• Didn’t mr. Kemper confirm at a trade show a few months ago that an edtor was coming?

  • Didn’t mr. Kemper confirm at a trade show a few months ago that an edtor was coming?

    Yes. He definiteky said there would be an editor but didn't give any indication about when this might be, how far up (or down) the development roadmap this might be, or what sort of features would be included. So, at the moment there doesn't appear to be any sign of an editor on the horizon.

    I personally couldn't care less about getting an editor to control parameters as the Kemper physical interface is just so slick and intuitive the idea of reaching for an iPad or computer is like a backward step to me. One of the reasons I chose Kemper over Axe FX and Helix was the simple user interface and the lack of the need to delve deeply into programing or tweaking to get a great amp sound. HOWEVER, I really do hope that any editor is a massively improved Rig Manager. i.e. something that makes creating, storing, finding, organising, naming etc of not only Amps but, Cabs, Presets, Performances and that it's more stable than the current rig manager.

  • I couldn't care less about those who don't want an editor... not personally, just in regard to this topic. I do find it interesting how they insist on entering a page on a forum regarding the request for said editor... just to let me an others know they don't.

    [Blocked Image: https://media1.tenor.com/images/5dc0c9e375baeeb52b000916cc12d64f/tenor.gif?itemid=7798021]

  • I couldn't care less about those who don't want an editor... not personally, just in regard to this topic. I do find it interesting how they insist on entering a page on a forum regarding the request for said editor... just to let me an others know they don't.

    So much this.

    Pretty much every request thread is like this. Seems like some just get off on telling people that they don't need the features that they are requesting. It's called "Feature Requests", not Feature Request Debates". It's really annoying and completely unproductive, and it is usually done with a pretty nasty attitude.

    The most worthless posts on this forum are made by people trying to crush everyone's dreams. :D

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

  • maybe kemper can't release an editor because it would reveal how much the kpa Can't do!
    I've come to know with mine, the closer you are in the selected profile to what you want and less tweaking you need to do, to better the results will be
    If you're sampling your real amp recorded examples from your release, then it makes a good touring alternative

  • maybe kemper can't release an editor because it would reveal how much the kpa Can't do!
    I've come to know with mine, the closer you are in the selected profile to what you want and less tweaking you need to do, to better the results will be
    If you're sampling your real amp recorded examples from your release, then it makes a good touring alternative

    Yes, but it's pretty commonly known that that is the best way to operate the KPA. Pick the snapshot that is closest to what you want, only tweak as much as you need to. The Kemper does not and does not attempt to mimic the tone stack controls of the amp profiled.

    It's not much of a limitation really, and actually has its benefits, but it basically comes down to whether or not you can adjust to switching profiles instead of turning knobs.

    Of course some adjustment does not really cause the "issue" (I hate to use that word because the KPA works as intended, there's nothing to fix) that you described, and I never feel limited by the amount of adjustment I can make without changing the character of the profile.

    But I prefer switching profiles to turning knobs, so I usually make very little to no adjustment to the profile because it's already so close.

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

  • But I prefer switching profiles to turning knobs, so I usually make very little to no adjustment to the profile because it's already so close.

    It's not all-that-different anyway IMHO. Invariably, when "turning knobs", as you put it, if the amp model you're tweaking doesn't "fit", you select another. Same goes for cabs and mic models.

    It's not as if one can get from point A to a radically-different point B without having to choose different amp, cab and mic models when using "conventional" modelling gear.

  • I assure you that when the reverbs come out we will shut up for at least 6 more months about it LOL


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • Well...that's one way to go about it I guess. I prefer to use Toast ME, and keep my KPA, but to each their own. :D

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

  • I finally gave up on waiting for an editor and decided to selling my Kemper.

    I fail to see what is so difficult about the Kemper that an editor is essential. Of course it might make some things easier or faster but basically, how much editing does anyone need to do on a daily basis?

