overdrive and distortion pedals

  • I am fairly confident you will get more OD/Distortion options at some point. However, I don’t think more pedal models is likely to be the best way forward (or in keeping with the Kemper philosophy). I think (and hope) that what we get is one or two amazingly flexible distortion engines that can create presets of almost any pedal you can imagine and go way beyond anything available in the physical world. That’s basical what the team did so successfully with delays and reverbs.

  • I am fairly confident you will get more OD/Distortion options at some point. However, I don’t think more pedal models is likely to be the best way forward (or in keeping with the Kemper philosophy). I think (and hope) that what we get is one or two amazingly flexible distortion engines that can create presets of almost any pedal you can imagine and go way beyond anything available in the physical world. That’s basical what the team did so successfully with delays and reverbs.

    I could imagine to get also the possibility to (kinda) "profile" an OD-Stomp and store it as a preset, which might be the starting Point for the distortion engine for adjustments inside the profiler.

  • +1.

    There are few unique classic OD/Distortions CIRCUITS like the Tube Screamer, RAT, Fuzz, BigMuff, etc. which are still the base for many analog pedals variations being manufactured today. So, for example, instead of modeling one specific TS pedal, many players will be glad to get a TS circuit baseline with the right parameters to get close not only to a Maxon TS type of scream, but to some other classic and unique TS flavors, too. IMHO, in the KPA, we are missing some classic circuits that are driving the pedal industry.

    (1) New Green Scream as a baseline for TS circuit. Similar as the Legacy Reverb; JHS Bonsai approach or pedals with toggle switch modes, the Green Scream could have a "Mode" parameter to modify the TS baseline selecting vintage mode (808), fat (808 HW), glassy mode (TS10), modern (Maxon), higher gain (TS9), etc.

    (2) Klon circuit (classic Gain/Treble/Output parameters + a tone shaping parameter to add bottom end like some clones do)

    (3) Marshall Bluesbreaker circuit. This is still the base of many analog pedals manufactured today.

    (4) Boss Bluesdriver circuit, many mods and pedals from this one in the market.

    (5) More FUZZ classic variations out-there that could be included

  • I would love to see more EQ options within the distortion slot, so we do not have to use a second effect slot.

    I also would love to see the option of different IC type chip sets /resisters modelled to help with getting closer with different mods. Something like choosing a regular fuzz and one that has a germanium chip. Or different IC chips used in various TS mods. Could open up a whole new world of options.

  • (1) New Green Scream as a baseline for TS circuit. Similar as the Legacy Reverb; JHS Bonsai approach or pedals with toggle switch modes, the Green Scream could have a "Mode" parameter to modify the TS baseline selecting vintage mode (808), fat (808 HW), glassy mode (TS10), modern (Maxon), higher gain (TS9), etc.

    (2) Klon circuit (classic Gain/Treble/Output parameters + a tone shaping parameter to add bottom end like some clones do)

    (3) Marshall Bluesbreaker circuit. This is still the base of many analog pedals manufactured today.

    (4) Boss Bluesdriver circuit, many mods and pedals from this one in the market.

    (5) More FUZZ classic variations out-there that could be included

    Agree with all of these and would add:

    (1) The vintage 808 setting should be the default.

    (5) Both the muff and fuzz could stand upgrades.

    (6) Hermida Zendrive.

    "I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be." - Douglas Adams

  • For the Big Muff or muffin , this is the pedal that should be modeled for Kemper, it covers all the ground of all the best big muff variations with its EQ

    ThorpyFx Fallout Cloud I know its a lot to ask but this would cover a lot of ground on the big Muff side