OS7 Public Beta Discussion

  • I updated to RM 2.3.1 (Win 10 64 bit) and OS 7.0 earlier today.

    It took me several tries before it was all complete.

    1 - Upgraded RM without having the KPA connected to my PC.

    My recommendation is first to let RM synchronize new rigs in Rig Exchange. I did not, and starting the suggested RM update while RM was synchronizing with Rig Exchange soon ended in an error in the installation and the RM freezing. If you have your RM running all the time I guess this is a quick process. But if there are a couple of hundred rigs to synchronize it takes several minutes.

    I had to reboot my PC to be able to start RM, still the previous version.

    Second time RM suggested the upgrade to RM 2.3.1 I cancelled the suggestion and waited for RM to download all new rigs from Rig Exchange.

    Then I let RM check for updates (Beta versions included).

    The update to RM 2.3.1 was found immediately and I installed it without any problems.

    2 - Connecting and starting the KPA

    This is where some more problems occurred. I don’t know which is the best order to connect and start application and devices.

    My first attempt was having RM 2.3.1 still running, connecting the KPA with USB and then starting the KPA. The screen of the KPA showed a message that OS 7 was needed, at the same time RM suggested to update the KPA. I started the installation but it aborted before running complete.

    I tried to restart the RM with a failure. I restarted the KPA with more failures.

    Finally I shut down both PC and KPA, started the KPA and waited for it start properly (still showing OS 6.0). Then I started the PC with the KPA on and connected via USB, hoping for Win to find the external device (KPA) during startup.

    I started RM and immediately got the suggestion to update the KPA. I cancelled the suggestion to check that there was no synchronization running between RM and Rig Exchange.

    Then I had RM to check for updates, and the OS 7.0 update was suggested.

    This time installing worked the whole process through. It took longer time than normal updates, there was a lot of messages displayed at the KPA screen and some automatic reboots.

    Finally it works :)

    For me it was trial and (many) errors, probably caused by me not knowing the best/correct order to connect and start the different devices/applications.

    Similar problems has occured with previous updates, so this was not a first.

    I wish Kemper had some kind of documented “best practice/proven order” in which order to connect/start different devices/applications and a suggested workflow to avoid unnecessary problems/errors.

    Maybe different workflows for PC and MAC, depending on different system related issues.

    I have checked the new editing of stomps/FX on the KPA screen and it works nice as described. Thank you Kemper for this much better and easier way to overview and edit.

    I found and tested the possibility to swap the up&down functionality on the remote. It works as suggested. Now I just have to decide in what way I will have the switches working.

    Some user parameters seems to have changed when updating and may have to be reset to user values. I found that the time for morphing, using the foot switches, had changed from my previous shorter values.

    There also was something strange when editing the Rig volume for a Performance preset having the RM still connected, either nothing happened or there were big jumps in volume.

    I didn’t have the time to investigate this further, having to prepare for rehearsal tomorrow. Instead I disconnected the KPA from my PC, restarted the KPA (not connected to the PC) and it seems to work as it should.

    Looking forward to upcoming improvments with the editor and acoustic simulations. And more... :)


    Gibson Les Paul Std Brimstone, Fender American Elite Stratocaster, Gibson Blueshawk, Yamaha APX5, Epiphone 335 Dot
    Kemper Head & Remote, RedSound powered cab, Line6 Relay G10, TC Helicon VoiceLive 3

  • One thing I noticed so far. The Softknobs (normaly Bass Middle Treble and Presence) does in this beta not work as in the video from the Namm Show described. youtu.be/ZeTdOdvwqqo?t=301. Hope this will be implemented in the official release.

    Now I understand where some of the confusion comes from. I'd missed or forgotten that the NAMM demo employed the lower row and not Type/Browse.

    The lower row does seem more intuitive and it's clearly possible. It did take me a minute to cycle between category and type with the soft button.

  • I agree with Ruefus and others, using the soft knobs under the screen (as showed in the image) would be a more intuitive and faster way to scroll the three columns. Hope for it to come in a future update.

    On the other hand, the lower soft knobs already has a given function each to edit the parameters for the active effect.

    Maybe the navigation cross would be a better way as suggested by Wheresthedug


    Gibson Les Paul Std Brimstone, Fender American Elite Stratocaster, Gibson Blueshawk, Yamaha APX5, Epiphone 335 Dot
    Kemper Head & Remote, RedSound powered cab, Line6 Relay G10, TC Helicon VoiceLive 3

    Edited once, last by KriGro (July 26, 2019 at 3:54 PM).

  • I also noticed the tuner showing the actual value of +/- cents.

    But why so small? It’s more or less impossible to read on the remote when standing up.

    Please make the characters much larger - there seems to be available space on the screen.


    Gibson Les Paul Std Brimstone, Fender American Elite Stratocaster, Gibson Blueshawk, Yamaha APX5, Epiphone 335 Dot
    Kemper Head & Remote, RedSound powered cab, Line6 Relay G10, TC Helicon VoiceLive 3

  • On the other hand, the lower soft knobs already has a given function each to edit the parameters for the active effect.

