Morgan AC20 profile uploaded

  • Indeed, and I don't believe that rmpacheco is on the forum anymore ...

    I actually prefer a similar profile that I bought from Andy, but you can't argue with success!

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Okay, we need to send in Seal Team Six and extract rmpacheco from wherever he is being held. My theory is that he was kidnapped by the Fractal goon squad.

    In all seriousness, I had read many accolades about this legendary Morgan AC20 profile. It was one of the first I downloaded onto Rig Manager. However, I never got around to playing it until this afternoon. Wow. It is truly a classic, as you all have been saying. The best part about it, besides it's dynamics and presence, is that it can act as a very neutral foundation upon which to construct a myriad of fantastic tones. Putting the right compressor and stompbox in front, along with some tweaks to the Amp settings, and maybe a studio EQ, you can open up all kinds of possibilities...even high gain, soaring lead type tones. It truly is a the best possible way.

    I think rmpacheco knew he had created a classic...and like George Costanza from Seinfeld, he wanted to make sure he "goes out on a high note".

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    Edited once, last by Tritium (May 10, 2015 at 8:10 AM).

  • You can make MANY stock Kemper factory Profiles sound like and have the dynamics of the famous rmpacheco AC20.

    Check out the EQ Stomp, save it and use it with other clean Profiles.
    Check out the level of the Compressor in the AMP block.
    Also note the Volume of the Cabinet.

    Those 3 things are what makes the Profile seem special, it's not how the amp was mic'd and Profiled, it's how the Profile was tweaked.

  • You can make MANY stock Kemper factory Profiles sound like and have the dynamics of the famous rmpacheco AC20.

    Check out the EQ Stomp, save it and use it with other clean Profiles.
    Check out the level of the Compressor in the AMP block.
    Also note the Volume of the Cabinet.

    Those 3 things are what makes the Profile seem special, it's not how the amp was mic'd and Profiled, it's how the Profile was tweaked.

    Hello Guitartone,

    Indeed, I am on top of that, and completely agree with your three recommendations...especially the Compressor parameter in the Amp menu.

    I also agree that there a so many great profiles which can be used as a perfect foundation for tweaking and modifying so as to build a special tone that suits your particular tastes, and really get's those juices flowin'. I was just using rmpacheco's AC20 as a particularly fine example of this. Plus, this profile has assumed a kind of mythological status in Kemper land. The "wham-bam-thank you Ma'am" - "One and Done" - "Hit and Run" nature of the mysterious rmpacheco simply adds to the allure. :D8)

  • FWIW, I tend to think the tweaks rmpacheco did in the cab section were more done accidentally and definitely are NOT the game changers here. I put these back to default a long time ago and still it is my main profile.
    Also I switched off the EQ. Amp compression is essential though.

    So Lance, I disagree with you here. ;) This profile to me is a perfect example of a near to perfect recording of a great amp.

  • FWIW, I tend to think the tweaks rmpacheco did in the cab section were more done accidentally and definitely are NOT the game changers here. I put these back to default a long time ago and still it is my main profile.
    Also I switched off the EQ. Amp compression is essential though.

    So Lance, I disagree with you here. ;) This profile to me is a perfect example of a near to perfect recording of a great amp.

    Wait a sec Doc. :)

    Keep in mind when this Profile hit the forum, back in March 2012.
    At that stage Profiles were few and far between and Kemper owners ears were still in the learning stage.
    Factory Profiles like the Nashville Sessions and Peter Fischer Profiles were what our ears were used to, and all those Profiles were 100% un-tweaked, no EQ Stomp, no AMP Compression, Cabinet Volume at default 12 o'clock, etc.

    At that stage when you loaded the Morgan AC20 with all the tweaks it was louder, more dynamic, more Compression, it overwhelmed all the Factory Profiles and became an instant favourite to all of us.
    Now add the same tweaks the Morgan has to Peter Fischer and Nashville clean Profiles and see what happens, they jump to life.

    Having said that I agree with you that the Morgan is a great Profile/Rig, but if rmpacheco had shared it without any tweaks at all most of us would have scrolled past and ignored it like we did with many of the Fischer and Nashville Profiles.

    IMO, etc, etc, etc. :)

  • Be it either the base Morgan profile itself or the particular "tweaks" which the original submitter happened to include.

    I still go back to this from time to time and it still brings both a smile to my face and the zest to play.

    Happy Kemper

  • I "rediscovered" this rig a couple of months ago and use it as my #1 goto. It didn't really appeal to me when it first hit the exchange. Go figure. Sure, I've tweaked a couple of things for my taste, but what a versatile profile! :love:

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer