Rig Manager 3.0 Editor

  • I guess all those people with pedalboards are out of luck then...

    Oh, and the more that USB connection is used for, the more reliant this piece of otherwise timeless gear will become on the not so timeless computer OS connected to it... What if Kemper goes bankrupt, or ceases to update rig manager after 3.0? by the time Mac OS is at 10.18 it won't work anymore... For that reason alone I would even suggest that the Profiler gets a function to import rig by rig from a USB stick, it will make it even more timeless and not reliant on changing PC hard- and software... Not that I'm against an editor, but I don't rely on it...

    You already can import rigs by USB stick. Did it a couple times this week.

  • Wow. This thread goes from.

    Don't need an editor.

    Need an editor

    Don't need an editor.

    Need an editor.

    Don't need an editor.

    Need an editor.

    Don't need an editor.

    Need an editor.

    Don't need an editor.

    Need an editor.

    Don't need an editor.

    Need an editor.

    Don't need an editor.

    Are we there yet?


    Need an editor.

    Don't need an editor.

    Are we there yet?


    Need an editor.

    Don't need an editor

    Are we there yet?


    Need an editor.

    Don't need an editor

    Are we there yet?


    Need an editor

    Don't need an editor.

    Please make it stop.

  • Patience! You don't need to need to need to need an editor.

    KPA Unpowered Rack, Kemper Remote, Headrush FRFR108s, BC Rich Mockingbird(s), and a nasty attitude.

  • Hey, I never said I don't need one, I only said it's a little bit overreacting to say you can't use a Kemper Stage without, just because you won't kneel down for it :D

  • With the release of the new delays I expected the editor to be "on the way"..

    Before OS5 an editor was not necessary at all.Loading in a profile and adjust it a bit..this was the game on until october 2016.

    Now the reasons to use an editor are plenty:New delays,morphing(more so when using two kempers together),new reverbs,cab managing and some more good reasons for each user to find for his personal needs.

    It is a must now and for this reason we will have it soon.I don't understand all this negative energy about the few days delay..

    This is weird to read from the guy who spent years passionately arguing against an editor, even after we had new delays, morphing, and reverbs on the way. The Kemper was "an amp" and the rest were "digital toys" meant for tweakers, not professionals. I guess there's hope for everyone. :S

  • With the release of the new delays I expected the editor to be "on the way"..

    Before OS5 an editor was not necessary at all.Loading in a profile and adjust it a bit..this was the game on until october 2016.

    Now the reasons to use an editor are plenty:New delays,morphing(more so when using two kempers together),new reverbs,cab managing and some more good reasons for each user to find for his personal needs.

    It is a must now and for this reason we will have it soon.I don't understand all this negative energy about the few days delay..

    The Delays WERE part of the new editor, we only have to find the off-button...:/

  • I could just imagine that after the editor is released (if it is not a masterful prank from mr kemper and team), we all will miss this sooo much.

    Honestly my favorite thing right now is when Kemper posts on Facebook and nearly all the comments are editor-related. Some are pretty clever. It's become a meme at this point, and I'm here for all of it. Almost makes me want this to be delayed further just to relish in its total absurdity.

  • There is an argument to be made that Fractal's systems need an editor. Getting great sounds is easy, but not when compared to the simplicity of Kemper's approach.

    (I am not saying Kemper doesn’t need an editor. I’m saying Fractal generally takes more tweaking to get the results you want.)

    Yeah well I am down with the sickness, just bought the powered version anyway. LOL I am sick I am sick I am so sick LOL

  • Hi guys,

    today won't be the day. We're pretty close but as it turns out, we will not manage today. Sorry for that. There are some rather small issues we would like to address first and we believe that's better than releasing today for the sake of having a release "in time". It's frustrating, not only for you, but especially for us as well. But also, we sincerely believe that it's better to invest a couple of additional days.

    I'll post news here when I have some.

    Thanks for your understanding, gs