Profiler Stage Introduction Thread

  • I love it ! Personally i think there could be even more kemper products, i mean the technology is there.

    I already profiled Pedals so imagine a kemper mini stomp for drive pedals that would be soooo amazing / or just a kemper mini that is half the size of the stomp so that it fits into the gigbag

    I would get then one to use for drive pedals infront of my kemper toaster.

    There are so many possibilities and i would love to see even more stuff.

    And on that silly beer spillage thing ... I have a pretty regular Pedalboard and that costs more then the kemper,

    with pedalboards somehow nobody complains about beer spillage ... idk i think many coverbands and so on will be very happy about the kemper stage.

  • I already profiled Pedals so imagine a kemper mini stomp for drive pedals that would be soooo amazing / or just a kemper mini that is half the size of the stomp so that it fits into the gigbag

    Which reminds me, it would be really rad if Kemper could profile pedals to be stored as effects presets. You could profile your own OD and apply it to any profile, for example. Time-based effects would be cool to incorporate, but likely need new hardware if I recall.

    And on that silly beer spillage thing ... I have a pretty regular Pedalboard and that costs more then the kemper,

    with pedalboards somehow nobody complains about beer spillage

    I think about this, too. Same with the guys talking about breaking their backs bending over to touch a knob when a Kemper floorboard was discussed before its release. You'd think with how many pedalboards there are out there, broken backs from gigging musicians would be an epidemic.

  • Which reminds me, it would be really rad if Kemper could profile pedals to be stored as effects presets. You could profile your own OD and apply it to any profile, for example. Time-based effects would be cool to incorporate, but likely need new hardware if I recall.

    I think about this, too. Same with the guys talking about breaking their backs bending over to touch a knob when a Kemper floorboard was discussed before its release. You'd think with how many pedalboards there are out there, broken backs from gigging musicians would be an epidemic.

    Plus bending down keeps you fit and healthy. Rock’n’Roll is about moving in the end.

  • It just seems a bit odd mate, that you could buy a unit cheaper elsewhere, than the manufacturer. Especially this particular unit, which is hardly even available yet...

    I don't think Kemper mentioning 'they're not one of their recognised dealers', really is a pertinent comment. How on earth they are undercutting them is!

  • I live in the UK and have never heard of the dealer before. If you are already spending around £1,400, it might be worth going with someone you trust for the little you might save. I doubt you would have the 30 days return policy and it might be more complicated if something went wrong.

    Thomann also are little cheaper, but UK exchange rates complicate things with the pound constantly changing right now.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • Kemper's answer -

    "Thank you very much for your e-mail.
    It's not possible for us to inform you why they are selling the product cheaper.
    We will not stipulate our prices.

    When someone wants to sell our goods cheaper it's his decision".

    It's hardly an incentive to buy from the manufacturer, when someone else will sell it to you cheaper.
    Just my opinion

  • It's business fundamentals. Kemper don't sell them to their distributors at retail, so there's at least some room for discounting.

    If Kemper undercuts their distributers discounted price what do you think happens to their distribution channel?

  • Kemper's answer -

    "Thank you very much for your e-mail.
    It's not possible for us to inform you why they are selling the product cheaper.
    We will not stipulate our prices.

    When someone wants to sell our goods cheaper it's his decision".

    It's hardly an incentive to buy from the manufacturer, when someone else will sell it to you cheaper.
    Just my opinion

    What they seem to be saying is, we have no idea who they are or how they are getting stock.

    This is not the worst anomoly I've seen but suffice tio say for the sake of £11, its not going to disrupt the market much...

  • This is not the worst anomoly I've seen but suffice to say for the sake of £11, its not going to disrupt the market much...

    Well my maths, as awful as it is, has the anomaly at £73.62 GBP... :)

    It seems, within the past ten minutes, their price is now £1423.00 GBP..... Odd

    Edited once, last by LiamUK (July 29, 2019 at 2:36 PM).

