *laughs*

    Anyways, what is the best way to hook up all this? I'm thinking connecting power (d'uh) then connecting the floor pedal to the KPA, then from guitar output jack to Input of KPA Head, and then I connect headphones to Headphones In on the head? How am I doing so far? :) Needless to say I don't want to damage my new goods. So thought I could ask questions beforehand.
    Better safe than sorry. I bought the Powered version because I plan on buying the passive speaker cab from Kemper when available that way I just connect the cab to the Speaker Output (red) on the Head, right?

    Long story short I don't need a speaker cab to enjoy the KPA right? Just headphones connected to the head - that's all?

    Cheers everyone! Have a great day!

    Edited once, last by dbasl86 (February 10, 2020 at 8:27 AM).

  • Hi, welcome and have fun here in the forum and with your Kemper. Thanks for sharing your story and thoughts. I like the humor in it very much :thumbup:8)

    And it seems like you're enjoying the machine already before it's there. Good thing. Indeed you do not need more to start than you described. Will work that way.

    Just two notes: Typically we guitar players enjoy sound in the room, depending on what you played before using only headphones might not give you the full experience. That's at least for me a topic. I somethimes use headphones but try to get the sound from speakers (whatever type) whenever I can.

    Second thing and just for awareness: Be careful with the tweaking you do when using the headphones. Fletcher/Munson effect might trick you and once you put it on real speakers and make loud it may sound not so good as you expect. That's a very common thing what people experience when they are new to the Kemper. Dial in your tones at gig level is the typical advice here :)

    So, welcome again and enjoy!

  • Excellent. Thank you for the reply deadman42 I will be sure to remember all this :)
    Judging from all the videos I've seen online and all I've read this amp is going to be amazing and I really look forward to dial in some awesome tones.
    I agree. I prefer sound-in-room over anything. And when my shirt starts waving I know I have the volume just right, lol.


  • Get on YouTube and watch the Kemper tutorials. Review them again after you've had the Kemper a little while. Learn parts of the Kemper in steps, it can be a lot to memorize at first and expect to take some weeks to get comfortable with it.

  • Get on YouTube and watch the Kemper tutorials. Review them again after you've had the Kemper a little while. Learn parts of the Kemper in steps, it can be a lot to memorize at first and expect to take some weeks to get comfortable with it.

    Good advice :) Thanks. I see Kemper has a lot of videos on YT, nice

  • Update #2:

    KPA and Remote arrived today.

    For the past 3 hours I've been playing and learning the knobs ect.

    I can not believe how good this thing is. I am still in shock, *laugh*. Manual is very well written, everything works 100%. I updated it right away, and I also got to experience my first crash (yes it crashed) I have read up that this doesn't occur too often so I'm not worried it will happen live or recording.

    I'm looking into buying the Tim Caswell modded Marshall for that AFD tone via Top Jimi. And I really hope I can find the famous Mesa Boogie Mark lll Purple Stripe and I'm ready for some serious 80s nights from dusk to dawn. My Les Paul Custom Shop BB is in the shop so all I could play through is my Dean Acoustic electric guitar, but I get the gist of what I can expect when I get back my LP

    I AM ONE HAPPY CUSTOMER! Changing presets and adjusting to taste is super-easy. I wish there was a way to record or loop a riff, like a looper effect but that is not biggie at all. (Somehow I get a feeling even that is possible with the Kemper but I have no idea how, yet)

    Thanks for all the help guys. This forum is up there with the standards of the Kemper... ...AKA: outstanding! Cheers

  • Great man, happy to hear all that. Have lots of fun with the machine :thumbup:8)

    Thanks for all the help guys. This forum is up there with the standards of the Kemper... ...AKA: outstanding! Cheers

    Yes, yes and again: Yes. Great forum here with such a bunch of nice and knowledgeable people around. That keeps me on that forum which is much better than the usual standards on the net.