The Ultimate Headphones for Kemper Thread

  • Anyone tried the Kemper with the go-to noise cancelling headphones from Sony / Bose?

    I have been using Bose QC35 (wired) with the noise cancelling enabled and they sound fantastic. Enabling the noise canceling utilizes the built in amp in the headphones and also eliminates mostly all background noise. Using them wired also keeps the battery usage very low because there is no Bluetooth connection to maintain.

  • Beyerdynamic DT 770 for me (80 ohms) and I absolutely love them. I had a pair of Audio Technicas (ATH M50 X), but they were not working for me. Everything sounded muffled and I had to increase definition, treble and presence by a lot. They almost made me sell my Kemper. I talked about it with a quite well known commercial profiler, who told me that the AT's had a lot of low mids. He recommended the DT 770 and I don't regret a second having bought them.

  • AKG here, K240 (half open and my standard for fine editing work in the studio) and K271 (closed and my standard for recording with microphones in the room, e.g. acoustic guitars). Both okay with the Kemper but to my impression not overwhelming. But maybe that's just my rather average liking of working with headphones.

  • I recently impulse bought the HD600s but I didn’t realise I would also need an amp! On other forums I see people are recommending an amp to go with it and I accept that they will sound better with one but I’m interested to know if they are still worthwhile using with the Kemper without an additional headphone amp. Is the Kemper a good amp for them itself?


    Edited once, last by pedalo (April 18, 2020 at 6:31 PM).

  • I recently impulse bought the HD600s but I didn’t realise I would also need an amp! On other forums I see people are recommending an amp to go with it and I accept that they will sound better with one but I’m interested to know if they are still worthwhile using with the Kemper without an additional headphone amp. Is the Kemper a good amp for them itself?


    I have used it direct into Kemper, sounds great.

  • Just in case anyone wonder, DT 770 250 ohm version doesnt get too loud from the kemper, it needs a bit more Omph, but it is usable, it just doesnt sound its best.

    Other reference, I normally use K701, which is basically the same as k702, the sound wonderful and are driven almost properly, the sound is really similar to my studio monitors, the there is that.

    I bet DT 770, 80 ohm version are a great pair for the kemper, I just preffer more balanced phones, and the 80 ohms emphasize the bass a bit more and have more recessed mids.

    The answer is 42

  • Hey guys! ....Question, I just got a pair of the new Jabra Elite 75T Bluetooth ear buds (for computer and phone work) and was thinking about using these for playing instead of headphones that you have to plug-in. Currently my Kemper plugs into my Focusrite so I use that headphone jack. Is it possible to use (like the new BlackStar) Bluetooth transmitter to link to my wireless ear buds?



  • Is it possible to use ... Bluetooth transmitter to link to my wireless ear buds?

    The latency will be the main issue. Bluetooth in general introduces a lot of latency which doesn't matter when you listen to pre-recorded music. But when you monitor your own playing of an instrument (or singing) through high latency devices, it will be very noticeable and most certainly throw you off.

  • I have been using the BD HD770 pro 250 Ohm for more than 4 years now. I use this with a Beyer Dynamic A20 headphone Amp.

    it sounds perfect to me.

    Music from my computer goes through a Cambridge Audio DAC Magic Plus Digital Audio converter into a mixing console where i mix the Kemper outs and the music to the A20.

    For me this is the best solution to rehearse at home. Sadly that's all I can do for the moment as we still can not tour in Europe duo to the Covid-19 situation.

  • HD600's for me as well. Work great, no need for a headphone amp.

    Are the Sennheiser HD600s really loud enough just using the built in headphone amp? They are at 300 ohms, and people in this thread swear by them. But then I see people on 250 ohm DT 770s saying they don’t really get all the juice they want out of the Kemper and I think to myself “250 is 50 less than 300”. I don’t want anything crazy loud. If anything I’m pretty sensitive when it comes to headphone volume. But I don’t want to find myself lacking a db or two when I max out the Kemper, and I’m in the market for some reference headphones.

  • Are the Sennheiser HD600s really loud enough just using the built in headphone amp? They are at 300 ohms, and people in this thread swear by them. But then I see people on 250 ohm DT 770s saying they don’t really get all the juice they want out of the Kemper and I think to myself “250 is 50 less than 300”. I don’t want anything crazy loud. If anything I’m pretty sensitive when it comes to headphone volume. But I don’t want to find myself lacking a db or two when I max out the Kemper, and I’m in the market for some reference headphones.

    Not everything is the impedance.

    I have the HD600 and they are loud enough. I also tested all the DT770 models and ended going with the 80 Ohm model.

    I prefer the HD600 but it is nice to have closed headphone and the DT770 is good for the price.