Rig Manager 3.0 Editor

  • Atlantic

    A RC - Release Candidate - is a bit beyond beta. It's the step software takes between beta and production. Typically, it's a code complete version of the product that's gone for rigorous internal testing. It is not uncommon for software to go through multiple release candidate versions - but as the name implies, it's so close to ready that they have a version they're considering releasing.

    It means the project is feature / code complete. The developers are happy with it. The product manager is happy with it. It's just being vetted.

    Does that help?

    It does help.

    Of course I realize that they have internal betas before the public ones. So a RC in Kemper fashion would be first released as a public beta once they decide it, and if everything goes well they would elevate it to a Release version.

    So, in real world out of Kemper offices it means that we are close to a beta release.

  • Awesome! Very exciting. Hope everyone can keep it together for a bit longer.

    Maybe a bit of exercise to blow off steam?

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  • we are running test. i cannot predict the future, so i cannot know what we will find next. I thought the word "release candidate" give you a good indication of what state the product is in. when i'd read this, I'd think "that's good news". but if you want to know if it's 2 weeks or 4 weeks - the answer is simple: i could only guess and that does't help anybody.

    With all due respect, but if the Editor is really in the phase of what you wrote, I can hardly imagine it will take another 4 weeks to release.

    But thanks for the info.

  • With all due respect, but if the Editor is really in the phase of what you wrote, I can hardly imagine it will take another 4 weeks to release.

    But thanks for the info.

    I think you're reading way to deeply into his statement. He didn't actually give any time frame. It was presented as an example, not a prediction. Could be two to four months or two to four days for all we know.

    "Without music, life would be a mistake.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

    Contact - Kemper Amps

    Edited once, last by Ruefus (November 15, 2019 at 8:04 PM).

  • It does help.

    Of course I realize that they have internal betas before the public ones. So a RC in Kemper fashion would be first released as a public beta once they decide it, and if everything goes well they would elevate it to a Release version.

    So, in real world out of Kemper offices it means that we are close to a beta release.

    They way I do software releases is like this:

    Alpha: Developer only code. Guaranteed to break. Might even catch fire. Not for public consumption. May or may not be feature complete.

    Beta: Developer and Testing code: May or may not be feature complete, but it's more stable than Alpha. For testing purposes. Not for the general public, although open public betas are possible (Kemper does this with the OS, but I don't think they do it with Rig Manager)

    Release Candidate: Testing code. This is the version that will go to the quality assurance team. It is feature complete, code reviewed and typically an indication that the product is ready for release, but additional testing is warranted. For big projects (developer tools, operating systems etc) this is released to partners and developers- but the general public is often not involved in RCs.

    Kemper may do things differently though.

    The fact that GString has called this a RC is very very good news. It tells me three things:

    (1) They're being incredibly diligent with what will become mission critical software. I truly appreciate this.
    (2) They've completed the herculean task of building the editor and are happy with the result.
    (3) They're very close to being finished.

    I'm following this thread because it's incredibly funny now. Kemper users are a better sort than some of their competition's customers, but there's a level of entitlement in this thread that entertains me. Those who don't develop software often grossly underestimate the time, effort, energy and skill it takes to do so. It's not easy - and the Kemper's software is complex.

    KPA Unpowered Rack, Kemper Remote, Headrush FRFR108s, BC Rich Mockingbird(s), and a nasty attitude.

  • Thank you for the update G String. Appreciate the information release. Answering any post with an update doesn't help anybody, except silencing the excited, louder members.

    I tried all the available MIDI editors and always ran into problems. All solvable, yes, but the Kemper solution is so plug and play and it always worked great without issues. This is the way it should stay please, also with the editor.

    Still seeking a good Tonehammer 500 profile :)