Solved - Help me keep my Kemper

  • A troll doesn't buy a$ %^ing USB interface and tons of cables and spend 2.5 hours trying to get it to work. A troll doesn't provide the routing details. A troll doesn't pack up his Axe III because he's happy with the tone that he's getting with the Kemper even though some basic stuff isn't working.

    You'd be surprised at what we've seen here in the past :D don't take it too personally.

    If Kemper is making me buy an external USB interface, and I'm having issues with a piece of gear that is relatively simple to operate, then yes. It goes back to the core issue of Kemper not offering a basic piece of functionality that's frustrating for this particular user in which case it's getting returned.

    Kemper is not "making you buy" anything.

    Why would you assume that just because a piece of gear has a USB port it is also an audio interface?

    In that case, I'd have to return my phone, my printer, my external hard drive, my iLok, my midi keyboard, my.....

  • Never been a fan of Mixcontrol but its a necessary to control an otherwise very good audio interface.

    I have an AX8 - no usb audio there either but thats OK - avoids some Windows grief when several "sound cards" present as options. That said most recent AX8 FW has started muting my 18i20.

    It's not a perfect world.

    I kind of like having dedicated audio interface but maybe that's just me...

  • This may sound strange and somewhat extreme (does it?), but before I buy electronics (especially expensive gear), I will get as much info and specs about that specific device.

    Hell, I sometimes download the user manual if it's available online.

    I hate unpleasant surprises.

  • I think the general apathy towards the KPA functioning as a usb audio interface, is that it lacks the ins and outs of a proper recording interface. It wouldn't bother me if the KPA could function as an interface, and I could see how it'd be useful for those who only record guitar. But for those with "pro-sumer" interfaces, it'd be of not much use compared to what we have.

    The drivers for the KPA are very stable. I don't think (but I don't really know) that this would translate to similar stability when functioning, basically, as a sound card. I have an RME Babyface, and RME's reputation for driver stability was one of the big sellers.

    I think the a/d/a converters on the KPA are very good? I don't know how they measure to RME or similar, but there's not much to talk about here probably.

    Connectivity, my (small and pathetic compared to others) Babyface has an instrument in, two XLR ins/outs, two headphones outs, and in expandable and controllable through TotalMix.

    Which is where the real problem kicks in for me. We are coming up on 7 years since release, and we have no editor (thank you to toastme for a great independent editor), probably the most glaring omission in the entire product, by far IMO the most requested, discussed, and talked about feature request for the KPA, and no real hope on the horizon.

    Then I open RME's TotalMix routing software, and it is so dense and function-rich, I can't imagine the nightmare that would be Kemper's attempt at a similar program. They'd probably have us navigating everything through the Browse knob and Page buttons. :D

    All that said, line 6 can get an interface working and sell it for $99, so it couldn't be that hard to put in the KPA. Your complaint is valid, and it is a competitive disadvantage when compared to the fractal.

    I can understand the viewpoint that it should have one, but I also fit in the camp that doesn't really care that it doesn't. If you just play live, you don't need it and the extra cost, if you're using it for your studio, you already have an interface, and possibly much better hardware/software than the KPA would have. But it would be nice for those who want to record, but have no interface...which I think it quite a small subset of users?

    Either way, I am glad you have stepped back from the cliff. Yes, it would have been handy for the KPA to have had an interface while you figured out the issue with yours, but now you have, and you have a fully functional interface. Win-win. :)

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

  • You'd be surprised at what we've seen here in the past :D don't take it too personally.

    Kemper is not "making you buy" anything.

    Why would you assume that just because a piece of gear has a USB port it is also an audio interface?

    In that case, I'd have to return my phone, my printer, my external hard drive, my iLok, my midi keyboard, my.....

    I would assume a basic level of feature parity with this unit's main competitor. One of the primary uses for this product is recording, is it not? Why not directly provide that functionality?

    Like I said, once I realized it wasn't there, it was fine. But yes, getting it working with FocusRite was a PITA, and I was horribly frustrated, which comes back to the unit that should have that basic functionality in the first place to support one of its primary use cases.

    Regardless, it's all set up now.

  • Glad you sorted it out!

    I just saw this thread but I am with you with the USB interface. I have a Behringer mixer that also is a 16 channel USB interface. While the main functionality is the mixing (duh) they did put in the audio interface piece and it is GREAT!

    If the Kemper had an USB interface to send Main Out (L+R) plus DI it would be GREAT! Also, if they made it so that the stereo effect loop can go through USB, you could add all those fancy DAW effects to your guitar tone which again would be great.

    So I am with you, it would be a great feature.

  • A happy ending! Nice!

    Ray Ray, you might want to Edit the thread title with “SOLVED”

    Ohhh and, if I haven’t returned mine by now, then you have to keep yours… ;)There are some growing pains, but the end results pay off !!

    Edited once, last by SQUAREHEAD (November 14, 2018 at 4:54 AM).

  • This may sound strange and somewhat extreme (does it?), but before I buy electronics (especially expensive gear), I will get as much info and specs about that specific device.

