Amp in room?

  • okay I'm finally close to purchasing my Kemper.. one thing I keep reading about is that with the unit you will never be able to experience the amp in room sound that you will with an actual tube amp...

    My question is, could somebody please explain to me what exactly amp in a room sound means? I played on a camper with some powered FRFR speakers and it sounded like there was an amp in the room to me LOL..

  • You know when you have a 4x12 close to you and it is cranking at full blast and you can feel in in your chest and also in that brand new hernia that you just got while hauling that monster around. ^^

    Btw, you totally CAN get that feeling with the very same cab if you either get the powered Kemper or hook the non-powered one up to a power amp. and then to the cab.

    If you hook the Kemper up to the "usual" speakers (monitor, PA, FRFR) then the air moving feeling is diminished a lot.

  • means actually the sound you get when you play and hear the amp signal without being

    changed from a mic which picks it up, pure guitar in to amp via room to your ears

    what we hear on records, concerts via pa systems is always a miced signal

    means the chain is git - amp- mic

    amp in the room has no mic

    but when you're good with what you get , then its ok, no need to worry bout amp in the room

    95 per cent of what we hear is not that amp in the room sound, cause its recorded or live sound via


  • With just a little bit of tweaking the eq, I can get a KPA with a self-powered guitar speaker cab to sound exactly like an amp in a room. I haven’t used an FRFR much. I suspect that might be a bit tougher to get a real amp in a room sound. Especially if you are looking for a Marshall “thunk” sound.

  • Amp in the room is the sound of a good amp through a guitar speaker...

    Some people ( not me) think the KPA isn't quite the same as its misses something...

    The KPA can do it 2 ways:

    A Di/Merged profile ( which is just a profile of the amp) through a regular cab

    A studio profile ( which includes the cab) through an FRFR speaker like the camper. This does also include the mic sound which is closer to what you would hear through a PA than straight out of an amp

    Both to me are excellent ad I use both options live.

  • I have an unpowered Kemper and a HeadRush FRFR 112. I jammed with my cousin yesterday. He has a Peavey Ultra head with a 2x12 and a 5150 III head with a 4x12 used at the same time with an A/B unit. I kept up with him and sounded just as full. It takes a little tweaking and some pure cabinet action but you can make it sound big. If that's not good enough, buy your favorite guitar cab and turn off the one on the Kemper.

    IMO, it's more than good enough based off my jam session.

  • thank you for all the replies, it seems that ever the room is more of a feeling than a sound.. I'm glad someone mentioned to the Head Rush 112 cuz I was thinking about purchasing one of them. And again the Kemper at the music store sounded absolutely amazing with the powered speakers they were running it through. Did the hair on my arms and neck stand up LOL

  • thank you for all the replies, it seems that ever the room is more of a feeling than a sound.. I'm glad someone mentioned to the Head Rush 112 cuz I was thinking about purchasing one of them. And again the Kemper at the music store sounded absolutely amazing with the powered speakers they were running it through. Did the hair on my arms and neck stand up LOL

    I was on the fence too. It's basically an Alto TS112 that's rebranded. Big difference though is that they removed the mic pre to make it better voiced for guitar. I wasn't used to a separate cab and high end amp sound coming from a 112 combo amp. So at first the HeadRush seemed to have too much bass. In actuality I just never had that low push before haha. I think you will like it. Just be patient and take the time to learn to dial it in!

  • My take; the amp in the room discussion is not even a thought for me. I've played with 100 watts into 412's/ split 412s with (2) 50 watt Marshalls, 212's, dual 1-12s, single combos, dual combos, etc...just about every combo out there. When it comes down to it, here is what the kemper offers IMO...

    a multitude of great tones that translate very well to the FOH for your audience. I monitor my Kemper in stereo via IEM and the sound is awesome. I run a FRFR to get feedback on stage as needed. To get such variety of tones you would have to run a slew of amps on stage and a well stocked pedal board/ outboard EFX unit. Even a 3 channel tube amp (mesa, etc) lacks in what you can achieve (variety) with the Kemper. Please know that I am not discounting your concern, I simply believe the benefits of this gear far outweighs the need for the "amp in the room" feel.

  • thank you for all the replies, it seems that ever the room is more of a feeling than a sound.. I'm glad someone mentioned to the Head Rush 112 cuz I was thinking about purchasing one of them. And again the Kemper at the music store sounded absolutely amazing with the powered speakers they were running it through. Did the hair on my arms and neck stand up LOL

    Check out my thread in 'Other Gear' - I just purchased two Headrush 112s, and used them for the first time last week at a gig.... VERY impressive.

  • mnwarrior, when my band rehearses we do not have a PA so I have always relied on my tube amp , is the headrush enough power to be loud enough for a hard-hitting metal drummer during rehearsal?

    2000 watts should have you keeping up with anyone easy. I've only had it up to 2 with my Kemper master volume at around -20dB and my ears hate me after 20 minutes of playing.

  • okay I'm finally close to purchasing my Kemper.. one thing I keep reading about is that with the unit you will never be able to experience the amp in room sound that you will with an actual tube amp...

    My question is, could somebody please explain to me what exactly amp in a room sound means? I played on a camper with some powered FRFR speakers and it sounded like there was an amp in the room to me LOL..

    Tinnitus. If one doesn't have it, they should not speak about the subject ;)

    p.s Hook up your Kemper to a 4x12 and crank it to 10.

  • I was on the fence too. It's basically an Alto TS112 that's rebranded. Big difference though is that they removed the mic pre to make it better voiced for guitar. I wasn't used to a separate cab and high end amp sound coming from a 112 combo amp. So at first the HeadRush seemed to have too much bass. In actuality I just never had that low push before haha. I think you will like it. Just be patient and take the time to learn to dial it in!

    Totally agree.

  • Tinnitus. If one doesn't have it, they should not speak about the subject ;)

    p.s Hook up your Kemper to a 4x12 and crank it to 10.

    Don’t get me started on Tinnitus from all my years with 100w valve amps. About 9khz blasting inside my head from the minute I waken up until the moment I go to bed ||

  • I probably started my problems even earlier than when I started gigging and rehearsing too loud. I’m of the Sony Walkman generation so my problems almost certainly started from playing music in headphones at too high a level then listening to my hifi at home and in the car too loud and thinking it was cool. It was a macho rock thing at the time but There isn’t a day goes by now when I don’t wish I could have given the younger me a serious shake and kick up the arse.

    When I started playing in bands and using valave amps I was definitely of the “it’s got be loud to get the tubes cooking” mentallity - partly because that bit is true though! If only we had had the Kemper in those days to capture the sound and feel of a cranked amp without destroying our hearing :(

    I’ll trade silence for bragging rights any day of the week :)