Is it worth getting an Axe FX if you have a Kemper?

  • I'm really on the fence about this.

    I sold an amp today, and because of the sharp fall in used Axe FX prices, I have an opportunity to get an Axe FXII Mark II for a bit less than I made on the amp sale.

    A bit torn about it really. On one hand, I see a lot of folks here who have both and say they are equally good.

    At the same time, I see a lot of guys on here who slam the Axe FX tones (and Helix, etc).

    Then there's a third school of thought: get another Kemper instead. something I ruled out myself :D

    I was thinking it would be cool to have an Axe FX in a rack with the Kemper. That would give me enough processing power to cover all the string instruments in my band.

    Honestly, I listen to the Axe FX videos and some of them make me laugh at the tone. Then there are others that are mind-blowing good, such as:

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    To me, at least, they don't sound 1:1 to the amps that are compared in the videos.

    I'm 90% leaning towards an Engl Savage in the neighbourhood, or maybe an Invader if I can swing it.

    But I keep thinking of the synergies between a Kemper and an Axe FX. For example, one of the Kemper outs (maybe direct) into fx return of Fractal. Then insert that into two separate chains on the Axe FX. Send a tube screamer into one of those, have an ADT block somewhere, place a quad delay in each of the signal paths (interesting thread about an octa delay on the forums a la Alan Holdsworth). Other madness. Meanwhile, the Kemper is also running its own signal chain and sending that to the master outputs and a cab on stage.

    Of course, I'm not a big FX guy, so I have to keep that in mind too.

    So, as mentioned in the title, is there any point in getting an Axe FX when you already have a Kemper? Just seems like an incredibly complex rig for... the sake of being complex?

    The thing that kills me is... What if I never know? :D

  • If you need an absolute assurance that Kemper is actually the ultimate investment for the best amp tone and feel, grab an AXE FX to compare. :D

    If you need plethora of effects and and crazy 4x12 fully customisable grid (judging by your post I don't think it's quite the case), grab an AXE FX.

    Otherwise if you are like me, just too curious to try different things and easily GAS'd, please save your money and invest on something else.

  • I own an Ax8, so Axe Fx II little brother. Same sounds, just less processing power.

    I do also got myself a kemper ( again, a toaster Kemper this time instead of rack ) because I was not ever able to recreate nor find Cleans on the Fractal as I have and hear with the Kemper, Im talking about tonejunkie profiles, Brian Carl, Some Mbritt, but Mostly tonejunkie and Brian Carl profiles. As well for the Worship and ambient tones.

    Fractal sounds more open and thumpy on high gain stuff and you can tweak it. Something you cannot do with kemper.

    Once a profile has been created you cannot adjust the Gain because then its not that profile anymore.

    Kemper high gain profiles to me have that stiffness and dry tone to them. I wish I could profile and tweak my own profiles if I had the gear.

    I do not miss the effects from the Fractal. I play my Kemper everyday. My Ax8 just sits under my desk. I dont miss it. Thinking about selling it.

    So I'd say is just Gas as others here say. Save yourself the money and maybe get a nice distortion pedal with some midi pedal and thats it.

    Kemper delays are beautiful, reverbs are about to get better. So just get maybe one or two really good dist or overdrive pedals and thats it.

    I must mention at the moment I run an Eventide Space Reverb pedal in the kemper's loop sometimes for really beautiful reverb sounds. But we will see what the future might bring us all Kemper owners once the new reverbs are released.

    Take care. Good Luck !!

  • I say buy it. I own an AXE FX II as well as my new Kemper.

    The reason I say buy it is because if you buy it used and don't like it you can sell it for what you paid for it. NO RISK INVOLVED!

    I know you have different ideas for its use, but I'm in the process of profiling the amp models in the AXE FX II without cabinets. The models are very accurate IMO. I plan to profile about 20 of what I consider to be the best amps. I've already developed sounds that I feel are superior (for my needs anyway) than the rigs I download, and I KNOW what the amp model is on the rigs I'm creating. I also like the fact they aren't tied to cabinets. I'm also going to create IRs for my favorite cabs in the AXE FX. That way I can mix and match amps and cabs till my heart's content in the KPA or use the direct amps with VST cab IRs in my DAW (of which I have hundreds).

    Some will say I can just download anything I need. But I've got Shiva, Mesa MKIIC+, and VOX AC30 rigs that I made myself that I feel sound better than the ones I can download, and they are direct profiles I can use with any cabinet I chose in the Kemper. By the time I finish, I'll have every amp model I could ever wish for in KPA direct profiles.

    At that point the AXE FX will probably go on fleabay. I feel like I'm stealing the AXE FX amps for free!

    If you get the AXE FX, you must use the computer editor IMO or you will go crazy. The display in embarrassing IMO. Why the guy didn't use a higher res display boggles my mind. The KPA's display blows it away. A KPA computer editor would be nice, but it's not really needed IMO.

    Just my opinion FWIW.

  • Of course they differ but in my opinion, these 2 devices serve essentially the same purpose. Even if you get a good price or end up flipping it, it's still a waste of time/energy that can otherwise be used to make music. Same idea I have about owning any multiple similar guitars or pedals.

  • It's just GAS, matey.

    Repeat after me:

    "I have everything I need...

    I have everything I need...

    I have everything I need..."

    I wish I could say that, but I can’t.

    Anyway, it’s too late. I had a chunk of change from selling my Mark V:25, and it was burning a hole in my pocket.

    New amp inbound, hopefully should have it in my clutches by next week.

    Wait for the big reveal. I can’t believe I got it for less than the Mark V. A real score with change left in my pocket to boot. Excited!

    Spend your money travelling, go and see the world. Way more to discover than inside a 19" rack device :D

    Everyone tells me that: “see the world”!

    Unfortunately, I am the kind of person who likes to sit at home, doesn’t like to travel and go to fancy restaurants. My idea of a good vacation is to sit on a beach somewhere and not move an inch.

    That said, I’m going to Dubai early next year and I’m planning a trip to New Zealand and maybe Australia.