    Hell, I sometimes download the user manual if it's available online.

    I hate unpleasant surprises.

    I'm with you and Andy_T-V . Always download manuals first 'cause most of what you see in forums whilst researching is opinion, and reviews tend to omit important details as they try to appeal to "most people's" needs.

  • I'm with you and Andy_T-V . Always download manuals first 'cause most of what you see in forums whilst researching is opinion, and reviews tend to omit important details as they try to appeal to "most people's" needs.

    Interesting. I enjoy reading both manuals and reviews for gear I have, but I don't think I've thought about using the manual as a sort of "review". Makes perfect sense though. Dry reading, but very telling.

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

  • Not necessarily dry reading, Bruce, if you use it to "fill in the gaps" after reading reviews.

    Anything beyond that can head towards being boring, but that depends on how innovative you see the product as being, how many ingenious surprises are contained therein, how excited you are about the purchase in-general and how much moolah you're blowing on it... IMHO.

  • Guys, you're so defensive of the unit that you come across really badly to new users. You have to empathise with new users otherwise they'll be completely put off. To those who've genuinely offered help, thank you.

    I put a lot of ground work in on this and many other first time users of the Kemper over the last few months, hopefully RayRay will attest to that. But I come here, read his thread and see that all he gets told is that he's wrong for making viable assumptions and that he's a troll. You guys aren't making a good impression and really need to look at yourselves. Seriously.

    Also, not everyone reads manuals. Not everyone understands I/O. Not everyone wants to have to worry about that stuff. Some people just want to plug and play and enjoy. It's not up to us to judge them for not bothering about any of the above. This is about user experience, and believe it or not, a forum is there to aid that experience.

  • Guys, you're so defensive of the unit that you come across really badly to new users. You have to empathise with new users otherwise they'll be completely put off. To those who've genuinely offered help, thank you.

    I put a lot of ground work in on this and many other first time users of the Kemper over the last few months, hopefully RayRay will attest to that. But I come here, read his thread and see that all he gets told is that he's wrong for making viable assumptions and that he's a troll. You guys aren't making a good impression and really need to look at yourselves. Seriously.

    Also, not everyone reads manuals. Not everyone understands I/O. Not everyone wants to have to worry about that stuff. Some people just want to plug and play and enjoy. It's not up to us to judge them for not bothering about any of the above. This is about user experience, and believe it or not, a forum is there to aid that experience.

    "All he gets told...", give me a break. He got good advice, some ribbing, several people agreed with him, he has resolved his user-error issue. I don't think he's tramuatized.

    And if you don't want to read the manual or educate yourself on the subjects that you are asking people to explain to you, for free, and can't handle or understand that might be a little disrespectful to those spending their time helping others, either expect some (hopefully) good natured ribbing, or talk to tech support. Not directed at OP, I understand his frustrations and am glad his interface issue was resolved.

    This has been a fairly even thread, maybe not the best hill to die on...

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

  • Then I open RME's TotalMix routing software, and it is so dense and function-rich, I can't imagine the nightmare that would be Kemper's attempt at a similar program. They'd probably have us navigating everything through the Browse knob and Page buttons.

    This is not really a fair example. Toast ME is an ecxelent visualization and simulation of the KPA user interface.

    It is not an editor. You can't store or manage anything on your computer. It uses only the Kemper excellently elaborated and documented interface (which not everyone does).

    I don't want to diminish Damian's performance, it's a great job and I love to use it.

    Kemper have explained the philosophy behind the development countless times - everything should be operable with the device. (And it is too).

    The Kemper was originally intended for musicians (AMP + effects) and not for computer nerds.

    In the meantime the functionality of the KPA has increased so much that Kemper will probably take this into account to make an Editor,

    Slight hints of Kemper are visible on the horizon.

    I think the new database change now taking place could also be an indication.

    And if it will come - it will be more than a GUI.

    But until then the sentence applies: We got what we bought!

    Improvements have been made continuously but there is no right to demand features.

    BTW to OP: Great that you solved your Problem

  • Tone first is great. But come on... it has the port. Why make people buy another piece of gear? Fractal has had that capability for years now. It's not even a feature in my mind. It's just basic functionality.

    My point is that I wouldn't base my decision on a guitar amplifier on the use of a USB port. There are a few simple to implement features I have wanted for some years, but at the same time I need the best tone possible and Kemper delivers that for me.

    It is well worth making your voice heard, as the company watch the forum to see what users want. However, Kemper make decisions on the best way to use limited resources and it cannot suit everyones individual needs in the moment they want.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • The reality is that the developers have ruled out USB audio. It's not coming. It never was and never will. The Kemper is as you buy it. If that isn't suitable then there are plenty of other options out there replete with all manner of I/O that may be more suitable. On the otherhand, if what you have in your hands right now outweighs these apparent niggly disadvantages then you should be happy with what you have. If not then no foul. Send it back. Life is far more precious than to be frustrated about vapourware that was never promised in the first place.