Rig Manager 3.0 Editor

  • I literally just had this discussion with the head of manufacturing here. In THEIR world, they know how long it takes to build widget X down to the second. They go all cross-eyed when I try to explain to them that 4 months of design time may be nowhere near as long as what is needed to design new widget Y, even if it's based on widget X. "But, why don't you know???" she cries.

    Because, Karen, a lot can go wrong in 4 months when you are doing something you've never done before and have no idea if the concept is even going to work! You are asking me to have a magic crystal ball and I'm going to tell you, the ball is cracked, broken, filled with smoke... and, as it turns out, is a BOWLING BALL... so I can't do what you want. We can UPDATE you with our progress as time goes on and we learn more, but right now, our sight as to what we can do and commit to is about 1-2 weeks out... not 4 months.

    Karen is not getting a Christmas card this year. ;)

    Don't be like Karen.


    Don‘t be like Karen.

    Let‘s make that a running gag for everyone whining about lead times ...

  • When? This is what I was thinking for last month..

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    Edited once, last by skoczy (October 9, 2019 at 8:06 PM).

  • Nine past midnight. Another week has slowly crept by while I survey the outside world around me through the cracks in the walls, looking for any signs of the editor being nearby. The only audible sound is that of the blood pumping through my veins, and my elevated heartbeat. The high register cleans up as I remove the PureCab setting and adjust the clarity and pick controls. The litany of anxiety-causing posts unrelated to the editor release grows larger by the day. I cower as an in-depth review of the Fractal III editor begins to autoplay in the open youtube tab in my browser. I quickly close it and put out the flame of my candle. I must wait for daybreak.

  • Nine past midnight. Another week has slowly crept by while I survey the outside world around me through the cracks in the walls, looking for any signs of the editor being nearby. The only audible sound is that of the blood pumping through my veins, and my elevated heartbeat. The high register cleans up as I remove the PureCab setting and adjust the clarity and pick controls. The litany of anxiety-causing posts unrelated to the editor release grows larger by the day. I cower as an in-depth review of the Fractal III editor begins to autoplay in the open youtube tab in my browser. I quickly close it and put out the flame of my candle. I must wait for daybreak.

    Now your just plagiarizing John Grisham:evil:

  • I wonder what can be so fundamentally flawed if this thing needs more than 9 months of development after it was publicly shown in NAMM. You don't let people mess around with an app in such an early stage (no beer pun intended).

    Never the less, it would be a lot easier to tell, that the Editor will be release in 2020 Q1, one week before NAMM just as the reverbs. This thread would be deserted until NAMM2020.

  • I wonder what can be so fundamentally flawed if this thing needs more than 9 months of development after it was publicly shown in NAMM. You don't let people mess around with an app in such an early stage (no beer pun intended).

    Sure you do. Happens all the time. You don't even have to look outside NAMM '19 to see it.

    Wampler Pedals demo'd their new Terraform. Which they said would be out in Summer. Much like Kemper, they've communicated that it's taking longer than expected and to hang tight. Nothing is 'fundamentally flawed'. But getting it right is taking more time than expected.

    It happens. All the time.

  • Sure you do. Happens all the time. You don't even have to look outside NAMM '19 to see it.

    Wampler Pedals demo'd their new Terraform. Which they said would be out in Summer. Much like Kemper, they've communicated that it's taking longer than expected and to hang tight. Nothing is 'fundamentally flawed'. But getting it right is taking more time than expected.

    It happens. All the time.

    In addition, the software at NAMM would purely be demo, not stable, all features working properly etc. so its not a question of " it was complete at NAMM and its taken 9 months to get out of the door. I suspect a lot of on going development has continued.

    Again, not unusual.

  • Summer is gone, Fall is here, Winter is Coming! 10 days since G String thought it would be a few more days......... :/:rolleyes:?(

    I consider that 10 days amounts to a few days delay, especially in the context of an informal post here. It's not yet a few weeks and nowhere near a few months so I don't think anything is amiss.

    No offence meant to anyone but this is pretty common on forums:

    Person a) When can we expect <product>

    Person b) Soon. Maybe a few weeks away from release.

    Person a) A few weeks, cool.

    Person c) A few weeks? So what, two weeks? Three max? Cool.

    Person d) Definitely within three weeks? Cool.

    Person e) Confirmed.

    Person d) Cool.

    Person f) It's been 22 days. Why announce a release date if you can't keep it? Not cool.