Kemper Stage does not boot after updating one hour ago!

  • Received my Stage yesterday and everything was fine, it worked as expected.

    I connected it to my PC this morning and I started the firmware update as the Rig Manager suggested. After a while the unit froze and nothing happened for a very long time. It just remained frozen. Now the unit is dead, nothing starts any more, no lights, nothing.

    What´s wrong??


    After 2 hours of leaving it alone, now the unit started normal. What the hell was that? Everything was properly connected! I hope this will not occur at a gig.

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

  • please open a support ticket so we can find out what caused the lag. Can you confirm that you are now running the latest version ending with 14827?

    Yes, the FW version in the system menu now says "Initial Release (Jul 15th, 2019).

    The unit seems to work fine now, I have restarted and tested it a few times and it reacts as expected. But I found out that the power connector that came in the package does not fit really tight into the jack of the unit and can be moved easily into every direction which to my layman´s eyes could be a problem to a consistent and reliable supply. Is this connection how it is supposed to be? Now that I am thinking about it I could not swear that the power cable connections in the unit was not the cause of the issue though I also could swear I triple checked everything, including the power connections...


    Yes, the connector seems to be a problem: It looses power connection quite easily when you move the cable to the left or right. This could be a bigger thing on stages. Is this only my unit or is the connection loose on every unit?


    Here you go, the cable that came along with the unit is the problem: It does not fit properly into the jack - it stops somewhere half way and looses connection either by itself or by tiniest movements. How could I know that was not intended? I tried the cable from my other Kempers and - boom, it fits all the way in (yeah, I know...that´s what she said).

    You owe me a cable Kemper ;););).

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

    Edited 4 times, last by Alienator (July 30, 2019 at 10:20 AM).

  • Alienator

    We use the same cable and socket for all Profilers. The cables we use are just standard cables we buy in bulk. I don't think there's a general issue but maybe you just got unlucky. In general those power cables sit pretty tight, after a while they sit less tight and it might be a little bit more convenience to push it in. So my assumption is that you don't push the cable right in and that's why it is loose. Give it a try and let us know.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • I had the same issue with my power cable provided with the Kemper Stage. It wouldn't go in all the way without requiring a ton of force, which I didn't want to put on the unit. Like, bent socket levels of force. So I just used a different power cable and it was fine.

  • I had the same issue with my power cable provided with the Kemper Stage. It wouldn't go in all the way without requiring a ton of force, which I didn't want to put on the unit. Like, bent socket levels of force. So I just used a different power cable and it was fine.

    notice too the same problem of the bad connection,

    change 3 cables, no problem solved

  • Why are users updating to the new beta with their Stage units? The download page says clearly NOT to upgrade for the Stage. Is it just because Rig manager is saying to? I am expecting a Stage next week, and wish to know.

    oups, sorry, but I did not update anything in my case

  • I VE BOUGHT MY STAGE A FEW WEEKS AGO..It was working well till last day..My stage screen froze at the end of the boot..Then I unplug my poor socket then applied it again..Then turn the power on still it was not working..I read some support from the net for this situation..they recommend pressiing rig button or system button or two of the page buttons with the tuner button together at the same time together while booting..So I tried these all one by one then it opens ..But in every opening procedure booting was not successful without using these extra procedures and stage does not work well as always..The last thing I tried was that;I used a USB stick and put the. last firmware in update folder in it then I push the two of page buttons and tuner together then it works..So the problem was solved for me for one day..Now I came home then I turned my stage on and it was the same issue..Still frozen..Now I'm vet unhappy for buying this unit..This is full of problems I think..Bt I ve been using my old Kemper rack from 2013 without any problems.This was a shock for me for buying this sucking product..

  • I can't understand what you mean??..What didi you do when you had this kind of thing?..How could you solve this problem?.Did you get any support from Kemper?..or what else?..

  • Had the same issue with a one week old Kemper Stage going along with a failure of effects button III. Got in contact with the very friendly and helpful Kemper support. It's supposed to be a hardware failure. Had to send the unit back. Now I'm waiting for the replacement. Hope the next unit will be okay as this is rather annoying.

    I recommend getting in contact with the Kemper support. They'll tell you what to do.