UPS vs Surge Protector

  • How many are using an Uninterrupted Power Supply as opposed to trusting a Surge Protector?

    I have read that the KPA will shut down from sags or spikes with its built in protection.

    From that I think that it makes more sense to go with an UPS.

    How many are out playing different venues and use nothing or a Surge Protector and have had no problems?

    Gathering information here before I invest, thanks.

    Edited once, last by Splatter Rod (October 22, 2018 at 8:23 PM).

  • I haven't found the need to use one (I'm in the UK) I also gig with a powerhead which might put a UPS on it's limits for wattage.

    Zappledan Do you use a powerhead and which UPS are you using ?

    I have the unpowered lunchbox and use an APC UPS. I don't know if I've ever lost power, but for me it's a nice insurance policy against dealing with a reboot during a song.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • If using a powered Kemper, what would be the proper specs when shopping for a UPS?

    I have my eye on a CyberPower OR500LCDRM1U 500VA 300W UPS.

    $150 at Newegg.

    I’m wondering if this would be enough ?.

    I have not used the power amp of my Kemper yet, but plan on trying it out soon.

    My Marshall cab is an 8ohm cab.

    That means my KPA will be running 600watt RMS.

    I’m thinking that a bigger UPS will be needed.

    Edited once, last by Splatter Rod (October 23, 2018 at 9:23 PM).

  • Using a Furman PL-Plus CE. I never experienced problems before getting it, but I have it connected to another, cheaper UPS with a bunch of AC purifiers in it, which is then connected to a 2-socket outlet where the other socket is also occupied by an AC purifier from iFi. For me, it's just a matter of optimizing my environment with respects to ground loop noise, power line hum, etc. If it's not a problem in this appartment, it could be in the next one. I don't gig but am hoping to one day get into that too, so then it'll probably serve me good as well. So it's an investement the way I see it, to make sure a future positive experience isn't troubled by technical problems. Reading by gigging musicians' experiences, it seems there are enough ways you can fuck up your sound so anything you can do to eliminate potential problems seems worth it to me. That way, you know where to start looking if something does pop up, like say some noise you shouldn't be hearing.

    Oh, and it just looks sexy in a rack. The voltage meter is another tool that can help a bit with troubleshooting as well, so added bonus there.

  • I use a cheap Samson power conditioner, no UPS.

    I have played a number of festivals and gigs using generators which are well known for spikes etc.

    Never had an issue ( except when a lead worked loose) so for me personally its overkill. However for more serious gigging then I can see why people want UPS backup as the ultimate protection..

    In other words not seen the Kempoer being more susceptible as originally mentioned..

  • I use a cheap Samson power conditioner, no UPS.

    I have played a number of festivals and gigs using generators which are well known for spikes etc.

    Never had an issue ( except when a lead worked loose) so for me personally its overkill. However for more serious gigging then I can see why people want UPS backup as the ultimate protection..

    In other words not seen the Kempoer being more susceptible as originally mentioned..

    Similar here, just a very basic and cheap no-name power conditioner (30 Euros at Amazon). Not a single problem during the last years.

    A few weeks ago we played a gig on an excursion boat (about 250 people). We had our complete pa on it, in total about 6 kW. Everything worked flawless.

  • I too am debating on whether to go UPS vs. power conditioner/surge protection.

    Is it safe to say that some of the $200+ UPS units out there are power conditioner/surge protectors with a battery as insurance? For those of you using these in home studios, are they noisy when they run? (cooling fan?)

    Or to get the best of both worlds (clean power w/ insurance against power outages) would one need both a power conditioner and UPS?

  • For those of you using these in home studios, are they noisy when they run? (cooling fan?)

    My APC500 was silent. When it crapped out after a few years I decided I wasn't gonna spend the coin again on one, (the battery will die eventually) and went with a conditioner, plus it fits in my rack nicely... works great, and cleans just fine. My amps, interface, preamps etc, they would all pop and crackle before cuz' of dirty power in my house, but not anymore! I have another one in my live rack as well! I guess if you're traveling the world that's a different story! =O:thumbup:

    The nice thing about the UPS is it allows you to be able to shut everything down properly, if the power goes out! You won't get hours upon hours of use on the battery, better off having a generator if that's what you need/expect lol. If you're worried about lightening then you'd need an arrester on your house! If the power goes out it's time to grab your acoustic, a beer, light a candle or two and riff out ~ haha! :D

  • Imagine being the one guy with the forethought to bring a UPS with backup power, then when the power in the whole venue goes and the band goes silent, it's only you, your amp and your guitar left in the dark for a good 15 minute while everybody's fumbling. Man, that's like a wet dream, or the start of some cheap guitar porno. 8o I can almost feel an elevation.

  • Imagine being the one guy with the forethought to bring a UPS with backup power, then when the power in the whole venue goes and the band goes silent, it's only you, your amp and your guitar left in the dark for a good 15 minute while everybody's fumbling. Man, that's like a wet dream, or the start of some cheap guitar porno. 8o I can almost feel an elevation.

    Actually, I don't use a UPS for a total outage scenario, since my mixer and powered speakers would be out as well. It's the quick blips that concern me.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer