Slots Before Amp Question?

  • I was getting ready to get a Kemper last week, but, now has to wait a bit, thanks to some money-hungry dentists, so, I thought I should ask this question that's been plaguing me.

    I have been looking at what people consider necessary when running FX to get a good guitar sound because I am finally going to have some semi-professional gear and one person suggested that a compressor is essential and then from that to get a metal riffing sound I need a noise gate to stop the hiss, a drive pedal (with no gain) to slam the amp with drive and level controls up, and an EQ with a slight mid increase (using a7 band EQ pedal in Bias), and a boost when it comes to soloing.

    So, that is five things before the amp:

    1. Compressor - even out sound

    2. Noise Gate - stop hiss

    3. Drive pedal - slam the amp for balls to wall gain

    4. EQ - put back some mids

    5. Boost - solo time

    Now we only have four things available on the Kemper Stage before the amp, so, which stage is the one I can miss out using the Kemper? I would assume the EQ would be the one to go by finding a better fit profile and using the EQ on the profile to adjust it a tad, but, I just need a little advice. With Bias you can keep on throwing whatever you want at it and the computer is fast enough to take it. However I do not want to use a computer live for a gig. Big no no and I want an amp sound that sounds as good as some of the YouTube vids I have seen, my goodness the Kemper sounds great.

    After the amp block: reverb and delay are all I use. I do throw on a Phaser sometimes for that EVH sound.

    And can someone please point me to a thread on the Kemper Editor? I would like to know what is currently happening on that front and whether there is a beta available?

    Thankyou and Regards,


  • This suggestion assumes that you will be getting either the Kemper Stage or a regular Kemper with the foot controller. If you are looking for a little more volume for a solo boost (instead of a bit more gain) you could use the morphing feature which I think would actually work better and that would free up a stomp slot. Basically, you have your profile setup and then you press and hold the profile selector button on the remote briefly. The two green LEDS above the footswitch toggle. Now you are accessing a copy of the same profile but you can alter it and those changes will be saved when you store the profile. On that copy you just turn up the rig volume a little and store it. Press the switch again and the LEDS toggle again and you revert to the original settings. You get the same tone, just a little louder. I believe this will work in either browser or performance modes. I'm not keen on using the global noise gate at the input for everything. I like to have a stomp set to a noise gate that I can alter from one profile to the next as needed or leave it off if not needed.

  • I'm not keen on using the global noise gate at the input for everything. I like to have a stomp set to a noise gate that I can alter from one profile to the next as needed or leave it off if not needed.

    the noise gate in the input section is only global when you lock it. Once the input section is unlocked you can have different values of the Noise gate in every rig.

  • If you are using a high gain sound you don’t need a compressor to even out the sound as the clipping in the gain stages compressed anyway. For clean sounds you may want a compress but you would save that as a separate Rig which probably wouldn’t need a noise gate.

    D'oh of course. That makes complete sense now. Like I can have up to 5 slots via performance - FIVE - so I don't need just one slot to do everything like I am used to. I am liking the idea of the Kemper more and more.

  • I am liking the idea of the Kemper more and more.

    The overall concept and the options of the Kemper are super, super clever... so inspiring. And you will easily find solutions for the topics you mention above. Probably a bit unfortunate to just do this thinking now only in theory. Once you work with the Kemper you will quickly see how easy these things go.

    So, fingers crossed that you get well soon and that money comes in for the Kemper...

  • the noise gate in the input section is only global when you lock it. Once the input section is unlocked you can have different values of the Noise gate in every rig.

    And this is its very weak point IMO: if I lock the Input so that CS and DS are preserved for my guitar(s), then I have to use a fixed value of the NG - which makes little sense IME, since the main source of noise is a distorted amp and not my guitar.
    It would be great if there was a flag allowing the user to include or not NG in the locking of the Input section, in order to save an effect slot.

    Would you forward this request to devs?
    Thanks in advance!

    Still chasing a worthy one :/