Can't delete a Performance Slot?

  • I've had the same question, wanting to delete a slot/slots out of a 5 slot performance right from the Profiler.

    My solution has been to delete in Rig Manager, or if not connected to Rig Manager, uncheck the Slot Enable box.

    The beauty of the Slot Enable uncheck is, if you decide you want that rig back, you just check the Slot Enable box.

    And of course, you can overwrite the slot at anytime.

    Alternatively, you can copy and past the slots you do want to keep to a new performance, and then delete the old performance. (I just checked, and I can't find a way to delete a performance at the profiler, so you may have to do that from Rig Manager also. )

    If, as paults asked above, you want less than 5 slots in a performance, you can change that in the Systems settings, it's on page 12 of 18.

    Whew, whoever said life is just a bunch of workarounds was RIGHT!

    Be Thankful.

  • If, as paults asked above, you want less than 5 slots in a performance, you can change that in the Systems settings, it's on page 12 of 18.

    The option "Group of 5" has nothing to do with Performance Mode, but determines how the Up/Down buttons of the Remote work in Browser Mode.

    The PROFILER comes with 625 Slots (125 Performance 5 Slots each). There cannot be less. All Slots are prefilled with a default Rig. You cannot delete Slots nor can you have less Performances. And there is no need to.

    If you want to change the content of a Slot, just load another Rig into it.

    If you want to disable a Slot, just press soft button 4. Slot 1 cannot be disabled, only Slot 2-5 can be disabled.

  • … it's not really deleted. Just its load via remote control is disabled and can be reenabled at any time. You can still access disabled Slots via front panel controls and configure the Rig in there.

    Understood. Functionally, it's all there and no data is lost. Practically speaking, they behave similarly. For me, nothing more than a viewpoint for workflow.

    Disabled....deleted...... close enough.