• While we saw the interactive profiling and the amp parameters as a chance for achieving the best profiling results, it now seems to be a burden for those that have a different dedication.

    Maybe it's time to rethink our approach.

    instead of rethinking your approach, it may be helpful to users if you publish a Refining Guide, or general tips, or a video.

  • These vids are promotions.For kids.

    Sorry to be that rough.

    But as soon as this tool will appear we will learn about it.I cant take any of these promotions serious since it it obvious that some if these guys "hide shortcomings".Thus is my opinion.

    If it is good..we will see on the "battlefield"..of recording in serious studios and on stage with the big names touring it.If they do.

    Everything else is just hysterical bullshit..again sorry but I am a little fed up with this hilarious hype.

    Totally agree with this. And thats not to say the QC wont be as good or better than Kemper, just need to see a higher volume of demos from different people

  • Totally agree with this. And thats not to say the QC wont be as good or better than Kemper, just need to see a higher volume of demos from different people

    Maybe it is much better than the kemper or anything else..I just don't know!Not from these vids.

    But if I go like 40 pages back here in this same thread (when I was very positive about a new cool tool) I already said it very clearly...I don't expect to see a serious tool in 2021 (in a time with completely full automated midi events like musicals and orchestras do 60 seconds "high speed medleys" with 20 guitar involved themes from Mozart,ABBA,Metallica etc how much ever and it all has to sound as good as mr and mrs smith have to recognize them immediately) and this thing has till "volume drops" during preset changes.Ofcourse you can tell these musicians that 4 amps are enough in a scene..but they have to be careful with their cpu(reverbs/delay) and when it comes to "critical passages" needing more sounds they can still use their volume knobs..:S

    I understand that most guitar players dont need like 20 presets.Ok.

    But ..muchacho..at least dont forget to mention (this volume drop)it in your freakin' "review"..some folks are highly interested in such "details" and you compare your tool to another tool (it's in their title!!)which does all these stunts your tool can not since a decade..that's not cool..

  • That part of the profiling manual is for when you want to capture DA or Merged profiles, accurately separating the cabinet from pre- and power amp. Rabea was only trying to capture a Studio profile, so it didn’t apply.

    I take your point Sam but I’m not sure I fully agree. Even a studio profile made with a Torpedo and IR would still have the same issue as a Direct profile and added IR later. The issue is that while profiling the Amp is seeing a fixed load or a reactive load that emulates a specific speaker which may or may not be a similar impedance curve to the real speaker you would normally have attached to the amp. The difference may well be subtle but it is still a difference that affects profiles of all types.

    I think the fact that the manual mentions it under the Direct Profiles section more because they didn’t really expect people to bother making Studio Profiles with a loadbox and IRs instead of a real speaker and mic.

  • ,,,, , ,,,,,,,,??,,,,,,,?,,,,,,, z,, ,,? , ?, ,

    the cocked wah issue has been around a long time. Just Google it. There are many kemper forum threads on it dating back 8+ years and it is there.

    I would describe it as an eq difference that's all.

    It would be nice if the guitar wasn't part of the equation for the profiling. Some sort of loopback device you plug in would be better that doesn't take into account the guitar being used.

    Well, we are not Qanon here and we don’t want alternate facts.

    You are quite new to this forum, so let me give you some contradiction.

    I find it a very bold move or should I better say overreaching move, that a few posts after ckemper, who is the inventor of profiling after all, has clearly stated that despite all efforts of Kemper it was never possible to verify a "signature sound" or a "cocked wah sound", you answer with "Google it"?

    You can also google "Loch Ness Monster" and you'll find reports of Nessie's existence galore, but no proof.

    ckemper has also stated that with only a few tweaks and better refinement the lower mid heaviness of the Profiler with the Kranken Profile could have easily been tamed.

    Personally I conclude: at the moment too many guitar players which are influencers for a different brand and at the same time not very talented at profiling do A/B comparisons with a device that’s not even on the market yet. And they do it so that, unlike good profiling people whose interest it is to get the best and closest out of a profiling session, they leave the profile in a so-so state (maybe intentionally, maybe they can’t do it better) that leaves a lot to be desired.

