DiMarzio Super Distortion.

  • I have a SD JB which is somewhat comparable output-wise, I guess, and I use it with both Clean Sense and Distortion Sense at '0'.

    Adjusting the pickups' height and angle - and the individually adjustable pole-pieces, to create a tonally and output-wise balanced instrument is much more important than to worry about these two parameters IMHO. And I doubt that settings are transferable, even if the same pickup is used.

    Unless all your clean sounds are too loud when compared to your distorted sounds, in which case, simply turn down Clean Sens - done.

  • I have been recording and touring with this pairing since 1985. I have set my clean sensitivity to -5 and that seems to be about right as far as loudness between clean and distorted sounds are concerned. Might have another look at that though. Only been in Kemper land since the Stage was first released and I have two Stage units.
    I thought these settings would have been more or less transferable as far as sens parameter and a specific pickup model is concerned. Height makes a difference of course but really is it that much where an average setting would not translate fairly well?

    Cheers for the input. ?

  • It's just that sometimes people think the Clean and Dist Sense parameters do more than they actually do.

    If you got your cleans and distortion sounds balanced - great.

    Unless you find that ALL distortion sounds are too hot or have too little drive, leave Dist Sense at '0'

    The Definition parameter in the AMPLIFIER section is perfect to make a Profile work even better with a specific pickup.

    You could for example take a look at your fav lead or rhythm sounds and make a mental note of the Definition setting - adjust other rigs to the same area.

    Amp Compression also in the AMPLIFIER section is great if you like to roll back your vol pot to get cleaner sounds - this parameter will make the driven and cleaner sounds more even volume-wise.

  • Commenting to stay on this thread but I also use a Super Distortion 3 in my strat. I think I have to reset my Clean and Dist Sens to 0 and mess with rig volumes. I think I went a little off tracks with those because at my last gig my cleans were too sharp and my gain channels were screaming at first. I also had to lower my gain and raise the master a bit to even that out and of course raise my noise gate before the amp.

  • I have some evo PUPs in my main guitar, I never touch the distortion sensitivity on my kemper as I enjoy the nuances and changes from guitar to guitar, and profile to profile. But clean sense, I have it in -2 on several amps, to get the degree of clean volume I want for when I roll the pot on my guitar, without having to use a compressor mid performance. Take it as a compressor without the sudden compactation of signal for the distortion part (tough I have notices some bumpiness when clear sense is turned up on overdriven or distorted profiles).

    The answer is 42

  • I have some evo PUPs in my main guitar, I never touch the distortion sensitivity on my kemper as I enjoy the nuances and changes from guitar to guitar, and profile to profile. But clean sense, I have it in -2 on several amps, to get the degree of clean volume I want for when I roll the pot on my guitar, without having to use a compressor mid performance. Take it as a compressor without the sudden compactation of signal for the distortion part (tough I have notices some bumpiness when clear sense is turned up on overdriven or distorted profiles).

    Clean sense does not change anything with your distorted sound. Not possible. It's just (and only!) for balancing the volume of your clean tone. Nothing more!

    When you clean tone is generally to loud compared to your distorted tone - turn it down. And vice versa.

  • I have 2 guitars with JBs in them, and I had to adjust my Clean sense down to -8 to not clip the KPA input anymore.

    I have JBs too and no clipping with clean sense at 0. Same with aggressive playing and a slight boost before the Kemper activated on top!

    Also with my SD Black Winter bridge pu, which has extremely high output, I have zero clipping on the Kemper input.

  • I have 2 guitars with JBs in them, and I had to adjust my Clean sense down to -8 to not clip the KPA input anymore.

    I have SD's from the '97 era in an Ace LP I also had to lower clean sense to -5 to keep the input led from turning red and the input A/D from clipping on my most aggressive playing.

    that's why I posted that I doubt the settings will be transferable even if the same pickup is used

  • I have 2 guitars with JBs in them, and I had to adjust my Clean sense down to -8 to not clip the KPA input anymore.

    are sure it was clipping and not just showing red in the input LED?

    I have JBs in one guitar and play with a very heavy right hand using Jazz iii picks. I can make the LED go beer red but not necessarily clip audibly.