    Of all the reasons to get rid of anything that must be one of the craziest I've seen. But whatever makes you happy. Life's too short to waste waiting for an editor. 8)

  • I personally want the editor badly, feels incomplete to me without it. In this modern age I have I come to expect to have a computer interface, I prefer to shape my sound on the computer at my desk where I do everything else. I feel like I’m going to wear the buttons out sometimes so the editor would help there too. My biggest need/want for the editor is to be able to leave my Kemper on my cab and connected to my computer, no more moving it around as I do now. I spend Kemper time playing and Kemper time working on my sound and effects. Constantly moving it from my cab to the desk.

    If the editor never shows up Ill live. I will never sell my Kemper, it’s simply amazing. I love Kemper as a company and there commitment to quality but I really can’t understand how they don’t think the editor is top priority and keep everyone in the dark about it. The sad thing is they are losing sales by not giving the people completely what they want, I know of one sale they lost and the lack of an editor was a big part of the reason. The editor is as important or more important than the reverbs to a lot of us or so it seems. I’d like to see a poll, editor vs reverbs to see what everyone would prefer first. My opinion is they need to get the editor out of the way, that way all the software will be complete and then concentrate on effects etc. I know a lot will disagree but this is how I feel about it.

    I check here everyday with hopes that the editor will arrive :(. Kemper can we help speed this up ? I am willing to pay or start a “go fund me” to help pay for the overtime:P lol

    Everyone has their opinion on this and that’s all we have to talk is each other’s opinions. We know there will be an editor someday but that is the extent of what we know.

  • Everything has an editor. from little pedals to major gear, it is just the norm. Stereos, TVs, my freaking central air has an app to control it! Sure I can get up and adjust it down a notch, but I don't have to. Options. Not having an editor in this day and time seems odd. When you exclude it, it's like you are from the stone age. Those that don't want/need it, you don't have to download or use it. Options. So you need not comment further or at all, just exclude yourself. Easy. Go rest your back from bending and tweaking. ;) This convo is so old, its yawn.... I could care less about reverbs. Most of use is recording, I have plenty of plugins. If I don't have an editor and have to manually adjust things, I might as well use the real thing, my tube amps. Simple. Easy.

  • Yes, everyone wants an official editor, and agrees that the KPA should have one.

    It does not. I hope it does, sooner than later. Kemper should feel more than a little embarrassed they there isn't one.

    Luckily, even if I considered an editor more important than the tonal features of the KPA (how, I do not know), I get to keep and enjoy my KPA.

    Because the KPA DOES have an editor. And it's really good. And if any of it's limitations prevent you from utilizing the KPA to the extent you need, well then welcome to Earth my friend, because we are from different planets.

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

  • I used toast me and really like it , an official editor would be great and will certainly make me dive into the unit more ...

    But : come on guys , we own the best modeller in history , with all we could ever dream of , and this since 2007 !

    We should be grateful to the kemper team and all extra's are a bonus ...

    morphing , the upcoming reverbs , distortions, commercial sellers and even the editor will surface at one point (they even hired an ICT wizzard to get the job done, dunno if he/she was ever found)

    Ok I would love an official matching cabinet, a floormodel and en editor but this does not influence my happiness of owning the best gear I ever purchased ( ok It killed my GAS , but I learned to live with it :))


    Kemper stage with 2 mission pedals (in a Thon line 6 FBV case) and a Zilla 212 (K-100/V30) , SD powerstage 700 poweramp

  • I fail to see what is so difficult about the Kemper that an editor is essential. Of course it might make some things easier or faster but basically, how much editing does anyone need to do on a daily basis?

    Of all the reasons to get rid of anything that must be one of the craziest I've seen. But whatever makes you happy. Life's too short to waste waiting for an editor. 8)

    Mein gott, a post on here I agree with 100%!.....


    Edited once, last by LiamUK (October 23, 2018 at 10:43 AM).

  • It is true that it´s embarrasing for Kemper to not have an editor. They should have it.

    It is also true that selling the KPA because of that, from a practical point of view is strange. Because there is an editor, even if it´s not official. So as a player and user you already have a solution. And honestly I couldn't care less who makes it as long as it works. And it does.

  • It looks like the poster is trolling and has achieved his objective of getting some much needed attention.

    A member for 5 years and a total of 7 posts doesn’t suggest someone who actually wants to be part of the forum community other than to stick in the big wooden spoon from time to time for a bit of excitement.

    And we are all playing along with it 8o