What’d you get? The 2019 gear junkies thread

  • Gearwise: Early December I picked up a (barely) used Epiphone Sheraton to use as a pit guitar (no room, quick changes and bashing) . Looks and plays really well but, I was having to tweak profiles which worked with everything else I use. It was woolly in the upper mids and a bit weak on the leads so ... I dropped in a set of Seymour Duncan Hot Rodded pickups. Bingo! Clear and fruity with a touch of wood on the neck and grunt with searing lead on the bridge. Trouble is, it's now elevated beyond 'pit' status. Hmm, I don't have a Junior .... yet!

  • I recently got an Amp1 Mercury Edition for a second band I'm in where I don’t need FX. It sounds great and is loud.

    Also for this setup I got a Bluguitar Nanocab. This little bugger weighs only 8.5 kg, is very loud and sounds awesome, also with my Powerhead.

    This Nanocab is convenience at its best!

  • Amp1 Mercury Edition for a second band I'm in where I don’t need FX. It sounds great and is loud.

    Also for this setup I got a Bluguitar Nanocab.

    Nice Rig !-

    I put my eyes on this set too.

    For the DUO at small venues the Kemper with monitor is almost too big and heavy for me.

    Probably has a better sound than the Mooer GE200, which I currently use.

  • I picked up a bx_masterdesk mastering plugin for $24! Universal Audio had given me a $50 coupon and I got $25 for a survey, so I figured it would be worth a (really cheap) night out at the pub.

    I also liked my PRS Archon 25 Combo so much that I picked up a 50 Combo from someone who was selling.

    Room's kind of getting crammed.

    Meanwhile, my replacement Fryette Power Station is en route...

  • I picked up a bx_masterdesk mastering plugin for $24! Universal Audio had given me a $50 coupon and I got $25 for a survey, so I figured it would be worth a (really cheap) night out at the pub.

    I also liked my PRS Archon 25 Combo so much that I picked up a 50 Combo from someone who was selling.

    Room's kind of getting crammed.

    Meanwhile, my replacement Fryette Power Station is en route...

    Good to hear you got the Fryette dealt with.

  • Good to hear you got the Fryette dealt with.

    Yes. Shameless plug, but I bought it from Musik Productiv in Germany. Their guy, Jens, was remarkable to speak to when I bought it, and when he helped me with this issue, I was very grateful. You don't usually get that kind of customer service in my part of the world, and shopping internationally can sometimes be extremely unpleasant for both sides.

    I got none of those vibes with this shop though. Left them five star feedback just before the Fryette went kaput, they could have jettisoned me there and then, but like I said, really good experience.

    And I'm saying that before I've got my replacement in hand. Hope I haven't jinxed it, haha :)

  • I've been possessed and on a serious studio upgrade.

    I'm gonna have a financial hangover, but f-it. YOLO, am I right?


    So, first things was, I needed a 1176 compressor for my vocal chain (need fast comp paired with slow optical)

    But.. I wanted some EQ for Bass and a backup preamp. So I grabbed the 6176. Ouch. But it's a thing of beauty.


    Then I picked up an Integra-7 for the history of Roland to pair with my Motif Rack XS.

    Stricktly, the XS doesn't sound as good, but goes in the mix better. And Omnisphere is awesome.

    But something about layering PARTS and the easy with which I can pull up orchestral presets may make me keep the thing.

    I go back and forth each day, but I think the "keep it" is winning out.

    Roland DS-88:

    My Yamaha KX88 is finally frizzing. Lowest 4 keys won't work and the electronics are stuck on SPLIT.

    So I had to grab some sort of MIDI controller. I need 88 (used to playing piano) and I grabbed a Roland

    for it's key feel and compatibility with the Integra. (maybe i am keeping it?)

    Now... the Inegra has made me get stupid. I half wanted a Prophet, having played more synths.

    But I settled on...

    Access Virus TI 61:

    Don't have this yet, it's on the way. I got the keyboard not b/c I needed it but party for resale value and partly for wheel integration.

