Three years ago I asked a question about morphing that remains unanswered... Maybe now?

  • I'm on the edge of dropping $2400, but I need to know one thing: Can a Kemper do a smooth morph via an expression pedal from any clean amp model (let's say a Fender Twin) using reverb and a chorus, into a totally different amp model (let's say a Mesa Dual Rectifier) using a compressor and digital delay... seamlessly, while also reserving another expression pedal for master volume, and another for a solo gain setting? Because my 20-year old Johnson JM150 and JM250 Millenniums can... and I can't make this jump to Kemper without knowing I won't lose those capabilities, and whether or not there is a workaround. Thanks!

  • Thanks for the quick response....

    A concession workaround (just because I need a lightweight solution for international travel): Does this amp have a model that sounds sweet and clean like a Fender Twin playing Little Wing and then still has enough gain within the same amp model to morph into the full crunch of a Black Sabbath song? I could probably get by with that...

  • Come on guys, the morph can change any continuous parameter but not turn things on or off or change amps and cabs ect, You could certainly morph the gain on a amp and even a distortion stomp at the same time to give you the desired results.

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • Yeah, I’m pretty sure I could tweak my way to the “Little Wing - Black Sabbath” scenario, morphing EQ, compressor and then mix on a fuzz/shaper/distortion Stomp. However, you can only have one morph per Rig. You couldn’t then have another expression control gain, though a workaround could be to set the volume pedal function at the input and with an offset. Hmmmm...

  • OK, that clears things up... regardless of the amazing replication, the Kemper isn't capable of what I've been doing in live performances since 1984... too bad. The Johnson Millennium replaced $5000 in rack effects and stomp boxes, and appears to still be the most versatile and practical solution, aside from airline freight... thanks guys.

  • Yeah, if you really need to control those things with expression pedals, then you won’t be able to do it. There are some workarounds; if you know you have, say, a bar of a song to transition from clean to dirty, you can set the Rig Xfade time to blend between them in the time it takes to play that bar, but generally a switch to the KPA requires a rethink, as many changes of sounds can be done in many different ways. In Performance mode, the combination of sounds you can get between the five slots using morphing, Stomps and different Rigs is staggering. However, if you are looking to one-to-one replace a particular workflow, you might not be able to, as in your case.

  • Sam and Delinquent have pretty much summed it up. The only thing ai think I can add is that lots of parameters can still be assigned Midi CC commands so you could conceivably use Morph for some things but directly assign specific midi controllers to others. You would need a midi pedal capable ot doing thos though. Something like RJMs Mastermind series or the Gordius stuff should be able to handle it but you can’t doe it all with the Remote.

  • Line6 allows for 2 amp blocks to be loaded at the same time allowing to 'Morph" between 2 amps at different distortion/ gain settings. Kemper does not.

    Using the morph feature to add hi degrees of "amp" gain does not work well IMO. the amp model used is captured/ profiled at a certain gain stage. adding great amounts of gain to a profile makes the profile sound "fizzy". Conversely, starting with a hi gain profile and lower the gain to a clean setting yields a lifeless profile sound. Morphing gain/ distortion levels works better using stomps. The Kemper really works more like a multi channel amp. I do use profiles that are clean or on the edge of breakup and then morph a stomp pedal to increase gain. I think that works well in most situations, but it cannot go from a Roland jazz chorus clean to a Diezel full blown roar and yield a convincing amp sound. At least I have not been able to do that?

  • Conversely, starting with a hi gain profile and lower the gain to a clean setting yields a lifeless profile sound.

    Yep, starting with a high gain sound and lowering the gain behaves exactly like turning the guitar volume pot down rather than turning the amp gain. They are similar in some ways but definitely yield different results. I had a theory that, because the Kemper captures something from ) input up to the maximum gain of the amp's current setting that it would be able to extrapolate more accurately how an amp would sound at lower gain settings. I decided to test it by profiling my THD BiValve at all volume (its a non-master volume amp) for 1 - 10. I then took a high gain profile and tried reducing the gain to match that of a lower gain profile with the same gain level in the KPA. The lowered gain settings sounded great but not the same as the actual lower gain profiles.

  • Yeah, I’m pretty sure I could tweak my way to the “Little Wing - Black Sabbath” scenario, morphing EQ, compressor and then mix on a fuzz/shaper/distortion Stomp. However, you can only have one morph per Rig. You couldn’t then have another expression control gain, though a workaround could be to set the volume pedal function at the input and with an offset. Hmmmm...

    Im not sure about the kpa controler, but using 3rd party controler..I can have 4 expression pedals controlling just about anything...2 via controler/midi, 2 in via the back of kpa...even more if you add “expression to midi” devices.

    So having the expression control OP needs, morph/gain/volume shouldnt be a problem right?

  • Im not sure about the kpa controler, but using 3rd party controler..I can have 4 expression pedals controlling just about anything...2 via controler/midi, 2 in via the back of kpa...even more if you add “expression to midi” devices.

    So having the expression control OP needs, morph/gain/volume shouldnt be a problem right?

    The problem is that you can only have one pedal set to morph parameters. He couldn’t morph the gain on one and the delay mix/time on another. Yes, it’s possible using a midi controller other than the Remote, but then we’re in the realm of midi programming, which can be tedious and tricky to troubleshoot. I guess it would be an option for the OP, as it sounds like he must have some kind of controller already, so you make a fair point.

  • Thanks for the quick response....

    A concession workaround (just because I need a lightweight solution for international travel): Does this amp have a model that sounds sweet and clean like a Fender Twin playing Little Wing and then still has enough gain within the same amp model to morph into the full crunch of a Black Sabbath song? I could probably get by with that...

    Yes, You can use the morph to change the Mix parameter of any Stomp such as a compressor, Treble/Fat Booster, Pedal Booster and even Amp Gain. What you're trying to accomplish can be done, I do it with the above changes but it has to be on an amp/cab that does both well. I use a Morgan AC20 Profile, have yet to meet a Fender I like over driven, at least how I like it anyways,...

  • I use performance mode to switch between different sounds. Easy, flexible, and sounds amazing.

    If you can't live without morphing you can use a combination of stomp boxes to get a different sound on the toe- down position.

  • I think transforming from a fender twin to a dual rec type scenario is never going to be accurate at in between settings. at either extremes you'd just select another slot.

    not sure on the ask, is is a smooth transition or in between sounds as well?

    If its about adding a bit more gain etc then yes but I think what the OP is asking for is pushing it.