• I have a Kemper and I love how Kemper owners here want this thing to fail solely based on some message board conversations and YouTube demos.

    Competition is a good thing, and if the Kemper truly is superior, time will tell and it will win out.

    This is why we can't have nice things because everyone has pick their product to own and defend their purchase. How about just enjoy what you have. Actually, I have an FM3 here to play with too and still have a QC preordered so for me whichever is best for my situation I'll keep, the rest get sold. It's pretty simple.

    I've wanted the QC to succeed and would've even demo'd one if it weren't for their stupid cloud requirement.

  • I don't want Kemper to fail.

    I don't want the QC to fail either.

    I hope there are 10 more just like um that spring up outta nowhere and cause competition between all to explode with a better idea for the guitar player.

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • Imagine thinking that pointing out flaws in a product equals a negative mindset or bad intentions ...

    All true, and now imagine looking in the mirror. ;) That's where we "all" are at one point or another here... I got defensive because everyone seemed to be degrading a product that hasn't been seen yet except on videos. You got defensive when I said the captures of the QC sounded better than the Kemper did to my ears, and no matter the reason "why", it did. So that knife cuts both ways...

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • Unless NDSP is different than every other company with a silicon valley start-up mentality and delusions about its centrality in the role of the lives of its customers, then a walled garden—which is always spun as a benefit to its members—is a data mining portal and proprietary tech protection system that also enables marketing streams and monetization on multiple levels. And however it’s been sold-in, it’s all created primarily for the benefit of the corporation itself.

    It’s an elegant solution from the standpoint of a paranoid corporation. Again, the CEO referencing Instagram several times as his model .. well, beyond delusional it also suggests that all the constant IP and privacy snafus endemic to that “elegant” platform are also an afterthought here. We all use it, but with the freedom to use it selectively.

    Sure, there’s potential convenience in using a cloud, but only as an option. There are simply too many professional scenarios where that system won’t fly, and shouldn’t have to. And there will obviously be instances of the creation of tones and captures that for whatever reason—probably because those sounds are integral to new copyrighted creative projects—that an artist will simply not want to have his work and workflow processed through the clearinghouse of a third-party cloud app that’s sucking timestamps and all sorts of other data from the file for an ever-growing portrait of the private practices of its user base.

    There are tons of absolutely amazing KPA profiles created by artists we all love in legendary studios that will never see the *public* light of day (other than on recordings and tours). The rig exchange is cool, and free rig manager profile packs are very cool, and commercial packs can be amazing. But there’s also something really great about a Kemper being able to exist on its own unique plane, filled with wholly original tones created by a musician who has purchased the device outright for his own use. Just like every other amp that any of us has ever owned.

    Hey at the moment this is something that can’t even be addressed on TGP without a surly pile-on from forum newbies, or an exasperated dismissal from the CEO himself, but it’s relevant. It has nothing to do with luddites versus futurists. The most vocal critics of the pitfalls of these types of closed systems are the very architects who invented them. Ultimately, you can’t fault a CEO for accepting the windfall financial benefits, even from the purchases of a mob of devotees, but that thread over there, and his association with it, will most definitely leave a lasting bad taste association to his products among levelheaded, brand-agnostic musicians who would otherwise be interested in his products.


    PS there’s rarely an upside to posting on guitar forums and so I usually go back and delete what I’ve written. Sorry. Again, ymmv.

  • All true, and now imagine looking in the mirror. ;) That's where we "all" are at one point or another here... I got defensive because everyone seemed to be degrading a product that hasn't been seen yet except on videos. You got defensive when I said the captures of the QC sounded better than the Kemper did to my ears, and no matter the reason "why", it did. So that knife cuts both ways...

    As far as I remember we discussed about the veracity of the promotional videos and whether the result was really trustworthy.

    I have no problem with QC sounding better and I know that I, myself, thought it sounded better in Bea's video so there's that.

    I also don't remember anyone saying that QC is garbage. I think everyone can agree that it is a cool piece of gear!

    But, it seems that some people can't take ANY criticism of their new toy. ANY critique must be squashed, there's no room for imperfection.

    ANY issue must be confronted with all kinds of cognitive dissonance inducing rationalization techniques.

