• It does, at least in my situation, maybe we are thinking something different? For example if I put a reverb and delay with the freeze function on a rig and hit the footswitch ( I use the Kemper 2 way for this ) both will be activated, if you toggle one off and one on before your performance they will swap one on, one off.

    You don’t experience this?

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • Doesn't do that for me, I have to program the remote button individually for each rig. What I want is to program a button on remote once for freeze and it will activate it for any active effect that has that function. Might be more useful if there was a global freeze for separate types. e.g. delay, reverb.

  • Mmmm, I’ll check it out on my remote tomorrow as I said I do it via a a seperate dual footswitch, it may behave differently, I’ll report back, funny thing is and why your post caught my attention was that I wished that when I hit the freeze it wasn’t global as I often have a delay and reverb and they would both activate. I got around this by toggling one on and one off before playing so they would alternate but that is not what I really wanted.

    Cheers friend.

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • Tested with the remote, has the same behaviour as my dual footswitch, have 2 reverb freeze buttons assigned to a remote switch and it will turn both on and off at the same time, alternatively, toggle one off and one on via the KPA head and it will activate one on one off.

    I’m on the latest OS release 5.7.2

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • Just tested. I see what you are getting at, but my point is that I need to assign freeze to the button for each effect (max of four per button?). Then it works as you describe. I don't want to have to do this. I want to assign 'reverb freeze' to a button once only. If there is a magic method I'd be glad to hear it.

  • Oh ok, now I get ya ??

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • With the Effect Buttons I-IIII of the Remote you need to assign the Freezes individually and by Rig. But this gives you the flexibility to decide, which Freeze you want to include by Rig and even invert Freezes with the push of one button. Yes, the limit is four Freeze per Effect Button. But how many Reverb and Delay effects do you want to combine? Four should be sufficient.

    If you are looking for a global Freeze button, consider connecting an external momentary switch to the Remote and assign the function "Freeze" to it . It still appears as "Hold" in the menu, but it's functionally the same. That Freeze switch then does all Freezes in all effects of all Rigs.

  • Would be nice if we had the ability to pick which freeze gets activated by using CC #s. Right 35 turns on/off freeze for both delay and reverb and you can't tell it to do just one or the other. I personally like to freeze the reverb slot, then play over top with some delay.

    I'm using a midi controller and not the remote.



  • If you are looking for a global Freeze button, consider connecting an external momentary switch to the Remote and assign the function "Freeze" to it . It still appears as "Hold" in the menu, but it's functionally the same. That Freeze switch then does all Freezes in all effects of all Rigs.

    Thanks I will give this a go.

  • I'd be happy to have a Freeze function without it being coupled to any effects (like EHX Freeze pedal or the Gamechanger Plus Pedal). I'd press 'Freeze', and my current sound is frozen (micro-looped, if you like) until I release the freeze button. Any active effects etc. would not be impacted by my freezing the current sound. Freeze parameters could be the attack and the tail of the freeze (see Plus Pedal).

    Cheers, Hermann

  • With the Effect Buttons I-IIII of the Remote you need to assign the Freezes individually and by Rig. But this gives you the flexibility to decide, which Freeze you want to include by Rig and even invert Freezes with the push of one button. Yes, the limit is four Freeze per Effect Button. But how many Reverb and Delay effects do you want to combine? Four should be sufficient.

    If you are looking for a global Freeze button, consider connecting an external momentary switch to the Remote and assign the function "Freeze" to it . It still appears as "Hold" in the menu, but it's functionally the same. That Freeze switch then does all Freezes in all effects of all Rigs.

    The problem here is, the Effect Buttons of the Remote are able to act momentary when you hold them and release when you leave the button, just as a piano pedal. Very handy for Leslie switching or delay freeze.

    An external switch, even a momentary one, always latches, even if held longer.

    Is there a possibility to change that behaviour, so it matches the Remote switches?

  • Hey guys,

    I used a version of the OS that had separate CC# codes for delay freeze and reverb freeze. I had a stomp switch assigned to the delay freeze, and a separate button assigned to infinity... I was then able to freeze the delay only, and then still have a reverb while playing over the delay, which was pretty cool. After OS 5.7.4, this is no longer active.

    See Freeze/hold reverb with remote for more info on this.

    But I basically want to be able to have the option of separating out the delay freeze and reverb freezes like you guys posted. I'm thinking we are a quiet minority, however, and Kemper has bigger fish to fry...

  • Hey guys,

    I used a version of the OS that had separate CC# codes for delay freeze and reverb freeze. I had a stomp switch assigned to the delay freeze, and a separate button assigned to infinity... I was then able to freeze the delay only, and then still have a reverb while playing over the delay, which was pretty cool. After OS 5.7.4, this is no longer active.

    See Freeze/hold reverb with remote for more info on this.

    But I basically want to be able to have the option of separating out the delay freeze and reverb freezes like you guys posted.

    Amaze-B .. I totally Agree , we need to have this option .. like individually freezing a reverb chord and play guitar over it, with another reverb/ echo that is not freezed .. and being controlled from another switch on a Midi controller, as I don't want to use up some of the 4 precious Effect Buttons I-IIII

    Kemper ... can you please make this possible ?

  • Amaze-B .. I totally Agree , we need to have this option .. like individually freezing a reverb chord and play guitar over it, with another reverb/ echo that is not freezed .. and being controlled from another switch on a Midi controller, as I don't want to use up some of the 4 precious Effect Buttons I-IIII

    Kemper ... can you please make this possible ?

    Hi KBSAT, try installing Firmware with that one, I was able to freeze the delay and then keep a reverb on while picking... The only problem I had with that was that every time I switched to that particular profile, the infinite switch would always be on. I CC# assigned that and the freeze to different switches, but had to always turn off the infinity when I switched to that profile.

    I recently upgraded to the latest firmware and this functionality was removed, so I downgraded back.