• The dial to the left of the main screen has “all rigs”, “favorites”, “just bass” etc. I play bass and guitar and like having “just bass”. I also wish they would add “just guitar” so I could screen out my bass rigs, or even “just clean” to screen out profiles over a certain gain level. I know I can create folders in rig manager but wondering if this is a menu you could upgrade or maybe we could one day customize it ourselves? Thanks

  • I don’t think adding the option for “Just Guitar” in the KPA would be enough to make this work. The Tag would have to be in the Rigs for it to work, wouldn’t it?

    I think “Just Guitar” would require Kemper to add the tag to every non-bass rig in RE/RM, all the commercial sellers to do it, and for each Kemper user to add the Tag to every non-bass Rig in their KPA and in Rig Manager.

    “Just Bass” worked when it was released with the bass rigs that Kemper made available (they had the tag). I added the “bass” tag to all of my other RM bass rigs.