two note torpedo Kemper

  • It’s unnecessary in my opinion. I ised to ise my Two Notes Torpedo Reload as an attenuator or full load box at home to tame my Mesa’s but the KPA does all of that automatically as the profiles capture the amp at its volume sweet spot but reproduce it at authentically at any level.

    That still leaves the possibility that the Two Notes IRs are better than the Kemper Cabs. The outcomes could be different but I don’t think they are “better”.

  • in my personal opinion:

    as a long time IR user (remember Sonic Foundry's Acoustic Mirror?) going through pretty much all the IR sellers out there and spending a lot of time to create blends of multiple IRs that sound right to me and sit nicely in a mix - to me, nothings beats a Profile of carefully set up amp/cab/mic(s).

    I'll take the vision and skill of one individual over the 'potential' of IRs any day.
    In a Profile, the creator sets up everything, so the amp, cab, chosen speaker and mic make musical sense, have context.

    A creator of an IR is most likely going through the possible permutations of distance and angle and can have no idea in what context the IR will be used.

    just my 2 cents