OS7 Public Beta Discussion

  • Just turned on the Kemper after saving and creating two new performances last night - and it's duplicated one over the top of the other. It did it yesterday as well.

    This release seems to be full of issues - never had these issues on 6.0.0. Incredibly frustrating.

    EDIT: I left the Kemper alone for 5 minutes - came back, and the performance slot had changed back to what I'd originally saved it as....! It showed both slots originally as the same names, same profiles etc. (slots 18 & 19). Went away, came back, and slot 19 had changed to the original saved performance from last night.... very very weird.

    that isn’t good...are you saying things are changing on their own while switched on or when you turn off and back on?

  • I don't understand what you mean there.

    I am using Internal source for clock sync, tested both 6i6 and 18i8 now; with, 96KHz, 128 samples, works fine.

    The Kemper must be the source of the clock, it's a hardware limitation that will never disappear AFAIK.
    If on the 6i6 you are setting the clock sync as "internal" (NOT spdif), you will have clicks. If you don't hear them, either you are not paying attention enough or the music you are playing is covering the clicks, or your monitor system cover them, but they are there .

  • that isn’t good...are you saying things are changing on their own while switched on or when you turn off and back on?


    I know it sounds ridiculous - but it's the honest truth.

    Saved slots 18 and 19 last night, called 'NO ONE KNOWS' and 'AUDITION', respectively. Flicked between the two to practice, all was fine. Turned the Kemper off.

    Started the Kemper this morning, and slots 18 & 19 were both called 'NO ONE KNOWS', with the exact same rigs, sounds etc. FLicked between them several times as I couldn't believe it and - quite frankly - I was super p*ssed off.

    Went away for about 5 - 10 minutes, came back, and slot 19 was now called 'AUDITION' again....!

  • Yep.

    I know it sounds ridiculous - but it's the honest truth.

    Saved slots 18 and 19 last night, called 'NO ONE KNOWS' and 'AUDITION', respectively. Flicked between the two to practice, all was fine. Turned the Kemper off.

    Started the Kemper this morning, and slots 18 & 19 were both called 'NO ONE KNOWS', with the exact same rigs, sounds etc. FLicked between them several times as I couldn't believe it and - quite frankly - I was super p*ssed off.

    Went away for about 5 - 10 minutes, came back, and slot 19 was now called 'AUDITION' again....!

  • Yep.

    I know it sounds ridiculous - but it's the honest truth.

    Saved slots 18 and 19 last night, called 'NO ONE KNOWS' and 'AUDITION', respectively. Flicked between the two to practice, all was fine. Turned the Kemper off.

    Started the Kemper this morning, and slots 18 & 19 were both called 'NO ONE KNOWS', with the exact same rigs, sounds etc. FLicked between them several times as I couldn't believe it and - quite frankly - I was super p*ssed off.

    Went away for about 5 - 10 minutes, came back, and slot 19 was now called 'AUDITION' again....!

    This is a fixed bug. Please update to 7.1.2 to receive the fix for this.

  • Running latest OS for Windows. Updated last time, a few days ago. Was hoping it would fix the issue I had come up from the update prior. My favorites folder view isn't working. Either the Kemper thinks every rig is a favorite or none of them are. Seem to think it either made every preset a favorite, as if none were, going to that setting would show nothing. Anyone have a fix? If not, how do I go backwards with OS updates?

  • this text below is what i found some month ago on the Forum which makes it clear

    what you can do with spdif, think it was posted by Kemper support

    " the head/rack/stage all automatically lock to the supplied sample-frequency applied to it's IN. So if you only want to use S/PDIF in 1 direction only, the head/rack will 'slave' correctly, but this is not what is commonly known as slave mode.

    unfortunately the head/rack cannot slave it's OUT-clock to it's IN-clock due to a hardware issue in the used chip : so it's not possible to do a S/PDIF 'loop' : PC -> KPA -> PC (which would be needed for digital re-amping, and which is commonly called 'slave mode') "

    This is what I'm experiencing, and am able to use Internal sync with S/PDIF.