    I also had to get a 2-Tier stand for these stupid keyboards. I am interested in diving more into sound creation, but the presets in this thing are like Omnisphere: HUUUUGE. Can't complain about that.

    I have gotten an EW Composer subscription and a hard drive of their downloads to see how useful that would be to me. I like it.

    But may not keep the subscription. Or get it as needed. I own RA, but TBH the sounds in the Integra or XS are just fine for most compositions.

    Or I can grab Garritan Personal Orchestra for cheap if I need something a little more orchestral, but not as exacting as EW. Time will tell.

    Also grabbed a few Omnisphere packs.

    Normally, I buy stuff outright, but there were a few holiday 0 interest deals that grabbed me. The kid is almost out of college this year, so I can see the horizon. OK, maybe I'll sell a few thing like I always do, but that herd is growing thinner as I settle on what works best. This gear journey is slowing down.

    I should be set now for a looong time. There's pretty much nothing I don't have except excuses.

  • Integra-7:

    Then I picked up an Integra-7 for the history of Roland to pair with my Motif Rack XS.

    Stricktly, the XS doesn't sound as good, but goes in the mix better. And Omnisphere is awesome.

    But something about layering PARTS and the easy with which I can pull up orchestral presets may make me keep the thing.

    I go back and forth each day, but I think the "keep it" is winning out.

    Amazing, Dennis. I paired the I-7 with an XS Rack too. They do compliment each other perfectly.

    The Yamaha has a more-clinical sound, but as is usually the case, the company nails tone. The Roland sounds pristine, but as usual, when compared to the Yamaha it's a tad weighty / fatter.

    Be sure to download the extra INTEGRA-7 presets from here:

    INTEGRA-7 | Axial

    So many awesome SuperNatural presets, and all for free.

    Now, here's where I can save you a truckload of time and bother. This is my breakdown I posted for the Roland community at Roland Clan:

    On the Axial site, these are the redundant sets that use Synth Legends lib patches for layers and include only duplicates of said patches, so ignore them unless pre-layered Studio Sets are important to you (you can easily layer anything you like anyway, so I fail to see the point of these). IOW, the MonkeyMethod™ is to ignore these:











    These are the sounds from which the above sets are derived, so you'll want them.

    Choose one of these sets as they're identical except for the FX / no FX aspect:

    INTEGRA-7_Synth_Legends (With FX)

    INTEGRA-7_Synth_LegendsPure (No FX)

    These sets are original, so grab them:


    INTEGRA-7_Janne Wirman (COB) Signature Sound Collection




    Now you'll be able to install them all and still have plenty of room left over for your own tweaks!

    Note that the Janne Wirman download comprises 21 Studio Sets, 3 PCM Synth and only 2 SN-S patches. Also, you'll have to load the SRX-06 and SRX-07 boards in order to play the PCM tones properly. I haven't loaded any of this set yet, so am unsure what I'll do. My guess is that I'll ignore the Studio Sets and PCM tones, placing the SN-S ones at the end of my User collection, so I'll update the breakdown below accordingly.

    Here are the locations and slot numbers I installed everything into after much experimentation and changes over time:

    Studio Sets

    INTEGRA-7 Synth Legends > Studio Sets 17-48 (leaving factory 01->16 intact)


    INTEGRA-7 Synth Legends > Super Natural Synth User Bank 1 - 128

    INTEGRA-7 Euro Attack Synth > Super Natural Synth User Bank 129 - 274

    INTEGRA-7 NYC Nightlife Remix Collection > Super Natural Synth User Bank 275 - 303

    INTEGRA-7 Sounds of Summer 2014 > Super Natural Synth User Bank 304 - 327

    INTEGRA-7 Super Super Saw > Super Natural Synth User Bank 328 - 367

    INTEGRA-7 Janne Wirman Signature Sound Collection > Super Natural Synth User Bank 368 - 369

    So, you'll have slots 370->512 free for your own creative madness!

