Solved - Help me keep my Kemper

  • Guys, you're so defensive of the unit that you come across really badly to new users. You have to empathise with new users otherwise they'll be completely put off. To those who've genuinely offered help, thank you.

    I put a lot of ground work in on this and many other first time users of the Kemper over the last few months, hopefully RayRay will attest to that. But I come here, read his thread and see that all he gets told is that he's wrong for making viable assumptions and that he's a troll. You guys aren't making a good impression and really need to look at yourselves. Seriously.

    Also, not everyone reads manuals. Not everyone understands I/O. Not everyone wants to have to worry about that stuff. Some people just want to plug and play and enjoy. It's not up to us to judge them for not bothering about any of the above. This is about user experience, and believe it or not, a forum is there to aid that experience.

    Sorry but I struggle when someone comes on with a thread and criticizes the KPA and therefore is going to return it for not having a feature its never advertised as having or in my mind needs it., when the real issue is with another piece of kit (which is the right way to connect - USB has issues itself with windows).

    Its not about reading the manuals but it is about checking features that are that important before making such an important decision. If its that important that you would return it, surely you'd check in advance.

    If cruise control on a car was important to you, even though its common, you'd check it had it before purchasing the car rather than assume.

    Along with some recent trolling, this is why people were a little suspicious.

    Anyway, there has been a lot of help and its been resolved. In general the tone on this forum is really positive so I think that s a little strong. The forum is a group opf people keen to help others who want help and provide our time for free. Forgive us for being sensitive to criticism of support people use the unit we have spent hours with...

  • In general the tone on this forum is really positive so I think that s a little strong

    I'm not sure I agree. I like this forum, but like the Fractal forum, people on here get VERY defensive about Kemper and Kemper practices. I'm just saying it like I see it and the way some individuals react on here irritates me. Sorry if that upsets you. I'm sure the way I act irritates you.

  • I'm not sure I agree. I like this forum, but like the Fractal forum, people on here get VERY defensive about Kemper and Kemper practices. I'm just saying it like I see it and the way some individuals react on here irritates me. Sorry if that upsets you. I'm sure the way I act irritates you.

    I dunno mate - the Fractal forums are a whole other level of heathen-burning!!

  • I am sorry if I caused offense by assuming that the original post might be trolling but given the title and the nature of the post I believe it was a viable assumption. The problem was always clearly with another piece of kit.

    I have never been “defensive” about the Kemper or any other gear I use. As a paying coustomer I have no skin in the game to care what anyone thinks about any of my gear. I have repeatedly said that I think the Helix and Axe are also excellent tools which may be better suited to some people. Having said that I genuinely love the Kemper and an totally happy with it as it is. Do I want it to stop developing as a result - of course not. However, I knew what I was buying and any improvements the company make are a bonus not a right as far as I can see.

    As for the general tone of the forum, I have to say that I find it generally extremely helpful and friendly (certainly compared to other forums or the Kemper Facebook group). I think I can say with hand on heart that if someone is genuinely looking for help with an issue with the Kemper and I know the answer I will gladly help in any way I can - I believe my previous posts will confirm that beyond any doubt.

    Anyway, I am glad the OP managed to get the issue reslolved.

  • This is not really a fair example. Toast ME is an ecxelent visualization and simulation of the KPA user interface.

    It is not an editor. You can't store or manage anything on your computer. It uses only the Kemper excellently elaborated and documented interface (which not everyone does).

    I don't want to diminish Damian's performance, it's a great job and I love to use it.

    Sorry, I'm not tracking. Not a fair example of what?

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

  • I didn't think it was fair to take the toast me as an example for something kemper can't or won't do.

    Hmm, fair enough, though I don't know that I agree about the "won't. You're right, it's not an actual editor, only an interface to the perfectly good editor already built into the KPA. My point in bringing up Toast ME, was just to demonstrate my doubt as their ability/willingness to create routing software required if it were to be a full-fledged USB interface.