    Kemper Powerhead w/remote & Kabinet
    Focusrite 18i8 (2nd Gen) - Windows 10 - Ableton Live - Yamaha HS-8's - DT770 80 ohms

  • JSB the point isn’t whether or not you are able to do it just now. If you say that you have it working without any clicks and pops I have no reason to doubt you. However, the technical spec (according to CK himself) is not capable of doing this robustly due to hardware limitations. With most things in life it is possible for unlikely and unexpected event to occur by chance on occasion. However, that doesn’t mean the can be recreated at will or be expected to last. You may be experiencing a fluke period where everything is working beyond its apparent limitations but I wouldn’t take that as evidence that it will continue to do so indefinitely. I would enjoy it while it lasts but don’t be disappointed when it eventually stops either.

  • JSB the point isn’t whether or not you are able to do it just now. If you say that you have it working without any clicks and pops I have no reason to doubt you. However, the technical spec (according to CK himself) is not capable of doing this robustly due to hardware limitations. With most things in life it is possible for unlikely and unexpected event to occur by chance on occasion. However, that doesn’t mean the can be recreated at will or be expected to last. You may be experiencing a fluke period where everything is working beyond its apparent limitations but I wouldn’t take that as evidence that it will continue to do so indefinitely. I would enjoy it while it lasts but don’t be disappointed when it eventually stops either.

    Allow me to clear up the confusion, Alan:

    Throughout this discussion, we've assumed JSB and Kempermaniac had both their S/PDIF inputs and outputs connected to their interfaces, probably because they didn't indicate otherwise in all those posts:

    I am using Internal source for clock sync, tested both 6i6 and 18i8 now; with, 96KHz, 128 samples, works fine.

    I can play my Kemper head through S/PDIF with internal clocking of the interface too.

    I remember being told that Head and Rack would never be S/PDIF Slave, but I really only wanted not to have to change the Sync Clock source on my AI - which I'm no longer doing. I no longer have to set my AI at External or S/PDIF. But will it last?

    Except I didn't have any clicks, at 96Khz, 128 samples. If you haven't tried it, give it a shot.

    I updated to 7.1.2 release, and am still able to run Internal clock sync for S/PDIF, cleanly. I would've thought people would be happy about this.

    Finally, in post #558, he clarifies by confirming that it's set up as described by digbob earlier.

    This is what I'm experiencing, and am able to use Internal sync with S/PDIF.

    JSB and Kempermaniac appear to only be using the S/PDIF inputs on their KPAs. If they'd connected their outputs at the same time and attempted to listen without setting their IF clocks to external (Kemper in this case), it'd be a different story.

  • Thanks MM! I wasn't trying to belabor the point, that I have some special KPA or interface, just that the Internal interface clock sync seems to be working with 7.1.2 (release works for me too).

    I do only have the output S/PDIF cable connected to my KPA .

    And yes, this wouldn't be the first time that the Internal sync worked, and was then broken later in updates. I'm enjoying it for the moment.

    Kemper Powerhead w/remote & Kabinet
    Focusrite 18i8 (2nd Gen) - Windows 10 - Ableton Live - Yamaha HS-8's - DT770 80 ohms

  • On my side in and out are both connected all the time. But atm I only use Kemper Out to Interface In (for monitoring via my studio speakers).

    You mean analogue out from the Kemper, Stephan?

    If it's the S/PDIF out from the KPA to the AI, the AI will have to be set as the slave (external clock) and the Kemper to master (internal clock). In this case, you'll be able to listen to both the KPA's S/PDIF in and out without issues.

    When the AI's clock is set to internal, there's no way IMHO that your S/PDIF out from the Kemper won't be clicking and popping, except on rare, "lucky" occasions, which is why I asked if you meant one of the analogue outs.