• Yes, and no offence to the creator, but it doesn't cut it for me.

    I use it daily and I am wondering what else would you need. Because you can basically edit everything that is in the KPA. But you could also engage with the community and participate with some ideas to make it better.

    Personally I love ToastMe and by talking with Damian I know that it is going to get even better.

  • It's always amusing, the fanboi snobbery that comes along with any and all threads like this. This is not exclusive to KPA by any means, but it always is amusing.

    You don't need it! Gotcha! And the user interface is so perfect, why even discuss anything additional?! Understood! If you ( and you speak for everyone ) find everything you need right at the dials and buttons, you in the best interests of mankind must denounce all discussions of any and all alternatives to knobs and buttons! Mouse clicks and giant screens of information are an abomination! Okey Dokey!

    Of course we enjoy the Kemper as it is. And we can compare it with everything else out there. And we can switch to other things and whatever. Consumers always reach out, that is the whole point. For anyone who chimes the "We all must be so utterly grateful..." You should have to suffer units with no updates. Ever. You should be grateful where you started and accept your lowly status until a full new unit is available, and then you must pay double and be grateful for the opportunity, haha... :)

  • I feel like there is a gap in communication here. No one is saying that they don't want an official editor for the KPA. Everyone does. What I do see being stated is that it's a silly reason to sell the KPA, there is a very good if not official editor already. The official one will happen when it does, until then, if you still turn knobs to edit your KPA, it better be because you enjoy the exercise.

    Good grief people- an editor is a completely logical evolution for this gear. I gaurantee nay sayers will use it!

    What naysayers? Everyone wants it.

    If you ( and you speak for everyone ) find everything you need right at the dials and buttons, you in the best interests of mankind must denounce all discussions of any and all alternatives to knobs and buttons! Mouse clicks and giant screens of information are an abomination!

    Why do you still use the knobs/buttons? That's an absurd waste of time. I do my editing with a keyboard, mouse, and a screen with 42" worth of information. Works great!

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

  • When i start up my Kemper (s) i bitch and moan to myself about the knob turning.... after a beer(s)...i am no longer worried about the knobs as i have learned to relax and know that although it may take the kemper team a long time to make one, there is toast me mean time and i have learned to live with it. Now i am happy. Reminds me to send Damien another beer (Toast me inventor)


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • It carries on....

    Pretty simple to me:

    1) Do most people want an Editor - Yes

    2) Can most people use the KPA effectively without - Yes

    From there is just gradations on how useful it is to people. For me it would really help setting up performances etc but I don;t do it that often. I think it could have a side benefit for diagnosing issues by seeing key settings on a single screen ( screen shots to forum users for example).

    I've not used the toast me but I think I need to give it a go.

    I say yes to an Editor and no to it being the deciding factor..

  • I thought it was already confirmed by Kemper anyway? Like V8 says, mainly useful when you set up the unit in the first place. Some (particularly those with sight issues) will be quite excited though and we all have different needs.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • Unless I’m doing something wrong, why should ToastME need both USB and a midi connection ?

    ToastMe needs a MIDI connection between the Kemper and the computer.

    Using USB or not depends on the MIDI device that you use to connect to your computer.

    Most MIDI devices are USB, but not all of them.

    And maybe questions related to ToastMe should be asked in it´s thread: Toast ME: the Unofficial Kemper Editor

  • I was merely mentioning it inasmuch as we NEED an Editor, not half a job. Those of us blessed with less than perfect eyesight have a nightmare using the front panel, yes the Axe Fx 2 etc is as bad but at least there was a proper editor for the unit. I've had Axe Fx2 and 3 plus 2 x Helix Units, so I'm no newbie to whats needed and the Kemper does need an editor now to fully exploit

    what is an excellent unit

  • Unless I’m doing something wrong, why should ToastME need both USB and a midi connection ?

    I just use a Roland Um-One MIDI interface. Midi cables go to interface, interface to USB PC.

    I think that's pretty much what everyone does, unless your PC/interface has MIDI I/Os.

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.