    As you point out, the editor is in place, all there needs to be is a software interface. And people have been clamoring for it since the KPA was released, it was easy enough for one guy to do it on his own, in his spare time, and...still no editor/interface from Kemper.

    My point really was the user-facing software does not seems to be Kemper's focus or strong suit, to say the least, and therefore the lack of USB interface in the KPA does not concern me, even as a "computer nerd", simply because it's not an easy thing to get right, I don't know that they would, and so it's not really a problem that the KPA doesn't function as a USB interface. Which is good, cause it's never going to happen anyway. :D

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

  • Guys, you're so defensive of the unit that you come across really badly to new users. You have to empathise with new users otherwise they'll be completely put off. To those who've genuinely offered help, thank you.

    I put a lot of ground work in on this and many other first time users of the Kemper over the last few months, hopefully RayRay will attest to that. But I come here, read his thread and see that all he gets told is that he's wrong for making viable assumptions and that he's a troll. You guys aren't making a good impression and really need to look at yourselves. Seriously.

    Also, not everyone reads manuals. Not everyone understands I/O. Not everyone wants to have to worry about that stuff. Some people just want to plug and play and enjoy. It's not up to us to judge them for not bothering about any of the above. This is about user experience, and believe it or not, a forum is there to aid that experience.

    Dude you have been so immensely helpful. Thank you for everything.

    I really don't care about some dudes on the internet calling me a troll. It's forum life. I didn't lose any sleep over it. I'm not a troll, and I just figure they're the religiously defensive type. I just rolled my eyes, because all camps have them.

    And yes, I was about to return it, even if the issue was with another piece of gear. It's really fucking lame that they refuse to develop that USB interface. Why? There's no excuse for it. Like I said, with Fractal, that just worked. What took two seconds with Fractal took 2.5 hours and $500 extra bucks with Kemper. It's technology. It should act like technology. Forget the bullshit car analogies and everything else. It's 2018. It's been out for 7 years. No excuses.

    Much like an actual Editor, but Locrain covered that pretty well. But the physical interface is fine to use. It doesn't cost me extra money to buy something that folks on this board claimed I should have already had. Well, ya know what, I didn't. And I can't be the only guitar player out there that doesn't have one.

    FocusRite definitely does blow. I get a weird static if I sustain a low note on just about any profile. It only happens when going through FocusRite. I'm returning that and getting a RME Fireface.

    So how are you liking it ray ray?

    I like it enough to spend over a grand on an RME. :)

    Edited once, last by RayRay (November 14, 2018 at 6:51 PM).

  • Before you spend a fortune on a new interface, have you tried to contact support at Focusrite? They are one of the best companies out there for this.

    I had a 4 year old Safire Pro 40 that is well beyond warranty. They spent an hour remotely looking at the computer and then took it in for repair when it couldn't be solved. Some connection cables were loose after taking it on the road many times, but they made no charge. I'm sure you could solve this.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • Presonus for the win! ;)

    I get your frustration, but I personally have never been in a situation where USB would be useful, since I use a Firewire connection to my PC. I definitely wouldn't want Kemper to start copying Fractal after all these years.

    I'm really happy you got a good result!

  • And yes, I was about to return it, even if the issue was with another piece of gear. It's really fucking lame that they refuse to develop that USB interface. Why? There's no excuse for it. Like I said, with Fractal, that just worked. What took two seconds with Fractal took 2.5 hours and $500 extra bucks with Kemper. It's technology. It should act like technology. Forget the bullshit car analogies and everything else. It's 2018. It's been out for 7 years. No excuses.

    its an amp, maybe the most professional amp around, and it don't needs an usb audio interface, cause there are professional interfaces out there,

    and maybe Kemper dont won't compete with audio interfaces and focus on guitarsound and not on recording , which I like more,

    And I dont need a second row usb recording capability in the Kemper, I want a professional one, like the Kemper >Amp is

    Maybe we should more focus on the Naming " Kemper Amp"

    That says it all

  • Presonus for the win! ;)

    I get your frustration, but I personally have never been in a situation where USB would be useful, since I use a Firewire connection to my PC. I definitely wouldn't want Kemper to start copying Fractal after all these years.

