Line 6 HX Stomp - Compact Professional Guitar Processor

  • Hi!

    One conclusion could be that we don‘t listen.

    But a second conclusion is true: Creating things take a long time unfortunately, a bit longer than we even thought...

  • I don’t mean to sound like a jerk, but really man, come on. We get free updates, we have the very best tool that comes closer to real tube amps, to the point of smoking all the others. Think about all the money the Fractal users have lost due to updates. We get them free!

    His skill set may not be Effects, who cares, I did not buy my Kemper for its effects, actually I didn’t even consider it had effects at all!

    The Kemper should be looked at as an amp and nothing more. Anything else is just gravy. Use your pedals the way you would with an actual amp. Want Effects, add a Fractal AxeFX, or Line6 HX Effects, or Strymon or many others.

  • All this talk about Kemper 2. Makes me wonder, what exactly should a Kemper 2 be? Why do we need new hardware? And if there's new FX or other stuff int there: can it's features be implemented in the original Kemper by updates? I don't think that there is any consensus about this...

    Off course, there'll come a time the Kempers DSP platform is obsolete, and yes, some users prefer a different package. But on the other hand, There are so many brands out there that keep coming out with new hardware, just to purposely make updating users' existing hardware obsolete, and earn money on new hardware. Fractal to name one... Or Native Instruments with their Kontrol S4 mk1 which suddenly isn't supported anymore and is worth shit now on the second hand market...

    So to be the owner of a device, made by the same guy who kept supporting all of its synthesizer line, even when the last one in vastly more powerfull than the first, well, that's kind of reassuring, and actually makes me happy with what I have. I don't need a Kemper 2, but I do like updates!

    BUT: Ultimatly, when a Kemper 2 comes, it'll probably have to be reprogrammed in C or something else, as the DSP is nearing end of life. Which makes me wish that there will never be a Kemper 2: Even for someone like CK, maintaining 2 codebases is a gigantic task, so I'm doubting we will see updates for a Kemper 2 platform backported on the original Kemper platform... Which means the original Kemper will be worth shit second hand, and if I want the new shiney updates I'll have to put down some $$$.... In other words: wishing for a Kemper 2 is wishing for a serious loss in value of your original Kemper...

  • Technology is great, however, at the end the music that comes out of it counts. I would not worry so much about effects and put more emphasis and focus on the music. The KPA as it is just amazing and allows many people to make great music. Let s be more humble and appreciate what we have vs 10 years ago .... Just my "2 cents". Rock on !

  • I too would like the new lil Line-6 Box to play with, but Im thinking when our KPA gets the next big update the lil box will become an afterthought.

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • Here comes an apology for Christoph for my rather emotional statement about my wishes (see above).


    I simply love my Kempers and want the brand to remain the best on the market in every aspect (as I said... routing, UI, etc.) Thanks a lot for the reasonable reply that you are listening even if sometimes feels like you don't.

    Better have it and not need it, than need it and not have it! - Michael Angelo Batio

  • Here comes an apology for Christoph for my rather emotional statement about my wishes (see above).


    I simply love my Kempers and want the brand to remain the best on the market in every aspect (as I said... routing, UI, etc.) Thanks a lot for the reasonable reply that you are listening even if sometimes feels like you don't.

    Fair enough and good on you for doing that, not many do...

    I think the point here is that different organizations have different approaches. Kemper choose to wait until they have something sorted rather than give false hope. I respect that.

    You/we may not agree but that is their approach. I think they do listen as most requests have come through but they take time.

    I don't want a multi effects unit, I want an amp first, the effects you can address with outboard stuff if really needed. But its difficult to please everyone.

    I'll take the Kemper over any Line 6 product because I think it has the edge and the right focus on the base sound first.