  • My point of view is admittedly from a business and ICT security perspective. I need to make sure we walk the fine line between cutting edge applications and the ever- present threat of exploit or data loss. Plus I'd never be able to take a cavalier approach to OS support.

    It's a bit tricky to deploy Office 365 with Dynamics on old machines and some things just won't work properly.

    For home/studio it doesn't matter. You're unlikely to suffer an IT audit and have to explain why you're allowing unpatched software that's about to go end of extended support. Different strokes.

    You obviously have a professional IT background, and in that environment staying current certainly makes sense both in terms of audits and consistency. It's hard enough keeping a corporate network with less-than-tech-savvy users secure (e.g. "You clicked on an unknown email link even after we told you not to???"), let alone juggling multiple OS versions. Sounds like you do a good job.

    My home / studio network has half a dozen boxes plus all the mobile stuff, and my attitude is less cavalier than it is a practical approach driven by old battle scars.

    I'm a professional developer, and that kind of box can be a bit sensitive to begin with. Audio and video boxes can also be a bit snippy. I've lost count of the times over the years when the work I was doing came to a screeching halt because a Windows (or other software) update trashed the environment and I had to spend hours or days sorting it out.

    After enough experience, I transitioned from a "must stay current!" mindset to "if it ain't broke..." When something needs an update to function properly, I allocate enough time to put out the flames if it goes badly, and do the update. Otherwise I leave well enough alone. This includes patches and upgrading to a new OS version (which is almost always 90% cosmetics and 10% new functionality, most of which I don't need).

    As you observed, the needs of a corporate IT department are vastly different from that of the average guitar player running Rig Manager. There's plenty of tech trouble to be had as it is, so I try not to volunteer. :)

    Regarding "Windows 7 will not stop working". This is true, but newer (PC) hardware, CPUs, graphic adapters and displays will require you to abandon Windows 7. In a lot of ways, it does not support current hardware like Hi DPI, touch enabled displays, GPU acceleration, CPU command set extensions, UEFI on mainboards etc. pp. So sooner or later, it will stop working when you upgrade your hardware.

    It does not even provide the required APIs for these newer techniques - a software developer is forced to move on and - at a certain point in time - stop supporting OSs that aren't supported by their manufacturers anymore.

    Yeah, all my newer laptops have 10. I used to convert them to 7 but at a certain point you can't get the drivers so there's no choice but to go with the flow.

    I have no idea what kind of stuff you guys are implementing in RM 3.0. If what you're doing requires APIs that 7 doesn't support and 8.1 does then the requirement makes sense. I always saw RM as little more than a nice GUI since the profiler does all the heaving lifting, but of course I'm not in the middle of your code so by definition I don't know what I'm talking about. :)

    It's hardly an incentive to buy from the manufacturer, when someone else will sell it to you cheaper.

    Just my opinion

    I never buy from a manufacturer unless I have no choice (e.g. the Remote standalone). The manufacturer's price is the "list" or "suggested retail" price, aka the starting point of negotiations.

    In the music biz, most retailers tend to list the MAP (Manufacturer's Advertised Price, the new "suggested retail") and will often lose the entire line if they list it lower in violation of their agreement with the manufacturer. Of course, they can still negotiate with buyers, they just can't advertise it lower.

    I shop around for everything and Sweetwater gets a lot of my business because they'll negotiate. When the rep says, "the price is xyz," I always respond with, "Yeah, and everybody knows MAP is for suckers." We both laugh, and then they quote a reasonably discounted price. Hey, can't blame a salesman for trying.

    I don't know if Kemper enforces MAP or not. If they do, and someone lists it cheaper, I'd be suspicious of that vendor.

    Plus bending down keeps you fit and healthy. Rock’n’Roll is about moving in the end.

    Trying very hard not to make a "shake your booty" comment. ^^

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

    Edited 4 times, last by Chris Duncan (July 29, 2019 at 2:55 PM).

  • I paid the same price advertised on Kemper for my powered head because my local dealer said they couldn't budge on the price, but they gave me a hell of a discount on two SB59 guitars I also bought the same day.