Kemper isn't available in the webstore...something new is coming?

  • Still, it makes one wonder....
    If anything, I don't think it will be a Kemper mk II, but maybe a redesign of the housing, a la those "lite" versions of Playstations, etc.

    EDIT : or maybe an all-in-one solution, fusing a powered Kemper with the Kemper Kone...?

  • Now that we have an editor coming, a smaller 1u rack unit would help for travelling. A floor unit would just mean bending down when you can already get a pedalboard.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • Maybe its a cosmetical redesign like it was some years ago with the logos for PROFILER ... I mean, CK said many times that Profiling is perfect as it is and that the team never upgraded the code aside some first 1.0 updates, so ...

    The DI was also without stock some months ago and they re-stocked everything, so maybe it sold out and they have now waiting list, as i was told then for the DI, they got so many orders that they had to literally make more.

    Also, what if there's MK2? Kemper is future-proof as it is now, what more they can improve?

    - Audio Inferface? What for? Most of us already got pro or semi-pro interfaces that outmatch any kind of audiocard that they can put inside for a reasonable price, if its cheap it will sound subpar against an Apogee, RME or UAD ... Or most of us already record for high end artists in top end studios with more than great equipment to record the Kemper.

    - More FX? They already showed at NAMM OS 6 with this Kemper with new Reverbs, Editor, the Kone, Kabinet ... with this same hardware. And they can upgrade more.

    - Distortions? CK already adressed that after reverbs, the next update will be Distortions and maybe add more like Klons or any other pedal that you don't have already or can't integrate to the profiling process.

    - Two Amps? I always have found this hilarious in the Bias, AxeFx, Line 6 world ... why would you wanna use two different sources with two different phase variations? Live this is a pain in the as (being a Soundguy fur the last 8 years) and in Studio rarely you do record two amps at the same time if the microphones are not carefully placed, the mistakes that could happen in this escenario are a lot worse than sticking to a nice amp, getting the sound that you like and go with one source. I think that's what CK had in mind and almost every other guitar player in history ... even when you see lots of cabinets live, just only one is mic'd. Also, I believe that the majority of the user base buys Profiles from respected players and amp makers, they don't do profiling or most don't have the option or amps to actually do it.

    I'm more than happy with my Kemper, never EVER in my life sounded as good as my studio amps, having owned every processor available i can say that we don't need Kemper MK2, it's perfect.

    Aso I'm aware of the DSP processor, but to think that a company wouldn't buy a huge amount of stock for years to come after they are discontinuated is absurd, even if discontinuated, the support will be there, and we don't really know how the hardware is coded, so maybe there's all the room necessary for upgrades for years to come. With this kind of invention I wouldn't be suprised if CK used this DSP and left tons and tons of room for future improvement left open.

    I always read, but this is my first post. Hello to all.

    Kemper White

    Apogee Ensemble Thunderbolt

    MOTU Ultralite MK2

    ELAM 251 Handmade

  • The editor and a powered cab is my wish list for the Holidays, but just one of those is ok too, for now ;)

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • I just purchased a brand new Kemper and remote last week. I had sold my original a few years back for a Mesa Boogie JP2C and decided to wait for the next Kemper to jump back in. Lets just say I got tired of waiting and I have been having a blast having one again. The irony of it all is I sold the JP2C to get the Kemper regrets.