Parallel fx, more slots.

  • Hi,

    I have a couple of feature requests for consideration:

    Request 1

    More fx slots. I realise this is dependent upon computing power, but a limit would be OK. Or reduce slots available to other effects if processing power would be exceeded. How to manage would be a challenge given front panel and remote capability. However, this would enable full use of:

    Request 2

    Parallel fx. I would like to run some fx in parallel. e.g. delays, chorus. This gives a huge and tight sound a la Holdsworth. Again the management of available processing power might be a challenge.


  • You can already run some effcts in parallel. It is limited to only Delay and Reverb although to be fair that’s really the main effects that the big 80’s rack sound relied on having in parallel anyway.

    You can also run a parallel signal using just the effects in slots A and B but the signal bypasses the amp section and mixes back in AFTER the delays and reverbs. It was initially intended for bassplayer to mix a DI type signal with an amp signal. However, I would love to see this expanded to allow the parallel path to be routed anywhere in the signal chain. For example, I would love to be able to send the parallel path through say 2 or 3 stomps then bypass the amp and FX slots X and Mod but merge woth the main signal Fore the delays and reverbs. In my case that would allow me to run my PRS P22 with the electric signal going through the normal amp chain and the Piezo signal through a compressor and eq then bypass the amp but still have delay and reverb added before sending the combined signal to FOH.

  • The next revision we are currently finalizing is providing full flexibility of the REV module similar to what we did with the DLY module a while ago. In that revision you can place any kind of effect in the modules DLY and REV. The parameter DLY+REV Routing (former DEL+REV Balance) moves into Rig Settings and allows to use these two modules in series or in parallel or anything in between regardless of the effect types!

    This request about more effect modules…. Do you really need more than eight active effects simultaneously? Can you provide a practical example, where that makes sense? Or is this more a question of organizing your different sounds? Some people try to condense all their possible sound permutations in three or five Rigs. Some competitors have limitations in terms of gapless switching and spillover, when switching their presets/programs. But we don't have those limitations. Instead of switching effect scenes or snapshots you could switch to a different Rig with the push of one button. Switching to a Rig with a different set of effects doesn't hurt. There is plenty of memory space.;)

  • Do you really need more than eight active effects simultaneously? Can you provide a practical example, where that makes sense?

    I think it's more to do with the placement of the eight effects in relation to the amp. e.g. five effects before an three after or vice versa. Think having a eq and gate taking up vital slots that could otherwise be used for effects. If the amp could be moved in the chain then those eight effects would be more than enough I think.

  • I think it's more to do with the placement of the eight effects in relation to the amp. e.g. five effects before an three after or vice versa. Think having a eq and gate taking up vital slots that could otherwise be used for effects. If the amp could be moved in the chain then those eight effects would be more than enough I think.

    Ok, understand, thanks for the clarification!

  • For me I’m more interested in the way FX are combined than the number of slots, having more insert loops, I.e. rather than “grit” or “modulation” within delays and reverbs having a insert loop there so I can put a different stomp in there to change the character of the grit, or the type of modulation and so on,

    Anyhow I am looking forward to the new reverbs, I really hope that there’s a “profiled” complex verb option that grabs an IR during profiling to deliver the complete profile of amp + room sound.

  • ....

    This request about more effect modules…. Do you really need more than eight active effects simultaneously? Can you provide a practical example, where that makes sense? ......

    I always use a Wah, a Whammy and a Gate in front of the amp module, so there´s only one Slot left. So I have to decide wheather to use a fuzz, or a boost, or an EQ, or something else....

    An extra slot for Wah would be a great improvement! With a selectable spot infront of or after the first 4 FX slots, maybe even in between, and maybe additionally after the amp block. Similiar to the volume pedal

    Same with the Noise gate, one selectable spot in front of or after the first four FX Slots and one after the amp block.

    This would free up two otherwise permanently talen slots for me!

  • Do you really need more than eight active effects simultaneously? Can you provide a practical example, where that makes sense?

    Example: To emulate a Holdsworth sound accurately, you need to run multiple delays in parallel, single repeat with increasing delay time each delay. Eight slots not enough. e.g. Yamaha Magic stomp, eight band parallel delays. Holdsworth used three of them at once.

  • Can you not get very close to that with just the Rhythm delay, Quad Delay. That would give you 4 single delays in parallel in a single effect. Once the new update comes and you can put anything in the Reverb slot you should hopefully be able to add a second quad delay in the final slot and set them both to parallel giving 8 delay taps in 2 FX slots.

  • The Yamaha 8 band is a completely different animal. To emulate it would require a host of slots with delays and modulation. I look forward to trying.

    I would be happy with a Yamaha Magicstomp delay preset instead!

    Edited once, last by amclw1 (November 22, 2018 at 2:09 PM).

  • OK, I'm not familiar with the Magic Stomp but just had a look at the manual and the list of parameters. It looks like to Quad Delays or Quad Harmonic Delays in parallel should get pretty close. However, the big difference is that the modulation in the MS can be linked to an LFO with a choice of wave shapes. That shouldn't be too hard for Kemper to implement in a future firmware update. In fact a number of people have already asked for the ability to link various functions to an LFO and many of those have asked for the ability to choose the wave shape. My Roger Mayer Voodoo Vibe for example offers Sine, Triangle and Saw options for the vibe effect. It would be great to be able to use that kind of flexibility throughout the entire Kemper effects suite and/or link morph parameters to an LFO rather than pedal or switch. In theory it shouldn't be a big deal as there is clearly already an LFO being used for many of the effects so it would just need to expand it's flexibility.

    I think adding expanded features to an existing delay or other effect is more likely to happen than the addition of extra slots. However, I would also agree with the request to be able to place any number of Stomps/FX before or after the Stack block. So 1 in front with 7 after or 3 and 5 or 6 and 2 etc.

  • The next revision we are currently finalizing is providing full flexibility of the REV module similar to what we did with the DLY module a while ago. In that revision you can place any kind of effect in the modules DLY and REV. The parameter DLY+REV Routing (former DEL+REV Balance) moves into Rig Settings and allows to use these two modules in series or in parallel or anything in between regardless of the effect types!

    This request about more effect modules…. Do you really need more than eight active effects simultaneously? Can you provide a practical example, where that makes sense? Or is this more a question of organizing your different sounds? Some people try to condense all their possible sound permutations in three or five Rigs. Some competitors have limitations in terms of gapless switching and spillover, when switching their presets/programs. But we don't have those limitations. Instead of switching effect scenes or snapshots you could switch to a different Rig with the push of one button. Switching to a Rig with a different set of effects doesn't hurt. There is plenty of memory space.;)

    Does this mean that we will have a stereo signal chain throughout? If so, could we request that both of the paths are allowed to run through the amp and cab section?

    This would allow us to run one boosted path and one regular path through a profile’s left and right channels (Assuming we still had the parallel path option).

    I had requested this as a feature sometime ago, and it would be a natural extension of the idea of having parallel paths for these modules. After all, what fun would it be if it reverts to a mono sound when we run a DS after the delay, for example?

  • What would you need the delay times to be?

    There are basically three signature Holdsworth sounds - lead, chorus for chords, and swell. So taking the first lead patch from the Yamaha UD stomp (for which patch info is available) as a simple example, we have delay times of 29.7 (!), 40, 96, 110, 300, 400, 355, 461, all msec. See image below.