    I'm really happy you got a good result!

    I don't think this would be "copying Fractal" ... it's basic feature parity and getting the most from the box. I think I know the reason they don't want to (hint, it's not to "focus on tone"). Even if someone is using firewire or has their own USB interface already. I'm certainly not the first person in 7 years that thinks this is necessary.

    Before you spend a fortune on a new interface, have you tried to contact support at Focusrite? They are one of the best companies out there for this.

    I had a 4 year old Safire Pro 40 that is well beyond warranty. They spent an hour remotely looking at the computer and then took it in for repair when it couldn't be solved. Some connection cables were loose after taking it on the road many times, but they made no charge. I'm sure you could solve this.

    Good call. I'll do that today.

  • its an amp, maybe the most professional amp around, and it don't needs an usb audio interface, cause there are professional interfaces out there,

    and maybe Kemper dont won't compete with audio interfaces and focus on guitarsound and not on recording , which I like more,

    And I dont need a second row usb recording capability in the Kemper, I want a professional one, like the Kemper >Amp is

    Maybe we should more focus on the Naming " Kemper Amp"

    That says it all

    Disagree. It's a digital representation of an amp.

    It's no more an amp than Fractal, Helix, or that bean I had years ago. And sure there are interfaces out there. But there's one right there on the back of the unit. Maybe they tried it and it sucks because the unit doesn't have the horsepower. Or maybe they don't want to support it. I think they should. It would have saved me time and money and frustration.

  • I'm not sure I agree. I like this forum, but like the Fractal forum, people on here get VERY defensive about Kemper and Kemper practices. I'm just saying it like I see it and the way some individuals react on here irritates me. Sorry if that upsets you. I'm sure the way I act irritates you.

    That's any forum / Any gear. Hell, it's not limited to music, I recently tried to get some quick info on a CNC forum, and got 20 snarky replies of "Did you do a search here?!?" ANY product that has a type of forum its the same thing, over and over and over...

    Anyway, I have a Presonus Quantum 2, never looking back... Everything just freaking works the first time. I can actually do stuff without troubleshooting.

  • Glad you got it working RayRay man.....been following this saga over on TGP and glad to see it's over.

    For the interface deal....I know it was a pain in the dick for you, but I actually like having a separate interface instead of having it built in like the Fractal....I had the II and was thinking on the III like we discussed, but as far as peripherals go, I like being able to have a separate product, with manuals and software and all of it; one of the things I actually didn't like about the II was that I didn't think the interface sounded that good compared to my Apogee stuff. I like having separate controls, Dim features, meter clearing etc just on the unit itself, I don't want to deep dive into a built in interface and deal with that.

    Hoping that RME shows up and these things kick ass together, post back and let us know! I think once you get the workflow down you're going to be pretty amazed and what you end up with is gonna send that III packing back to Fractal land lol

  • Good call. I'll do that today.

    Get the know you want to. Rock solid USB drivers (RME was imo the first to really nail this down, it's not easy), great converters, and truly legendary support for products sold long ago. I know people using RME gear they bought 10-12 years ago, and running them on new PCs/OS. Can't say that for many others. Has RME ever actually stopped supporting a product? :D

    You getting the UFX? What a piece of gear that is.

    And TotalMix has quite a learning curve, but it is really phenomenal, deeeep, and can do about anything you'd need from it.

    ...rme. RME...RME!

    And you're right. I don't care that there is no USB interface, and I don't have a need or use for it, but it's so silly to act like the KPA is so special or different in some way, that an interface wouldn't make sense. Bullshit, it would simply be product parity, as you say. Modeler/Profiler is so irrelevant to this argument.

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

  • Can't say that for many others.

    ... and of course I chime in by mentioning MOTU, predictably, Bruce.

    You can still run every audio interface it's ever made, even from the '90s, and load projects from 1984 into Digital Performer.