Buggy Firmware

  • Ever since the Stage was released the firmware has been buggy, but what really stinks is that it's not just the Stage, my KPA Rack (which was rock solid until the Stage was released) has buggy firmware too. My last issue was that the Wah was on full by default, every time that I powered up my Stage and Rack the Wah was on by default (cocked wah sound) until I moved the pedal and then it started working like it should but the bad thing was that I don't always have a wah pedal hooked up so I would need to go in and disable the wah to make it stop. I ended up having to do a system reset to get it to stop.

    Now a few weeks later I find that the volume pedal is doing kind of the same thing, if I don't have a volume pedal hooked up then the KPA defaults to the minimum volume setting of the volume pedal, in other words, if I don't have a volume pedal plugged in as I scroll through the performance slots they will either be really quiet or no sound at all, so I need to plug a volume pedal in and cycle it to make the KPA work correctly.

    I don't have time to troubleshoot your firmware so I will be switching back to my AX8 until you get these bugs sorted out.

    Very frustrating to say the least...

    Edited 2 times, last by timowens (February 1, 2020 at 10:40 PM).

  • Ever since the Stage was released the firmware has been buggy, but what really stinks is that it's not just the Stage, my KPA Rack (which was rock solid until the Stage was released) has buggy firmware too. My last issue was that the Wah was on full by default, every time that I powered up my Stage and Rack the Wah was on by default (cocked wah sound) until I moved the pedal and then it started working like it should but the bad thing was that I don't always have a wah pedal hooked up so I would need to go in and disable the wah to make it stop. I ended up having to do a system reset to get it to stop.

    Now a few weeks later I find that the volume pedal is doing kind of the same thing, if I don't have a volume pedal hooked up then the KPA defaults to the minimum volume setting of the volume pedal, in other words, if I don't have a volume pedal plugged in as I scroll through the performance slots they will either be really quiet or no sound at all, so I need to plug a volume pedal in and cycle it to make the KPA work correctly.

    I don't have time to troubleshoot your firmware so I will be switching back to my AX8 until you get these bugs sorted out.

    Very frustrating to say the least...

    You reported a Wah Pedal issue on September 23rd, we suggested a reset and you confirmed it to be fixed on September 26th.

    I doubt there is a Volume Pedal issue like you describe it. Please provide evidence that the Volume bar on page "Pedal Links" rests at minimum while no expression pedal configured as volume pedal is connected.

  • You reported a Wah Pedal issue on September 23rd, we suggested a reset and you confirmed it to be fixed on September 26th.

    I doubt there is a Volume Pedal issue like you describe it. Please provide evidence that the Volume bar on page "Pedal Links" rests at minimum while no expression pedal configured as volume pedal is connected.

    Latest beta 7.1.17 Profiler HEAD

    I checked that.

    I have expression pedal connected as Pedal 3, but Mode is "Off". Volume bar (CC07) is the at maximum - is this what you're asking Burkhard ?

  • You reported a Wah Pedal issue on September 23rd, we suggested a reset and you confirmed it to be fixed on September 26th.

    I doubt there is a Volume Pedal issue like you describe it. Please provide evidence that the Volume bar on page "Pedal Links" rests at minimum while no expression pedal configured as volume pedal is connected.

    Seriously? You told me that the wah issue was impossible but I provided proof that it was happening. Now you want proof that the volume issue is happening? Why would I make this stuff up? I can’t imagine that I’m the only one to have this problem.

    Edited once, last by timowens (February 2, 2020 at 10:48 PM).

  • You are jumping to conclusions and spreading uncertainty and doubt. If this was caused by a software glitch related to volume pedal, the volume pedal controller would reflect it. Have you even verified that? I'm not suggesting you are making a volume issue up. But how do you know, your volume issue is caused by the volume pedal controller while no physical pedal is connected?

  • I'd rather investigate the cause of this issue;).

    Do you have a dedicated volume pedal or are you using your wah pedal to control volume while no wah effect is active ("WahPedal >Volume")? In case you do, be aware of the following scenario: Let's say you leave Slot 1 which doesn't have a wah effect and pedal is at heel, so the volume pedal controller rests at minimum reflecting the pedal position. Now you load Slot 2 which has an active wah effect. Now the pedal controls the wah effect and currently cannot adjust volume. So you practically load Slot 2 with minimum volume and have no access to adjust it as your pedal is occupied. The PROFILER has a kind of autocorrection for this situation raising the volume pedal controller to 25%, so that you hear at least something. This isn't a software glitch but intended behavior dealing with the natural limitations of sharing one physical pedal for wah and volume. Just one idea around this subject.

  • Thanks Burkhard,

    I use two separate pedals for volume and wah. I did take a photo of the volume pedal level when it happened, as you can see it had a value of 14 with no pedal plugged in. As I changed slots in the performance the volume sounded normal on some, low on others and then there was no volume at all on one of the slots. I do set the minimum level of the volume pedal so that it only cleans up the sound, like rolling the volume control back on the guitar, so I was assuming that is what was happening but I did not confirm it. As soon as I have time I'll try to duplicate the issue and make a video to show what's going on.

    Firmware Release: Nov 10 2019

    [Blocked Image: https://wecomcorp-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/g/personal/tim_wecominc_com/Eagiawu6h3FLkgTvM5t3QGwBWdnm6BZobD5leczoz5Q2SA?e=B09hbj]

  • Is the pedal you use to control volume an analog volume pedal or an expression pedal with Volume Pedal function assigned?

    How do you limit the minimum level of that pedal? With Pedal Range >-5 and <0 by Rig? And have you set and stored that in all Rigs involved or is Volume Pedal locked? If locked, is it locked in both Browser Mode and Performance Mode? You should limit the range with a pot in the expression pedal itself as this might sacrifice the resolution of that pedal.

    Is perhaps "WahPedal to Volume" activated? Perhaps both expression pedal are controlling Volume and are "interfering" each other.

    I cannot access the picture, but if the volume bar shows "14" and no pedal is plugged in, is any (open) cable plugged into any PEDAL-socket configured as Volume Pedal? Or has the cable been pulled while the PROFILER was up and running, this has created a "shortcut" and the PROFILER interpreted the electrical resistance as "14"?

  • Burkhard,

    I finally had some time to hook it back up and test it, I messed around with it for about 1 hour and I was not able to duplicate the problem. I tried to answer your questions below in bold blue. Do you see anything suspicious that might have caused the issue? Perhaps I have a setting incorrect? Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    Edited once, last by timowens (February 13, 2020 at 3:11 AM).

  • A few thoughts from my side:

    The Mission EP 1 is an expression pedal and not what I call an analog volume pedal. Such pedals have a pot optimized to control digital devices like the PROFILER.

    Yes, the functional assignments of most PEDAL sockets are at their default, except PEDAL 4, which is set to Morph Pedal by default. Please check, if all 6 sockets show "not plugged" in the menu, while nothing is plugged in. As soon as the PROFILER recognizes that nothing is plugged in, settings like Volume Pedal Range should not be relevant. I suggest you set the sockets you never use (1, 2, 5, 6) to "off".