Very Disappointed in RM

  • That's you main beef? Personally, I'm much more frustrated with how you have to press the button on the Remote and head simultaneously to assign toggles for effects. Couldn't care less about rig manager. It's just an easy way to copy and back-up profiles without having to go through the dumb process with USB sticks.

  • Personally, I'm much more frustrated with how you have to press the button on the Remote and head simultaneously to assign toggles for effects.

    That's interesting. What is it about that you don't like? I know it's all very much a personal preference thing but I actually find that one of the easiest and most intuitive assignment methods I've ever encountered.

  • RM is very useful. Obviously it has room for improvement for sure. There is a full thread about feature requests and a major update is coming.

    I wish the best to KP GmbH and hope they can get enough resources to speedup their time to market of new features and updates.

  • I don't think anyone would say RM is a complete editing tool. It is basic and does as its supposed to do, which is manage rigs.

    There is a split in the community on how useful more editing capabilities are needed, some say essential, some say they don't need it. Persoanlly I've been an advocate of adding to its capabilities just because its makes it easier to mange such a complex tool, although its very intuitive and most controls easily to hand.

    Regardless, Kemper have listened and made some updates to Rig manager which is coming. Its a question of priorities and personally I agree with their roadmap....even though I don't really use reverbs and delays, I'm glad they did those first/as a priority.

    Should the product have come with that in the first place? Perhaps, but would I liked to have waited a year longer to get my KPA, no way.

  • That's you main beef? Personally, I'm much more frustrated with how you have to press the button on the Remote and head simultaneously to assign toggles for effects. Couldn't care less about rig manager. It's just an easy way to copy and back-up profiles without having to go through the dumb process with USB sticks.

    From the manual :

    Assignments without Remote

    If your PROFILER Remote is not connected, or if your stage is so huge that your PROFILER is miles away from the Remote, you will not be able to reach both at the same time. In this case, enter the Remote Effect Buttons page inRig Settings, hold one of the four soft buttons, and press one or more effect module buttons to complete the assignment.

  • From the manual :

    Assignments without Remote

    If your PROFILER Remote is not connected, or if your stage is so huge that your PROFILER is miles away from the Remote, you will not be able to reach both at the same time. In this case, enter the Remote Effect Buttons page inRig Settings, hold one of the four soft buttons, and press one or more effect module buttons to complete the assignment.

    Guess I should've paid more attention when I read the f-ing manual ?

  • I've been a very happy KPA owner for 6 years now and just tried arranging performances using RM for the first time. Very strange that it allows copy/paste of profiles and re-arrangement of my performances, or so is SEEMS. When I go to the Kemper itself the profiles haven't been rearranged at all, only the slot setting names and performance name have changed! The profiles are exactly the same as before I opened RM. Am I doing something wrong, or is this one of the inherent flaws in RM that plenty of people are complaining about in this thread?

    I'll just go back to arranging my performances on the machine itself, not a big hassle after 6 years. I lived without RM all this time, I can continue to do so.

    Gary ô¿ô

  • I've been a very happy KPA owner for 6 years now and just tried arranging performances using RM for the first time. Very strange that it allows copy/paste of profiles and re-arrangement of my performances, or so is SEEMS. When I go to the Kemper itself the profiles haven't been rearranged at all, only the slot setting names and performance name have changed! The profiles are exactly the same as before I opened RM. Am I doing something wrong, or is this one of the inherent flaws in RM that plenty of people are complaining about in this thread?

    I'll just go back to arranging my performances on the machine itself, not a big hassle after 6 years. I lived without RM all this time, I can continue to do so.

    Hey Gary, had some similar problems the other day with RM and Performances on the KPA. I think what I did was exit out of Performances on the KPA, changed selector to Browse and then went back into Performances and it showed my changes. Hope that works for ya.

  • Hey Gary, had some similar problems the other day with RM and Performances on the KPA. I think what I did was exit out of Performances on the KPA, changed selector to Browse and then went back into Performances and it showed my changes. Hope that works for ya.

    i'm fairly new to the Kemper and was having the same issue the other day. This trick worked perfectly

  • I've been a very happy KPA owner for 6 years now and just tried arranging performances using RM for the first time. Very strange that it allows copy/paste of profiles and re-arrangement of my performances, or so is SEEMS. When I go to the Kemper itself the profiles haven't been rearranged at all, only the slot setting names and performance name have changed! The profiles are exactly the same as before I opened RM. Am I doing something wrong, or is this one of the inherent flaws in RM that plenty of people are complaining about in this thread?

    I'll just go back to arranging my performances on the machine itself, not a big hassle after 6 years. I lived without RM all this time, I can continue to do so.

    Yeah that part has been unstable for years. I do a backup before any performance changes in RM.

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • It's hard to take the OP seriously when they don't list what they don't like or would like to see that would make the RM better for them.

    Just saying something "sucks" is bitching without being constructive. So, before wasting a thread, try and do a little homework and list the things that the RM should have vs. what other software has that is liked.

    And maybe, instead of just an "it sucks" thread, post those upgrades in the FEATURE REQUEST like a mature adult.

  • It's hard to take the OP seriously when they don't list what they don't like or would like to see that would make the RM better for them.

    Just saying something "sucks" is bitching without being constructive. So, before wasting a thread, try and do a little homework and list the things that the RM should have vs. what other software has that is liked.

    And maybe, instead of just an "it sucks" thread, post those upgrades in the FEATURE REQUEST like a mature adult.

    Well said, db9091

  • It's hard to take the OP seriously when they don't list what they don't like or would like to see that would make the RM better for them.

    Just saying something "sucks" is bitching without being constructive. So, before wasting a thread, try and do a little homework and list the things that the RM should have vs. what other software has that is liked.

    And maybe, instead of just an "it sucks" thread, post those upgrades in the FEATURE REQUEST like a mature adult.

    Exactly what I said when they never came back to contribute to something they started.. That doesn't suck, that's bullshit! Never had another post.

  • NOTICE: This is the OP's ONLY post.

    When I see something so painfully negative that's not just a first post, but their only post?

    Don't. Feed. The. Troll.

    Could be, but I personally don't think it's enough to form a complete conclusion. Usually people who want to troll tend to continue rustling feathers and escalate things, not make 1 post and disappear.

    It's just as possible he was frustrated and wanted a moment of catharsis, even if it wasn't very constructive. Maybe after he calmed down he realized it wasn't so bad and isn't interested in being part of a forum. Maybe he got disenchanted and sold it. Either way, you can't feed a troll that doesn't continue posting (thus feeding).