Wet/Dry 'MOD' output mix using Spdif out...

  • Hi all, new member here! I'll do an introduction in the new member section soon....

    In my studio, I'm running my Kemper with all 6 outputs. I'm utilising/selecting the Spdif output for the stereo MOD sounds only. But, I basically want to know if there's any way of getting just the 'MOD' sound coming through the spidif output without the dry mixed in with it too? In essence, exactly like the reverb/delay sounds do when routed out on their own?

    I've looked at all possible options, but there's nothing that allows you to have just the modulation effect without the dry signal. Its a shame, as that's the reason I'm utilising this routing plan.

    My output status is like this:

    MAIN OUTPUT L+R - delay&Rev wet


    DIRECT OUT - Gtr analogue

    SPDIF - Mod stereo

    Outputs are going into a MOTU 828hybrid, into Cubase 8.5 pro.

    Thanks in advance!


  • Hi all,

    Just a friendly bump.....any ideas?

    It was great that the sample rate's been upgraded to support 48K, as a lot of projects I work on are in that format, but just a shame that I can't seem to separate the wet MOD signal from the dry! :)

    I'd assume that I could raise this issue in the suggestion section on this forum?

    Many thanks!


  • I would love to be able to send a processed guitar out the left and a unprocessed DI out of the right on the SPDIF. It would save me extra times and time. Or any other way to do something like this.

    What’s your definition of processed? There are several options for sending a DI and “processed” sound simultaneously over SPDIF.

  • Still not sure if what I asked as do able, if so someone please tell me how exactly.

    please follow my advice and pick the desired output source from the list of available choices in the list that you can find in the main manual on page 70.

    The following settings are only available for the S/PDIF OUTPUT. These allow you to simultaneously record the pure instrument signal for reamping purposes (as described in “Git Studio”) and a mono amplifier signal on your digital audio workstation. The pure instrument signal appears on the left side of the digital S/PDIF signal, the amp signal on the right.

    Git / Stack

    The left signal is the pure instrument, with Noise Gate and Volume Pedal (if Volume

    Pedal is set to “Input”). The right channel will carry the stack signal and does not include any post amp effects.

    Git / Mod Left

    The same as above, but with the right signal taken from the left channel of the MOD module.

    Git / Mod Mono

    The same as above, but with the right signal taken from the mono mix of the MOD module.

    Git / Master Left

    The same as above, but with the right signal taken from the left channel of the output section.

    Git / Master Mono

    The same as above, but with the right signal taken from the mono mix of the output section.

  • Hi all,

    Many thanks for your input, it's appreciated, thank you.

    True, the split of the wet/dry MOD sound is in essence, not very useful. However, when tracking guitar parts for sessions, it's very handy to be able to split everything up so that the producer/mixer etc can then dial in as much of the 'printed effects' (delay, reverb etc) as is needed.
    So, as is the case with reverb and delay, the MOD effects (and I'm really talking about chorus in particular) would be mixed back in with the dry Amp sound within the project.

    This is of course still possible, however the dry sound that's included would then be doubled up with your original dry recording! Not ideal in my eyes (and ears) anyway!