Rig Manager 3.0 Editor

  • Well those drifter's days are past me now

    I've got so much more to think about

    Deadlines and commitments

    What to leave in, what to leave out...

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • If I had a choice in the matter, Id rather have a NON-Buggy Editor. AS Always, YMMV.

    I don't really get what you're saying - the entire premise of alpha & beta testing is that those who are willing to put up with things that are buggy can do, and anyone like yourself can wait until the full release. That way every one is happy. I wasn't syaing they should never complete the project to a high, bug-free standard.

  • I don't think that is a fair comparison at all; concpect cars are made with no definitive expectation they will ever come out, its more like when manufacturer unveil their cars, and at the moment they usually are seen on the road a month or two later. And also cars take infitive more time to design. But okay, yeah I get your point.

    Nevertheless, kemper does NEED an editor, because all the competion has one. Some people seem to be suggesting that anyone asking for an editor are being entitled (or things along those lines). I just don't think that's true, everyone asking is doing so becasue the LOVE the kemper so much and they want it to be as good as possible, and if they see the helix has one, they think they should have it too.

    I came from an Axe-fx about a year ago, and one of the reasons that finally pushged me over the edge to convert (other than obv. the amazing sound) was they were finally going to add an editor, as well as they were adding more complex reverbs and effects. As someone who bought an Kemper in 2019, it felt really compromised and kinda out-dated that it didn't have one. The screen is tiny acompared to Axe 3, low res and non-colour. I think of all the modellers/profilers out there, the kemper needs it the most - Especially the pedal version. I don't know how they could launch that without an editor, imo that's crazy.

    Also, judging by the size of this thread, I think its fair to say there is a lot of demand. and yeah your right, I don't think there was a promise, but no release date is ever a promise, and people are still going to get bothered when it doesn't arrive when they said it would.

  • I don't really get what you're saying - the entire premise of alpha & beta testing is that those who are willing to put up with things that are buggy can do, and anyone like yourself can wait until the full release. That way every one is happy. I wasn't syaing they should never complete the project to a high, bug-free standard.

    They never stated up front that we were to be beta testers to begin with. Had they done this then your point would be valid. Obviously we will be beta testers anyway but I don't believe this will be by design. And yes, Id rather have a non-buggy Editor to begin with. Thats what Im saying and its a fairly simple concept. In other words I can wait a bit. So you want a date for when I will become like you and want to become a "beta" tester? Alright, winter Namm, slated to be on January 16-19 in Southern Cali. I expect it (pure speculation) to be out before Christmas 2019 however. ;)

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

    Edited 3 times, last by spikey (November 30, 2019 at 9:56 PM).

  • I don't really get what you're saying - the entire premise of alpha & beta testing is that those who are willing to put up with things that are buggy can do, and anyone like yourself can wait until the full release. That way every one is happy. I wasn't syaing they should never complete the project to a high, bug-free standard.

    The bugs aren’t in the editor. They’ve (repeatedly) said that’s done.

    It’s under-the-hood bugs they’re working out. Even if the editor is what's causing them problems, what's the point of an alpha/beta test? Publicizing problems they're already aware of?

    "Without music, life would be a mistake.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

    Contact - Kemper Amps

    Edited 2 times, last by Ruefus (November 30, 2019 at 10:57 PM).

  • ...

    Also, judging by the size of this thread, I think its fair to say there is a lot of demand. and yeah your right, I don't think there was a promise, but no release date is ever a promise, and people are still going to get bothered when it doesn't arrive when they said it would.

    That would be misleading. It’s mostly 6 guys going back and forth about why it’s not needed, and why it is. Mostly content free. Of course it’s just passing time while the editor slowly weeps.

  • "It’s mostly 6 guys going back and forth about why it’s not needed, and why it is."

    i really enjoy this thread.

    if somebody needs something then these needs are i guess needed?

    i also think the editor is really needed judging by the size and the demand here on this thread and elsewhere.

    before i used kemper "in my studio" i was using amplitube and gtr and guitar rig.

    apart from these apps draining my resources i was very frustrated in tweaking a guitar sound on my mouse. it just felt very unmusical so from that experience i believe that i personally wont gain anything from an editor,but i could also be completly wrong? maybe there will be features i am not foreseeing right now so i feel a bit excited to see what happens .

  • I guess that i need it, 'cause my arms are so heavy after 30 minutes setting the kemper unit at arms length.

    Well, yes of course they are.... We all the same age, have a beard, own a VW and have our Kemper's at arms length, on the same kind of desk, with the same profiles in each. We all live in a yellow submarine... EVERYBODY SING!!!! ;)

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user