    Maybe the navigation cross would be a better way as suggested by Wheresthedug

    I believe this is exactly why they decided to re-assign the Type and Browse buttons instead.

    Otherwise, the soft knobs would have to instantly change to editing functions once effect is loaded.

    This may not be possible.

  • Updated last night after reading this post.

    1. RM update to latest version. Closed RM and then re-opened RM.

    2. RM offered the update to the profiler for OS7. Took a while but everything went well. Windows 10 64bit.

    I wondered why Burkhard hasn't updated the the Kemper Announcements section yet on this release.

  • Just updated to 7.0 and RM 2.3.1 (Mac OS Mojave 10.14.5), RM first then kaos via USB. No problems at all.


    How is this any different from what I had before? Sorry, maybe a dumb question, but everything seems about the same. RM now shows Presets, but when I select one nothing happens. Is this the way things are right now? More functionality coming with the editor?

    Could someone maybe post a demo clip showing exactly what's new, how it works, why I should use the new OS?

  • Just updated to 7.0 and RM 2.3.1 (Mac OS Mojave 10.14.5), RM first then kaos via USB. No problems at all.


    How is this any different from what I had before? Sorry, maybe a dumb question, but everything seems about the same. RM now shows Presets, but when I select one nothing happens. Is this the way things are right now? More functionality coming with the editor?

    Could someone maybe post a demo clip showing exactly what's new, how it works, why I should use the new OS?

    You can load presets onto the Kemper the same way you would Rigs or Performances.

    Since this is RM 2.3 and not 3.0 it's an interim step to accommodate OS7.0.

    Select a stomp or effects slot and then turn the Type knob.

  • Just updated to 7.0 and RM 2.3.1 (Mac OS Mojave 10.14.5), RM first then kaos via USB. No problems at all.


    How is this any different from what I had before? Sorry, maybe a dumb question, but everything seems about the same. RM now shows Presets, but when I select one nothing happens. Is this the way things are right now? More functionality coming with the editor?

    Could someone maybe post a demo clip showing exactly what's new, how it works, why I should use the new OS?

    RM 3.0 will be the one that includes the editor. This RM update was just in preparation for 3.0. You can't do anything with the presets yet.

  • Installing OS7 for me hung at the end with the message Importing Midi Tables. However after a power cycle it boots fine. However Rig Manager then indicated to me that I had corrupt rigs and should reboot holding the rig button. After doing this all UI has become inverted so what should be black is now white and vice versa.

    Rolling back to OS6 resolves the inverted UI but then installing the beta OS7 again inverts the UI.

  • OS7? Where? It says main manual 7.0 and it's all I can download.

    For Pete's sake, people, read a few of the posts in this thread, before asking the same question that has been asked and answered, multiple times. OS7 is a BETA release. You have to actually do a few steps on the Kemper main website.

    Do this:

    Kemper-amps.com ==>Support===>Downloads===> Toggle Filter CATEGORY to "Operating System Beta Versions", and you will see the following available for download:

    PROFILER Operating System 7.0.0 Public Beta for Head, PowerHead, Rack, and PowerRack

    You should also note the listed caveats:

    *This revision cannot be used for PROFILER Stage!

    **KEMPER Rig Manager™ 2.3.1 is required to communicate with this PROFILER™ operating system.

    Edited once, last by Tritium (July 28, 2019 at 12:22 PM).

  • Now I understand where some of the confusion comes from. I'd missed or forgotten that the NAMM demo employed the lower row and not Type/Browse.

    The lower row does seem more intuitive and it's clearly possible. It did take me a minute to cycle between category and type with the soft button.

    Yesterday I wrote to the Kemper support. Burkhard explained

    that they had taken the function out first,

    because it has been found in tests that after loading often slightly unintentionally adjusted the parameters.

    My suggestion. The function is initially switched off.

    They define a button that turns on the function for the knobs so you have to switch them on consciously.

    Kemper Head - Kemper Remote - Palmer Box with Kemper Kone - TC Electronic BAM200 - Laney LFR 112

  • I wonder why it cannot be used for the Stage... it should mean the stage is on a different OS version but why?

    Could it be that the stage uses different hardware that requires some differences in the OS?

    As far as we know, the core hardware architecture is identical to the head and rack.

    However, it is possible that the OS is slightly different between the Stage, and the Head/Rack, to take into account for certain UI differences unique to the Stage. One of the more obvious examples, is the power on/off modes (Chicken head knob) for the rack and head is different then on the power on/off methodology for the Stage -- the OS has to be tweaked for these two different methods. The same goes for the operation of the global "Stomps", "Stack", and "Effects" buttons on the rack and head, which is absent on the Stage. Similarly, the Rig Volume, as well as the "Undo"/"Redo" buttons.

