Rig Manager 3.0 Editor

  • I had a quick question about the Toast program to edit on the Kemper. I am legally blind and its very hard for me to see the Kemper screen so editing on my Mac would be the only option for me. I thought i could just use the stock profiles until the editor came out but i really want to start editing on it.

    Is it worth getting? Can i fully adjust the kemper settings with the app on my Mac if i bought a midi device? I am not familiar with midi at all or the app and just wondering if its worth it? Does it have many bugs? is it hard to setup?

    Thanks guys!

  • I had a quick question about the Toast program to edit on the Kemper. I am legally blind and its very hard for me to see the Kemper screen so editing on my Mac would be the only option for me. I thought i could just use the stock profiles until the editor came out but i really want to start editing on it.

    Is it worth getting? Can i fully adjust the kemper settings with the app on my Mac if i bought a midi device? I am not familiar with midi at all or the app and just wondering if its worth it? Does it have many bugs? is it hard to setup?

    Thanks guys!

    At this point I'd say it's definitely not worth going down the MIDI rabbit hole, especially if you're going to have to spend money, 'cause the Rig Manager v3 editor component/s will be in the app any minute / day / week now.

    Seriously mate, just hold on a little longer; it'll be worth it and you won't have to learn a new app (Toast ME), only to switch back to Rig Manager when it's ready.

  • Do you have priviledged information about the release date ?

    No, vjau.

    What I said was IMHO logical given that the app is in the final stage of pre-beta-release testing. Why would one learn a new app and spend money on a MIDI interface under these circumstances?

  • What I said was IMHO logical given that the app is in the final stage of pre-beta-release testing. Why would one learn a new app and spend money on a MIDI interface under these circumstances?

    The app was to be released "in a couple of days" a couple of months ago. So who knows ? It could land next week or at next winter Namm.
    There is also the possibility that the first iteration of the editor will have less features that ToastMe.

    An usb to midi cable can be bought for 15 euros. That's probably less than most Rig packs.

  • I'm with vjau75 on this one. For the people needing an editor it is a no brainer to just get a cheap midi cable NOW and stay in OS 6 to be able to use ToastMe.

    Having it doesn't only make easy the tweaking but helps a lot in understanding all the parameters of each module and section of the KPA. You have them there visible and easy to access.

  • BTW- why the hate on Apple?

    There are a few reasons, first off I don't like that you can buy their product and be told what software I can use simply because they have not had the chance to review it. I used own a computer store as well and even though I had all of the IT credentials to work on PC, I could not even look inside someone mac without voiding their warranty. The company I currently work for has a contract with them to allow us to backup their OS for restoration purposes and they will not even give us access to enough code to do it correctly. Couple those issues with their declining quality since the passing of Jobs and you have a product and company that I choose not to give any of my money to.

  • I wouldn't bet on any date for the editor beta other than maybe "somewhere in 2019 or 2020".

    Now if I really needed an editor atm, was on OS6 (well, not sure how much is "broken" with the new OS and toast me), midi cable or interface money wasn't a big cost for me, and there'd be no other alternative devices giving me what I needed already, I'd go that route for sure.

    It's just that Kemper doesn't get used much atm. It's what tends to happen for me when some alternatives are available. I'm sure that when editor comes out the unit will get more play again, but getting used to some really good editors + how much more efficient I can be, current requirements + how close the tones are = yes, a good editor becomes important.

    The bonanza

  • Besides, it's at least thinkable toastme offers some functions official editor does not (and who knows if it will later on). May buy midi cables again for that reason alone, later on. Just not sure how toastme is affected by OS7.

