A fuller sound through lower octave

  • There are some tunes (for example I Am The One from Dragon Age) where I am getting a massive orchestral-like sound using lower octave, delay and reverb... if I only play lower strings.

    If I could get those only to apply to the root I would have a more controllable virtual orchestra under my fingers by just using different chord fingerings, with less risk to create messed-up sounds.

    Still chasing a worthy one :/

    Edited 2 times, last by pippopluto (July 19, 2021 at 1:21 AM).

  • This might work.8)

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  • Yes, that's one of the feature I'm missing too. Exspecially when I'm on stage alone with my acoustic guitar or in an duo with cajon. In some case I would be able to replace a bassplayer and complete my "little band". ;)

    The requested feature is integrated for example in the Boss PS6 pedal.

    So I'm looking forward to have this feature in the Kemper!

    Thank you

  • Yes, that's one of the feature I'm missing too. Exspecially when I'm on stage alone with my acoustic guitar or in an duo with cajon. In some case I would be able to replace a bassplayer and complete my "little band". ;)

    The requested feature is integrated for example in the Boss PS6 pedal.

    So I'm looking forward to have this feature in the Kemper!

    Thank you

    Yep, it would be nice to not be obliged to buy a Variax... or a PS6 (which would mess up with my huber-simplified setup: Guitar, Profiler, Controller :D

    Still chasing a worthy one :/

  • Yep, it would be nice to not be obliged to buy a Variax... or a PS6 (which would mess up with my huber-simplified setup: Guitar, Profiler, Controller :D

    That's a great idea for an easy workaround. But let me say: the harmonizer-features of the Kemper are excellent, so I would not like to have another unit in my rig. I prefer ALL IN ONE to minimize troubles on stage!

    Sorry, this was a reply concerning paults suggestion! (I still 'beginner' with the licence to .... make faults);)

    Edited once, last by Bodo612 (May 13, 2019 at 11:22 AM).

  • pippopluto A PS6 would not complicate your set up. It could placed be in the FX loop, and controlled by turning the loop on/off, and could fit in a rack or the cubby in the back of a non-powered toaster.

    That's a great idea for an easy workaround. But let me say: the harmonizer-features of the Kemper are excellent, so I would not like to have another unit in my rig. I prefer ALL IN ONE to minimize troubles on stage!

  • pippopluto A PS6 would not complicate your set up. It could placed be in the FX loop, and controlled by turning the loop on/off, and could fit in a rack or the cubby in the back of a non-powered toaster.

    Mhhh... One more unit, two more cables, power needs (batteries or power supply), two further conversions, no possibilities to switch preset w/o physically reaching the unit out ... How would this not complicate my setup?

    Guys, this is the Feature Requests forum, for goodness' sake...

    Still chasing a worthy one :/

  • Boss OC3 effect basically.

    I've done a gig using one on all the time (when we didn't have a bassist) and it worked well, however, I did have to be much more careful with my playing.

    I agree that it's not meant to be on for the whole performance, but there certainly are applications for this.
    I for sure have many nice arrangements where it would sound quite good on the low strings (I use some Octaver, but then I have to be very careful in order to not turn the atmosphere into a sonic mess :p ).

    Still chasing a worthy one :/

  • A new device from EH.
    It as well is able to add a lower octave to lower strings.

    On a side note, I find the very first sound example amazing :)

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    Still chasing a worthy one :/

  • I love that EH pedal! Not to mention Bill Ruppert's tight playing. The lead he plays right at the end of the video is particularly inspiring.

    I wish Electro Harmonix and Kemper would merge. My 2 favorite guitar tool companies. ?

  • I find Bill to really be able to make any effect's character shine.
    He certainly is the best demonstrator I've heard for effects :D

    I wish Electro Harmonix and Kemper would merge

    Oh, I would suffice Kemper had some of EH's spirit in developing fx that give a guitar player that sonic versatility, as if they were playing synths, bass, organs and other instruments.

    EH's style fx plus a TC Helicon's style BodyRez would make the Profiler the best unit I could ever imagine for anything guitar-related.

    Still chasing a worthy one :/