Rig Manager 3.0 Editor

  • It doesn't help that we live in an age of instantaneous 'everything'.

    Disappointment sucks, but it doesn't cease as one gets older.

    Without expectation, there is no disappointment. There is no enthusiasm either, but there is no disappointment.

    Disappointment = frustration. Frustration equates to venting so you aren't ate up with it. The best way to vent? Plug your guitar into your Kemper and jam out for 20 minutes. You'll feel better.

  • While others are crying about what they DON'T have. I'll stay thankful on what I DO have. I have a fantastic piece of gear, that never ceases to amaze me.

    That's perfectly fine, but you're commenting on a thread about a new development and passively digging at people who eagerly await something already announced. Not everybody values things the same, and that's ok.

    There have been maybe 2 or 3 people that I can recall in this thread being whiny and unreasonable. Some others have responded at times with this odd, almost brand-loyal cultish attitude about critiques directed at Kemper, even if constructive. I just don't see why that's necessary. Nobody is asking you to enjoy your Kemper less.

  • Yes. You can save directly to a folder on your hard drive / computer for one. But Im wondering why the 3rd degree about this specific editor, when editors have been around for a long while now and you have most likely played with some of them, right? So you know what they do, right?

    Has any editor done things for you that you can't do? Hummmmmm...

    Pardon the bluntness and parody... So in your studio, if all you do in there is record noises then lovely, but thats it? ;)

    I really don't understand this line of questioning, so Id thought Id be silly too...

    Hi, the question was if there were things the editor would enable us to do things we currently cant in the hardware...and it relates to this specific editor...as this is a topic on this specific editor :)

    Thank you to those that understood the question and provided some insight!

    PRS Custom 22's - Fender Strats - Diezel VH4 - Carol Ann OD2 - Toneking Imperial MK2 - Colin the Kemper - CLR Neo ii.

  • I decided to return my stage mainly because the editor didn't show up in time. the money back has been converted into a new amazing guitar and in the mean Time i've been kind of enjoying a certain New gen vst plugin and the ability to tweak it with my mouse on my big screen without getting on the floor. 100% FcB 1010 midi floor compatible

  • I decided to return my stage mainly because the editor didn't show up in time. the money back has been converted into a new amazing guitar and in the mean Time i've been kind of enjoying a certain New gen vst plugin and the ability to tweak it with my mouse on my big screen without getting on the floor. 100% FcB 1010 midi floor compatible

    You would have hated the Bradshaw rig days then. A rack full of separate devices. Ground loops everywhere to be fixed before you could even get started. Then sat on your knees programming each individual rack unit by hand. Each one with a completely different menu structure.
    I had never even used a Kemper until I bought the Stage the first week it was out. Had the full 18 song set programmed up within days. Even this morning, I decided to change out all the distorted sounds in the set for a different profile. Crunch, distorted rhythm and lead sounds in most performances.

    Even after copying all my performances to a mk2 version of each to work on, I had still managed to change all the rigs profiles to the new profile and set the gain for each rig in every profile in an hour. That included reordering these mk2 performances of every song back to slots 1 to 18.
    This thing is so easy to work with. Especially coming from using a Bradshaw system throughout the 90’s and 00’s.

    I am sure an editor would have been quicker but this thing is pretty easy to use.

    All of this was done directly on the unit without Rig Manager.

  • I had suggested that the editor have the ability to undock various elements and have them floating around, as well as the ability to resize them and choose which components are showing earlier in this thread. It's definitely something I hope they'll incorporate.

    As far as wireless, don't think it's possible as the Kemper does not have a bluetooth or wifi connection.

  • This thing is so easy to work with. Especially coming from using a Bradshaw system throughout the 90’s and 00’s.

    I am sure an editor would have been quicker but this thing is pretty easy to use.

    The Kemper does have the easiest UI in similar devices I've had experience with. I don't think anybody is saying it's arduous or the worst thing ever. Chances are fak0u would be even unhappier with a Bradshaw system. That doesn't mean he doesn't still prefer a solution that he can operate and edit on his desktop rather than have to look at a small screen and use tiny buttons & knobs.

    Most consumers respond not to needs but to conveniences. The Kemper itself is a convenience product. Doesn't mean that some don't prefer other conveniences. The editor will absolutely help in that regard.

  • We live in times where nearly everything goes at the push of a button. But there were times before that era. One had to read books, go to the library, ask friends, read manuals on paper (!) for getting some information. And great music was created without editors, even without electricity. I know that times are changing and that's often a good thing. But regardless of the era people were and are living in, it's always a matter of how you're dealing with imperfect things. What really seperates the pros from the hobbyists (in every profession, not only in music) is a certain mindset. The pros deal with what they have. If it's necessary to dial in a chorus they simply do it. Editor or not.

    BTW: Hobbyist here.

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • I'm amazed at how a lot of people on this forum find all kinds of reasons to proclame the editor delay is not important, or if the editor is even actually needed (you guys are unbelievable).
    I've been a 6 years Kemper Head happy user and always missed the editor, coming from VSTs, and Line 6 POD (editor on PC available). When the stage whan annouced I quickly sold my head and bought it, I was very happy with having pedal switches and expression controls. But editing profiles... not even even "editing" .... just adding a single FX was even more annoying than on the head. I can't stand turning knobs 30 seconds to get to an FX preset anymore, especially on the floor when I can do the same on a VST via 2 mouse clicks in 1 second.
    I loved my Kemper, especially the sound quality, but the lack of an editor made it a really bad user experience all my journey long and it got worse with the Stage.

