Rig Manager 3 is available for testing ?

  • There are BIG sync problems? I made some profiles today. When I store the profiles from profiler mode there are bugs / sync problems. Suddenly the reference profile is "missing" in the editor for example. I have to close Rig Manager. When clicking on RM in Win10 it does not open and I have to try several times. Then the missing rigs are "back" again in Browser mode.

    Or when I try a cab in a direct profile: Later I activate a different rig, but the direct profile still shows the cab. When I activate that direct profile again, I hear only dircect profile but the cab still shows in the editor. On the profiler cab is off.

  • Another sync thing. Lock a cab and scroll through (direct amp) profiles and store / replace (with kemper button) with the new cab. The editor shows no new cab, the profiler does. So I have to close and open RM every time again? Or am I missing something?

  • Can somebody please advise what the most stable firmware version currently available is? I'm not interested in Rig Manager 3 or any other updates, just looking for a rock solid platform that won't crash when using live.

    Since the update came along that sorted effects into effects groups by type, I've had occasional crashes (not many, but too many for comfort). I'd never had a crash before this update so ideally I'd like to go back to a time when the platform was bullet proof...?

  • Sync not working, when using the profiler buttons and editor. For example I copy a cab to any profile. I don't store and move to another profile! But the editor now always shows the wrong cab, it doesn't go back to the original name. Of course in the profiler everything is o.k., but in the editor the wrong cabinet name is shown (also in the data field on the right). I have to restart the editor, then it shows a bar, that profiler is syncing rigs.

    Another example: When I merge a profile and then store it, the original direct amp profile is not visible anymore. So again restart Rig Manager to see it ... Or the original is "renamed" to the new one (but is still the same). Then I switch to another profile and the direct amp profile is back again, but the newll stored merged profile is not shown... restart...

    Edited 3 times, last by Ibot39 (February 16, 2020 at 1:15 PM).

  • “Sync not working, when using the profiler buttons and editor. For example I copy a cab to any profile. I don't store and move to another profile! But the editor now always shows the wrong cab, it doesn't go back to the original name. Of course in the profiler everything is o.k., but in the editor the wrong cabinet name is shown (also in the data field on the right). I have to restart the editor, then it shows a bar, that profiler is syncing rigs.

    Another example: When I merge a profile and then store it, the original direct amp profile is not visible anymore. So again restart Rig Manager to see it ... Or the original is "renamed" to the new one (but is still the same). Then I switch to another profile and the direct amp profile is back again, but the newll stored merged profile is not shown... restart...”

    I don’t think the sync is up and running yet. From what I understand they want to add that, or it’s not working as intended yet. So sometimes it needs a reboot to sync. It would be nice if they added a button, so we could resync anytime.
    I find that if I just unplug my USB cable from the computer and plug back in that it syncs. Not ideal by any means but for now it works. That or I just edit on the computer and that seems to work fine.

  • Not agree for a button to resync, it has to be sync all the time at any action !

    "La théorie, c'est quand on sait tout et que rien ne fonctionne. La pratique, c'est quand tout fonctionne et que personne ne sait pourquoi. Ici, nous avons réuni théorie et pratique : Rien ne fonctionne... et personne ne sait pourquoi !" - Albert E.

  • They also should change the workflow of saving rigs after editing! The whole "Duplicate" thing is to confusing. "Store as new rig" option would be much better.

    How many people now will store after editing and unintentionally overwrite the original profile. Maybe it's just me and I have to invest more time to understand how it works ?

  • Not agree for a button to resync, it has to be sync all the time at any action !

    that’s not what I am saying. It should always sync as you make edits on either Kemper or rig manager. But there should also be a way to force it should it not work, instead of rebooting or unplugging. Not a button on screen per se but in the drop down menus.

  • Sync not working, when using the profiler buttons and editor. For example I copy a cab to any profile. I don't store and move to another profile! But the editor now always shows the wrong cab, it doesn't go back to the original name. Of course in the profiler everything is o.k., but in the editor the wrong cabinet name is shown (also in the data field on the right).

    I cannot reproduce that, when I hold Cab and select "Load From Rig" it instantly is synced but when I go to another rig and go back it is reset. Same goes for if I hold Cab and press "Copy Cabinet" and then later paste it somewhere with the Profiler.

    How exactly do you "copy a cab to any profile"? And Performance Mode / Browse Mode? Windows / Mac? RM Version? Would be helpful if you could file a beta report with your findings. Especially old betas didn't sync the Cab/Amp names very well.

    Another sync thing. Lock a cab and scroll through (direct amp) profiles and store / replace (with kemper button) with the new cab. The editor shows no new cab, the profiler does. So I have to close and open RM every time again? Or am I missing something?

    That took a while to reproduce.. Yea, that's an issue, locking Cabinet on the editor and changing things on the Profiler. I'll write it to our beta report issues *hints* ;)

    "That's what I love about the Kemper: It's very simple, the sounds are awesome." (Jeff Loomis)

  • I cannot reproduce that, when I hold Cab and select "Load From Rig" it instantly is synced but when I go to another rig and go back it is reset. Same goes for if I hold Cab and press "Copy Cabinet" and then later paste it somewhere with the Profiler.

    How exactly do you "copy a cab to any profile"? And Performance Mode / Browse Mode? Windows / Mac? RM Version? Would be helpful if you could file a beta report with your findings. Especially old betas didn't sync the Cab/Amp names very well.

    Latest RM version, Win10, Browse Mode.

    Select a profile "A" with RM that is on the Profiler, using cab button on profiler to open cab settings of cab "A", push copy button on profiler, select another rig "B" with RM that is on the profiler too, push paste button to "replace" cab "B" with cab "A", then move to the next profile "C" in RM with right arrow key.

    The profile "B" shows cab "A", but I already moved on to the next profile without storing. Going back to profile "B" it still shows cab "A" in RM but cab "B" on the profiler. The sound is cab "B" too.

  • RM 3.0.99

    OS 7.1.19

    Performance mode

    Feels better to me than previous releases. Some issues remain:

    • Renaming slots in RM reflects on the KPA.......sometimes.
    • Using "Store in Profiler" often, if not always fails to actually do so. Navigating away and then back, even after saving to Profiler is pressed and grayed out reverts RM to old settings still reflected on the Profiler.
    • Drag & drop slots in RM isn't reflected on KPA.......except when it is.......or when it isn't.......or......
    • Drag & drop slots in RM leaves a 'hole' where the slot was. Navigating away and back clears it.
  • How the heck do you delete a performance?

    A performance stored in your Profiler, you cannot delete. You can only initialize it.

    A performance stored in your local library you can delete.

    Available options can be found by opening the context menu (right click on the performance in question) or by using the appropriate key command.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • A performance stored in your Profiler, you cannot delete. You can only initialize it.

    A performance stored in your local library you can delete.

    Available options can be found by opening the context menu (right click on the performance in question) or by using the appropriate key command.

    Can you please explain what "initialize performance" does ?