    Also grabbed a few Omnisphere packs.

    Bravo, Dennis! Hopefully they're from Skippy; if not, I highly recommend his work and have bought, much to my budget's dismay, all his Omni work:


    All-up, you've done an impressive amount of upgrading this year already; I can only dream of being able to make such drastic changes "across the board" in one fell swoop as you did, mate.

    Kudos to you, Dennis, enjoy, and thank you for sharing!

  • Thanks MonkeyMan!

    You have a lot of experience, and deeper, too, so I AM taking notes!

    I'll have to figure out how to load those. So far I've just done imports and it is either from a backup or replacing the 4 banks.

    I get confused at their naming schema still. Is it a sound or tone? A preset or patch? Even the history of Roland is confused with itself!

    I love Omnisphere, but there is nothing like having presets pop up in an instant like the rackmounts can deliver.

    My take is that I can put Yamaha in the mix and its just ready. The Integra looks like it wants some filtering unless used as a sole voice (ie Sax on a solo or intro Orchestral)

    I like the SOUND of the Yamaha even if the Roland sounds "better" side-by-side. Sort of like, I like Garritan better than EW even though EW sounds better. Something about Garritan sounding more beautiful, peaceful and if I may, more medieval? Maybe b/c it's been used on RPG games! (big Jeremy Soule fan, Morrowind soundtrack especially)

    I think Yamaha uses recorded tones. Roland models tones, which is why it seems to take breath expressions better and EW just records many a note to have huge variety and realism of note realization/expression.

    What I NEED is a Breath controller. Not the $700 dollar ones. Just something to pop in my mouth as I solo play an instrument. Currently I'm just using the DS-88's joystick (their version of the 2 wheels) which is kind of perfect for this that 2 wheels would be hard to mimic.

    Got any advice on Breath controllers? (I used to play Clarinet, so this should be a breeze to use for me)

  • No worries, mate.

    Given that you played clarinet, you might love the Yamaha WX 5, which I think is out-of-production now, but you could talk to these guys about a refurbed one, or buy one 2nd-hand and send it to them; they're the experts, trust me:

    Patchman Music, LLC Online - "The Wind Controller Specialists"

    Read this if you're not up with things:

    The Wind Controller FAQ

    If you want to go simpler and forego the fingering part, here's an excellent, "cheap", class-compliant (no drivers required) breath-and-bite controller:

    USB MIDI Breath and Bite Controller 2

    As for the Roland-patch confusion, import them from a USB stick and point to the appropriate patch-commencement numbers using my list outlined previously (it's the final one in blue, labelled "Patches"). If you do this, you should have everything squeezed in from patch 001 through to 369, leaving slots 370->512 free for your own creations. This is all in the SN (SuperNatural) User-patch area, which you should be automatically pointed to when you try to import any of the banks.

    Following the programme I outlined, you'll have all of the Axial stuff, which you'll be blown away by 'cause of the excellent old-school-synth-style patch content, and with zero redundancy. Without the info I figured out and posted for you and Roland Clan, you'd quickly run out of preset slots to store them in, long before you actually had all of the sounds.

    HTH, bud. ;)

  • Many thanks, MonkeyMan! You da... MonkeyMan!!

    I almost forgot, I bought a few more UAD2 plugins.

    They're like heroin. The more I hate them, the more I want to get away, the more I buy.

    Buggers! (I'm American, so that's not a bad word here, haha)

  • No worries, as always, Dennis.

    Just on the Roland-Modelling thing you mentioned:

    In fact, it does use samples for the SuperNatural engine, just as it does for the conventional-PCM-ROMpler one, only in this case it employs proprietary scripting in order to "intelligently" trigger them in accordance with one's playing style. AFAIK Roland was the first major player in the hardware market to do this, starting with the TD-20 drum brain.

    We've seen it in software samplers for a long time - UVI's Falcon and before that MOTU's Mach Five use the Lua programming language, and Kontakt uses a proprietary one it imaginatively calls "Kontakt Script Language".