  • I don't get why the editor delay should be important. Important for what? You've dealt 6 years with the Kemper and without an editor. And now as the editor is just a few weeks away from being released you're getting impatient and sell your new unit for having more convenience? Don't get me wrong, everyone is entitled to sell and buy whatever he wants at the point in time he wants; I just find some arguments here not very consistent.

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • I don't get why the editor delay should be important. Important for what? You've dealt 6 years with the Kemper and without an editor. And now as the editor is just a few weeks away from being released you're getting impatient and sell your new unit for having more convenience? Don't get me wrong, everyone is entitled to sell and buy whatever he wants at the point in time he wants; I just find some arguments here not very consistent.

    He used the kemper head for 6 years though, not the stage. I can understand the (even) greater need for an editor with a floor unit. And most definitely many “anti-editor” arguments that have run for years and years and years can look rather bizarre. No wonder.

    Now returning the stage because currently there’s no editor.. not sure I’d do that myself... even though it doesn’t seem clear when a beta will appear anyway. Then again I’m not sure I’d buy a unit without an already released, good, stable editor to start off with, at this point, head or floor model.

    PS: ToastMe has been great for sure.

    The bonanza

  • I'm looking foward to the editor as well. And I also see the higher need for it when owning the Stage. I just don't get this impatience. Life will go on during the waiting time - and music should go on anyway.

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • I'm amazed at how a lot of people on this forum find all kinds of reasons to proclame the editor delay is not important, or if the editor is even actually needed (you guys are unbelievable).

    I have always wanted an editor because its useful, not essential. I have used mine KPA for a similar length of time ( 5 years) and I rarely change it now, not because its difficult but because I'm happy with the sound. So I can cope pretty well without it. Funnily enough I was making some changes last night and the editor would have been useful but didn't stop me or cause major frustration.

    Not sure why that is amazing.

    I'm more amazed you bought the stage, with virtually the same interface, which is probably more suited to live use and gave it up weeks before the "essential" editor came out in favour of VST's ( none of which I like the sound of), which are not practical live.... but hey that's up to you.

  • It was asked earlier "what can an editor do for me that the KPA cant already do"? I tried being cute in answering, but really didn't answer the question. Ive since then thought it over and here is my answer- It will allow me to adjust profiles on the fly while sitting in front of my DAW creating music, right in front of me, without having to reach over / walk over and twist a knob or press a button on the KPA. It creates a faster and more efficient work flow in a digital world / studio for recording guitar. It will also allow me (if It has what it should have) to keep & store profiles in a more pro-active way right onto the hard-drive, where they can be called up, edited, and saved to a folder of choice (or the cloud) without hitting a single button on the KPA! If time=money as some have stated here, then why wouldn't you want this?

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • It was asked earlier "what can an editor do for me that the KPA cant already do"? I tried being cute in answering, but really didn't answer the question. Ive since then thought it over and here is my answer- It will allow me to adjust profiles on the fly while sitting in front of my DAW creating music, right in front of me, without having to reach over / walk over and twist a knob or press a button on the KPA. It creates a faster and more efficient work flow in a digital world / studio for recording guitar. It will also allow me (if It has what it should have) to keep & store profiles in a more pro-active way right onto the hard-drive, where they can be called up, edited, and saved to a folder of choice (or the cloud) without hitting a single button on the KPA! If time=money as some have stated here, then why wouldn't you want this?

    Isn't the answer "everything I can currently do but easier" ?

    For example - I was making some changes last night and I need to change some morph settings. I think I can do it without the remote but its easier with...however, I have to get the remote out and plug it all in. I am hoping the editor lets me do this much easier on screen.

    For me my spare time doesn't equal money, but doesn't detract from wanting an easier life :)

  • As far as wireless, don't think it's possible as the Kemper does not have a bluetooth or wifi connection.

    Why should not it be possible?

    KPA has USB port, it is running well known RTOS, so it can be easily extended with WIFI and BT with external USB dongle.

    KPA has few more hidden features that may be used in the future for new features.

  • I'm amazed at how a lot of people on this forum find all kinds of reasons to proclame the editor delay is not important, or if the editor is even actually needed (you guys are unbelievable).
    I've been a 6 years Kemper Head happy user and always missed the editor, coming from VSTs, and Line 6 POD (editor on PC available). When the stage whan annouced I quickly sold my head and bought it, I was very happy with having pedal switches and expression controls. But editing profiles... not even even "editing" .... just adding a single FX was even more annoying than on the head. I can't stand turning knobs 30 seconds to get to an FX preset anymore, especially on the floor when I can do the same on a VST via 2 mouse clicks in 1 second.
    I loved my Kemper, especially the sound quality, but the lack of an editor made it a really bad user experience all my journey long and it got worse with the Stage.

    I've seen your post on the french Audiofanzine thread.

    I haven't noticed that you had a head before.... And there, i understand less and really think that there's a huge "casting" mistake....

    In fact, i don't catch why you switch from a "Stage" to a software....I don't understand why you can't wait a week/a month, it's gonna arrive, it's sure....

    Personnally, i had a L6 Helix (LT ; cheaper) and wanted to improve the simulations amp/cab sounds. I use it only for gigs and rehearsals so the pedal board format was a must. I didn't want to pay for the rack or head + Kemper pedal board ; too much expensive (the stage is already a big price gap from the Helix LT;)) !

    Now, i'm new to Kemper and, i would like to have the editor quickly to build a lot of my Performances this way, it'll be more convenient, of course.

    But the sound improvement and the stage design (simple chain and all those sutffs), correspond to what i was looking for and i'm really not ready to send back my new toy ! :evil:

    On this thread, i see poeple who are really impatient and, on the other hand, others who don't mind but you the first one who send it back just because the editor is not there yet =O=O=O