• Yes but any company can make a game changing firmware at any time. You are right though, this is a very hyped device but the prospects look good based solely on the capture videos. Come March we'll see what the general public has to say but the CEO is already building new firmware based on forum requests.

    If that was the case then all modelers would have a profiler module by now implemented via a software update. Easier said than done.

    I would like to see QC succeed but from what I've seen until now I would say the hype is way too high for their own good and we'll have to see if they are able to bring the device up to expectations quick enough. Also the price is also quite high so it better be very, very good.

    It also looks like an iPad :P

  • So I spent a chunk of today making a video to try to demonstrate the issue I run into time and time again with the Profiler. Link is here:

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    Video will be live shortly.

  • How long did it take Kemper to release an editor and implement the ability to update the KPA via USB?

    Exactly but Kemper was a well established product by then. Top of the game. And the only such device. That's not the case with QC unfortunately and people have more options and less of an attention span nowadays. You don't like QC you buy the various Helix or Kemper or Fractal products. It wasn't like that in the first years of Kemper. The adoption was natural and, honestly, forced by a lack of alternatives.

    Ironically they also don't offer a desktop editor at this time.

    Edited once, last by andreio23 (February 7, 2021 at 9:23 PM).

  • So I spent a chunk of today making a video to try to demonstrate the issue I run into time and time again with the Profiler. Link is here:

    External Content youtu.be
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    Video will be live shortly.

    Wouldn't that be fixed by increasing definition to decrease some of the low mids?

  • Only after 20 minutes you finally mute the DI track before you compare the recorded tracks.

    Some of the comparisons before had both, recorded track and DI reamping active at the same time.

    Erm, sorry but no. When I solo a track, you're only hearing that track. You're not hearing the DI signal being sent to the Kemper whenever one of the three recorded tracks are solo'd.

  • Wouldn't that be fixed by increasing definition to decrease some of the low mids?

    Possibly I could get closer tuning those post-profile parameters in the amp block, I'm not going to say that they're not useful.

    But if QC doesn't require any of that and gets closer to the amp with less faff, then I think that could be a lot better.

  • Exactly but Kemper was a well established product by then. Top of the game. And the only such device. That's not the case with QC unfortunately and people have more options and less of an attention span nowadays. You don't like QC you buy the various Helix or Kemper or Fractal products. It wasn't like that in the first years of Kemper.

    The main reason customers stuck it out with Kemper is that it offered a great feature that no one else had, despite lacking features that the competition had. In the case of the QC, it purports to have a feature that only one other product has (ie. Kemper) and if said feature is shown to be more accurate in sound and feel on average, even to a marginal degree, than the Kemper, then customers will likewise stick it out, in my opinion.

  • Possibly I could get closer tuning those post-profile parameters in the amp block, I'm not going to say that they're not useful.

    But if QC doesn't require any of that and gets closer to the amp with less faff, then I think that could be a lot better.

    From the YT videos that I've seen it doesn't get that much closer. It still doesn't sound identical to the amp with the disadvantage that you don't have those parameters to control after the fact.

  • In other words NDSP are beta testing via YouTube. That in itself would be a concern for some.

    I get you are keen on this, but some things just don't add up.

    Im not really that keen. I already bought one and it will go back if needed. Already have a Fractal, helix and kemper. Some people own tons of guitars and amps. I like modelers. He's actually just listening to the demand of the public and responding directly. I think it simply shows his dedication to the product. Its isn't beta at all is it deals with feature requests. Idea, design, build, POC, alpha test, loop, beta test, loop

    Edited 2 times, last by dean701 (February 7, 2021 at 10:32 PM).

  • Erm, yes. At 11:09 you make the mistake and at 11:12 you can even hear the "doubled" sound.

    No that is 100% incorrect.

    The DI track is *only* routed to the Kemper. It's not routed to the main audio output. So you're not hearing that track at all at that moment. There is no signal coming back from the Kemper, because the Kemper return track is not armed.

    At 11:12 all you are hearing is the NOT refined profile recording.

    I know that the DI track looks "active" because there is signal showing on the meter. But just because you see something on the meters does not mean you are hearing it.

  • The main reason customers stuck it out with Kemper is that it offered a great feature that no one else had, despite lacking features that the competition had. In the case of the QC, it purports to have a feature that only one other product has (ie. Kemper) and if said feature is shown to be more accurate in sound and feel on average, even to a marginal degree, than the Kemper, then customers will likewise stick it out, in my opinion.

    I agree. But that is true only if everything else is on par with what Kemper offers otherwise it has the same problem - it already has a very well established competitor.

    Also, IMO, and this is only my intuition, I can't imagine QC replacing a Kemper rack or toaster for people who don't want to put a small 1500 euro device on the floor. I don't know maybe I'm wrong but I just get an MVP vibe from it.

  • Possibly I could get closer tuning those post-profile parameters in the amp block, I'm not going to say that they're not useful.

    But if QC doesn't require any of that and gets closer to the amp with less faff, then I think that could be a lot better.

    First thing is to lower the definition parameter if the profile is lacking depth in is to crunchy - it is a very good tool!

  • ... and now it’s delayed again? :D

    It is kind of funny that the only people playing these are social media «influencers», and yet it’s the hottest topic on multiple forums. That’s hype and marketing for ya, I guess.

    Wake me up when its available. Until then, meh. It’s not better than anything. It’s not available, that’s what it’s best at right now. :D

  • I agree. But that is true only if everything else is on par with what Kemper offers otherwise it has the same problem - it already has a very well established competitor.

    If the capture feature is shown to be more accurate than the Kemper, even to a marginal degree, then no, the QC won't need to match the Kemper feature for feature to be successful, partly because it'll have one major advantage; it can run multiple captures simultaneously. Further, it has features that most competitors already have that the Kemper doesn't.

    Also, IMO, and this is only my intuition, I can't imagine QC replacing a Kemper rack or toaster for people who don't want to put a small 1500 euro device on the floor. I don't know maybe I'm wrong but I just get an MVP vibe from it.

    We'll find out soon enough.

  • ... and now it’s delayed again? :D

    It is kind of funny that the only people playing these are social media «influencers», and yet it’s the hottest topic on multiple forums. That’s hype and marketing for ya, I guess.

    Wake me up when its available. Until then, meh. It’s not better than anything. It’s not available, that’s what it’s best at right now. :D

    Yes I'm pretty annoyed by that actually. Our other guitarist had pre-ordered one from the 1st batch. Still doesn't know when he will get one.

    I get it - Youtube is a huge marketing tool for companies, especially music tech companies, but a little more transparency about the hold up's from NDSP wouldn't go amiss.

  • So I spent a chunk of today making a video to try to demonstrate the issue I run into time and time again with the Profiler. Link is here:

    External Content youtu.be
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    Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.

    Video will be live shortly.

    thanks for posting Drew. Nice video and, yes I can hear differences. Perhaps subtle but definitely there.

    “How close can the Kemper get.....” “.....90%, 99%......?”

    In this particular example, and to my ears and persona tastes only; 125%. The Kemper significantly improved the tone to my ears. I was actually surprised at how uninspiring the Diezel was compared to the profiles. Of course that is just personal taste but I would actually be disappointed if the profile was closer to the real amp this time round.

  • Fractal offers much more in terms of modeling/effects quality/quantity than helix, stomp is a bang for the buck though. But thats like saying jcm900 not worth the money because dsl20 exists (not true).

    One thing that is very evident about Fractal (whether you like them or not), and that is the guy that makes it and knows most about it doesn't post most of the Axe-FX information on another website (Talking about the Line-6 folks here).

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user