    The bonanza

  • There are a few reasons, first off I don't like that you can buy their product and be told what software I can use simply because they have not had the chance to review it. I used own a computer store as well and even though I had all of the IT credentials to work on PC, I could not even look inside someone mac without voiding their warranty. The company I currently work for has a contract with them to allow us to backup their OS for restoration purposes and they will not even give us access to enough code to do it correctly. Couple those issues with their declining quality since the passing of Jobs and you have a product and company that I choose not to give any of my money to.

    so they control their software, which helps their bottom line AND saves people from getting hacked. Unlike windows.

    well done Apple. Most of the people I’ve seen who hate on them either want to tinker and can’t, or don’t have certs which can easily be taken. And yeah I’ve got a bunch of IT certs also so I get the work that goes into studying for them, but if you want to play you’ve got to have skin in the game.

  • Most of the people I’ve seen who hate on them either want to tinker and can’t, or don’t have certs which can easily be taken.

    I just don't like the interface etc. Apple drives me mad and can't get on with it. Hate my work iphone.

    Not saying windows or android is perfect but seems way more logical ( back button etc.). Bought my wife a mac for her birthday and she gave up with it in weeks.

    They are also now behind with the Iphone ( in my opinion) - I've had wireless charging, dual cameras etc for years.

    Anyway, just me, not looking to start a one is better than the other, get enough of that in my house!...and my future son-in-law is an IOS developer...

  • I think at this point, it would be easier to let any 3rd party companies develop an editor.

    Competition drives innovation.

    This isn't about an API being used. The editor software has been done for a while. The issues stated have been firmware and stability of communication.

    Nothing a 3rd party could likely ever access.

  • @Dimi

    Rock'n'Roll was NEVER about efficiency.

    I can't say it in a better way.It was always about transporting a certain feel of anger and energy which had never ever anything to do with convenience,"efficiency" or being "reasonable"..Rock'n'Roll was ALWAYS about anti-efficiency,in-conveniece,suffering and rageing against any idea of "workflow" in the right sense of this word.This was also expressed for a big(actually huge) part through the gear used.Bigger,heavier and louder..transporting the band gear was a huge part of the glue which kept a band together.It was a huge part of the "common band experience" and a huge part of the "story" of each group.Maybe it is even today.I hope so.Sorry to sound so graphical..I can fully understand when some younger guys laugh about this.

    But for me it is funny and for sure no coincidence that when Rock'n'Roll started to "smell funny" it was also exactly the same time when "UI" and "midi" became more important than pure sound and 4x12 stacks.Anyway..

    As an older guy now producing music I can't wait for the editor.Fact.For the workflow.

  • so they control their software, which helps their bottom line AND saves people from getting hacked. Unlike windows.

    well done Apple. Most of the people I’ve seen who hate on them either want to tinker and can’t, or don’t have certs which can easily be taken. And yeah I’ve got a bunch of IT certs also so I get the work that goes into studying for them, but if you want to play you’ve got to have skin in the game.

    You will not convince me to like Apple just like I made no attempt to make other dislike them. I did not even state my reasons for disliking them until I was asked. I have been in the IT field since 1992 and have many certs and degrees, A+, Net + , CCNA, ITIL, AAS in Networking and Systems, BS in Information technologies which all started with a cert in computer repair in 1992. I am also current the most senior support tech at my company. I have skin in the game, decades of it.

  • There are a few reasons, first off I don't like that you can buy their product and be told what software I can use simply because they have not had the chance to review it.

    I did not even state my for disliking them until I was asked.

    Fair enough. OTOH my story is Im running everything on my 2013 32GB i7 iMac that I want to (and I wont upgrade to Catalina until ALL my software gets a green-light from the makers). That and the fact that just about "any-one" can build their own PC these days. It's gotten real easy now but was not always the case. Yep, Cant say that about an iMac cause yea they are different. Im an Electronics Tech by trade (35 years or so)- Ive built over 10 nice PC's over the years/decades, but now I use my latest just for gaming- Hellova platform for that and good graphics card, nice frame rates too. I also ran a nice & fast home-brew PC for years using Cakewalk Sonar as my main DAW, and used it "only" for music, no games or other junk and very little Internet access (only for updating the Music stuff). I got tired of the Windows OS constantly writing over its own registry issues. Just as today with the Helix firmware updates and Windows 10 over at the Line-6 forums, as many are having issues with the updates and that particular OS. If I lose the gaming PC for an OS issue, its a Painful thing but I can over come this. But with my songs/music I don't want to lose that data. Ive got skin in that same game too. I wont "ever" run a DAW on a Windoze OS again unless its my only choice. Thanks for the answers! and AS Always, YMMV and thats ok. ^^

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

    Edited 4 times, last by spikey (November 26, 2019 at 3:59 PM).