    This leaves a very sour taste of preoccupation to me.

    And this also cast a bad light onto NDSP.
    If I were CEO there I'd have forbidden any comparative advertisement pre-sale when done so badly, because it is so uncool and un-classy. I'd have insisted to let the unit speak for itself. Instead we see all half-assed downplaying of the contender.

    How embarrassing! In NDSP's shoes I'd already feel a certain degree of external shame right now.

  • So are those old threads fake news as well? I have no part in this war but "cancelling" people for reaching out and looking for help is as bad as the competition putting the Kemper in a bad light.

    What proof do you need? If people hear this sound then people hear this sound. Pretty simple actually ...

    Also to be more specific. CK actually said they never got any complains about a negative signature sound. Not necessarily dismissing the idea that there is a signature sound.

    I have no intention of buying a QC but even I could hear the thing Rabea pointed out. Now, is this a "signature sound" or a bad profile? I don't know, but the fact that this has been reported for years means that there is truth to it. If it's the profiles maybe we could get some info on how to fix it. If it's a signature sound then it can be fixed. Win win

    Edited once, last by andreio23 (February 6, 2021 at 5:55 PM).

  • So are those old threads fake news as well? I have no part in this war but "cancelling" people for reaching out and looking for help is as bad as the competition putting the Kemper in a bad light.

    What proof do you need? If people hear this sound then people hear this sound. Pretty simple actually ...

    Well, I'm not "cancelling" anybody, I'm contradicting where I feel it's justified.
    No, the threads are not fake news, but as ckemper has stated before, despite all efforts from Kemper to work with people making such claims nothing ever came out of it. No proof. People will hear what they want to hear, and people will believe what they want to believe.

    Proof would be to discriminate a "Kemper signature sound" in a double blind test reliably, with a statistic significance.

    This hasn’t happened as far as I know.

  • No, the threads are not fake news, but as ckemper has stated before, despite all efforts from Kemper to work with people making such claims nothing ever came out of it. No proof.

    I added more to my post. It's easy to hear this effect in Rabea's video. If it affects a lot of profiles then it is something Kemper can fix or at least put out a guide on how to mitigate the problem.

  • I added more to my post. It's easy to hear this effect in Rabea's video. If it affects a lot of profiles then it is something Kemper can fix or at least put out a guide on how to mitigate the problem.

    Again, ckemper has stated that the way the profile was done is sub-par. I also edited my post above and added more content for clarification.

  • Ingolf is a very balanced person and has proven so a thousand times.

    He is absolutely right.

    Some folks here r repeat and repeat completely nonsense (such as "cocked wah" )in the hope this will become attached and a problem and is "well recognized.."

    Time to lock this thread.And to clean it up.


  • the proof is the multitude of cocked wah threads in this forum alone. It doesn't look like the fix is coming any time soon. However, I don't need for the profiles to be 100 percent accurate. They just need to sound great and some do.

    Again: no!

    Proof would be to discriminate a "Kemper signature sound" in a double blind test reliably, with a statistic significance.

    This hasn’t happened as far as I know.

  • I would put the onus on the vendor to work directly with anyone who has reported the issue historically. Like I said, this forum is full of threads of the same.

    Threads that vanished into oblivion because the claims could never be backed up.

    The thing is: the internet doesn’t forget (even the fake claims).
    Don't waste your time with it.

  • Well, I'm not "cancelling" anybody, I'm contradicting where I feel it's justified.
    No, the threads are not fake news, but as ckemper has stated before, despite all efforts from Kemper to work with people making such claims nothing ever came out of it. No proof. People will hear what they want to hear, and people will believe what they want to believe.

    Proof would be to discriminate a "Kemper signature sound" in a double blind test reliably, with a statistic significance.

    This hasn’t happened as far as I know.

    Brother, I am in the same boat,I have never heard that, and still, we have accounts of new people defending to death the supposed virtues of the QC, and promoting "defects" on the kemper profiling. Let them decide by themselves, let the unit hit the store. For me the fact that you cant edit anything after the capture, is enough to shy me away from the qc. Dont even bother into making them reasoning, a quick search in the forum would answer them, but lools like the point is to make noise.

    The answer is 42