    It's funny cause ALL modelers are marketed as the great next thing. EVERY release is surrounded by people defending and promoting it to death.

    I've seen this before. Try going to the Fractal's forum and make the slightest critique to any of their products. It seems to me that the Kemper community is much, much better in that regard.

  • Try going to the Fractal's forum and make the slightest critique to any of their products.

    Yep, it's everywhere...


    But, it seems that some people can't take ANY criticism of their new toy.

    Or old toy, for that matter. ;)

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

    Edited once, last by spikey (February 15, 2021 at 4:52 PM).

  • Man, everytime I open the forum I only get notifications that x users posted a comment on this post.

    I'm unfollowing the thread as of now and focus on the real things kemper related.

    This post gets way to much posts anyway, all the pro's and con's aside, this is still a kemper forum, thegearpage is all-round, so go over there and discuss please ...

    imho, it's getting rather painfull for kemper as even I start to feel sorry ...

    The fact that CK and the whole team let it happen is a major bonus to our community ... now it's time to move on ...

    Keep the cloud/captures discussions for TGP ...

    Let's focus on the product we all love with countless of free updates and still not being outdated for over all these years. If I would have had an axe-fx I'd be pissed to get an II, then II XL , then III for just a couple years.

    If CK comes with a new device i'd be interested in it of course , but simply couldn't justify the investment because put a lot of money in the powerrack and remote allready :)

    It will happen at some point, the new owners can be sure to be safe owning the flagship for 7 years ... while mine keeps on pushing amazing sounds !


    Kemper stage with 2 mission pedals (in a Thon line 6 FBV case) and a Zilla 212 (K-100/V30) , SD powerstage 700 poweramp

  • That is the case. The following is a quote from Doug Castro that someone posted on The Gear Page:

    "Captures and presets can only be shared through the cloud. We want to encourage people to sell presets and captures, but it'll have to got through us. The main reasons here is ensuring an amazing user experience (no unzipping files, connecting USB cables or copying files on a dongle), and also IP protection for the authors."

    I am holding off as well until I see his business model with this as well as updates. Plenty more to explore with the Kemper and more to come from CK and team.

    Will revisit and watch from the sidelines for now.

  • After revisiting the Neural Privacy Policy, and the data they say they will collect, I searched to see if any discussion of requiring an iLok account to use the QC Cloud had been made. Found no mention found of iLok relative to QC, which makes me want to know if it its a potential or not ......

    You gotta have the right guns when you enter the town of tone. And please, shoot ALL fanboys you come across!

  • Huge opinions online from an infomercial, that's right an infomercial...It slices, it dices, it's a no stick, super slick do all...

    I'll save my opinions until they release a product to the masses.

    Now where is that gothem steel pan? That's right it's in the trash because it didn't work as advertised.

  • We don't have to imagine it...many Kemper diehards are doing it right now in this thread.

    That's just how how perceive things. Doesn't mean it is true.

    Frankly, implying that people who are into gear might be jealous of your new toy, just because they don't agree with you, is even a little childish, no offense.

    Edited once, last by andreio23 (February 15, 2021 at 7:14 PM).

  • That's just how how perceive things. Doesn't mean it is true.

    I know what you mean. I perceived that I could see the "Other Gear" tab when not logged in, and I was wrong! ;)

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • Found no mention found of iLok relative to QC, which makes me want to know if it its a potential or not ......

    That QC dongle and the pestilence to follow are coming for us all!

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • Hmm ?!

    Log out, go back to the "Private Forum area" and see if the "Other Gear" tab is there. Then ask yourself why it isn't... Every other tab is viewable "logged out" BTW except this one.

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • Log out, go back to the "Private Forum area" and see if the "Other Gear" tab is there. Then ask yourself why it isn't... Every other tab is viewable "logged out" BTW except this one.

    ?! What? LOL

    Oh, I get it! It’s part of the big conspiracy to bring down this year’s rehash of the “kemper killer”. :))

    Last year it was Mooer, now it’s QC.

    Do you see any qc threads at Fractal’s?

    No! it’s an orchestrated effort by a Secret cabal of guitar gear manufacturers!!!!!

    Edited 4 times, last by andreio23 (February 15, 2021 at 7:47 PM).