  • Fair enough. OTOH Im running everything on my 2013 32GB i7 iMac that I want to. That and the fact that just about "any-one" can build their own PC these days. Cant say that about an iMac. I ran a nice & fast home-brew PC for years using Cakewalk Sonar as my main DAW, and used it "only" for music, no games or other junk and very little Internet access (only for updating the Music stuff). I got tired of the Windows OS constantly writing over its own registry issues. Painful-I wont "ever" run a DAW on a Windoze OS again unless its my only choice. Thanks for the answers and AS Always, YMMV and thats ok. ^^

    To be honest if Linux had the compatibility of Windows, without an emulator, I would never run Windows again. I work in Linux all day long at my job and like that environment and how granular I can get with it.

  • With the myriad number of tangents, opinions, argu.....*ahem* discussions, few of which are new (an opinion of disdain for Apple is rather unique, which is kind of nice to see.) .....an image came to mind regarding the release of the editor. Mostly due to exasperation at how far down this thread has gone. There is one solution.

    Regardless of the current state of the editor, the firmware or whatever, I'm with Rorschach. Just....

  • @Dimi

    Rock'n'Roll was NEVER about efficiency.

    I can't say it in a better way.It was always about transporting a certain feel of anger and energy which had never ever anything to do with convenience,"efficiency" or being "reasonable"..Rock'n'Roll was ALWAYS about anti-efficiency,in-conveniece,suffering and rageing against any idea of "workflow" in the right sense of this word.This was also expressed for a big(actually huge) part through the gear used.Bigger,heavier and louder..transporting the band gear was a huge part of the glue which kept a band together.It was a huge part of the "common band experience" and a huge part of the "story" of each group.Maybe it is even today.I hope so.Sorry to sound so graphical..I can fully understand when some younger guys laugh about this.

    But for me it is funny and for sure no coincidence that when Rock'n'Roll started to "smell funny" it was also exactly the same time when "UI" and "midi" became more important than pure sound and 4x12 stacks.Anyway..

    As an older guy now producing music I can't wait for the editor.Fact.For the workflow.

    I am epileptic, which without going into details (of which there can be plenty, depending on the case) in part means that using an editor is easier for me, has fewer risks, can be quite a plus when I do need to edit. Which I haven't always cared for as much.

    For the most part, my set ups have been very simple. The only pedal I've consistently used live (along with mostly single channel tube amps) have been noise gates. These have more or less been about eliminating feedback in cases of limited space where it could be really annoying both to me and audience. Kemper on its own has been an effort, on my part, for more convenience in analogy to the tones achievable.

    Now when there's some need for using highly edited tones with effects (when that does happen, more so with cover band stuff) editor becomes much more relevant. It's also more relevant if traveling and there's need to be relatively quick with edits all the while minimizing epilepsy-related risks, which is anyway part of life in general.

    About the point when it comes to convenience: bands before would also try to find the right type of van to transport things well enough, fast enough, while minimizing risks, pla pla (well still many have to). And maybe the way people would get distortion was something where big demand for "more convenience" lead to further developments.

    I do think there's symptoms in plenty of current day societies that are questionable, maybe related to part of what you're describing. But that'd get too "Political" for here.. Well, nearly everything is political in one way or another.. but anyway:)

    The bonanza

    Edited 2 times, last by Dimi84 (November 26, 2019 at 4:09 PM).