Posts by mickey
trata primero con el 7.1.5 y ve subiendo uno a uno
NO te permite actualizarlo al 8.5
Hola Ale
Cual es la version de software de tu kemper?
Hola Carlos que te gustaria saber del Kemper en especifico
Que version es tu sistema?
Anny news about Petrucci wah setting?
Trata desconectando el kemper de la electricidad a ver que pasa
Welcome to the for
Check if the Kemper have the same sample rate of your eleven Rack and the cubase
Excellent version men
I very excite about this new pluguin , Im fan of the ezkey and superior drummer
Great tone , and great player
They said that have the public beta 3.1.2.
For me the most easy way is that somebody sender a usb ready
Do you record direct via spdif?
I have the ATH-M50 and the ATH-M70X there are very good options
Send me the usb
Send me a email and I will send me address
How much money do you have for this?
Cuanto tu estimas gastar , yo te aconsejo que compres unos in ear como estos in ear que ya te servirian de monitores para las tocadas en vivo?