Reached a wall with my Kemper.

  • May i ask what LP sound you are after? I bet i have a profile to test and match it, just give me a link brother to the sound YOU want from your LP


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • @ the OP
    The trouble is, tone is subjective. If you like the sound of your guitars through your amp, that’s your tone. Whether another amp or guitar costs 10 times as much doesn’t matter, if you don’t like the tone. Hence why I and others have suggested you profile your amp.

    Many people love MBritt profiles. However, there are some on the forum that just can’t get along with them. Is it because they’re rubbish? Or is something wrong with those users’ Profilers? No, they just don’t get along with MBritt’s tone. It’s sounding more and more like that might be the case with you, though I admit that your first clip sounded off to me.

    Most of the results I've been getting sound a bit off to me. I have been getting some ok results on occasion, then I get back to this wall.

    Some people may like a Boogie but not a Marshall and vice versa. I think we can agree though, that's personal taste as they are both excellent amps. This isn't a case of that's a good tone but not for me, I'm struggling to get a good tone.

    If I play through my Marshall, its instantly good. I may adjust the EQ but that's not because it sounds bad. If I play through my Kemper, I'm dialing just to get it to sound good. I have to go through tons of profiles to get a usable sound, not just a good sound.

  • Its not possible in my living situation to record my amp, which is why I got the Kemper. What I'm thinking of doing eventually, is making a cupboard into an iso booth and miking the amp.

    As for profiling my own amp, is that going to sound any better than the profile of a much more expensive amp, profiled by a professional? One of the big selling factors of the Kemper, is that I can have access to amps I wouldn't have access to otherwise.

    For those of you that do mike your amp or use a load box, are your results better or worse? Would love to hear side by side comparisons. I don't expect a load box or mike to sound considerably better with my skill level, however a mike is £200, a load box around £500. That's nearly a thousand pounds saved going with those options. I've read other forums where people who already mike/load box their amps are splashing out the cash on a Kemper. For those of you that did that, was it worth it?

    Anyway, like I've been saying I've taken the plunge and will keep swimming for a while.

    DI tracks to come shortly.

    I have a TNL & a Kemper.

    They both sound fantastic! Depending on the day, I think one chain is better than the other, but the real truth is either would work well for my hi gain stuff.
    I tend to use the Kemper more, but I recently used the Kemper di out into amp> TNL to record 2 simultaneously; a hi gain patch along with a lower gain patch, then phase correct it in the DAW. THAT sounded HUGE.

    Oh, I'm off track...OP, try more/get better profiles

  • I have a TNL & a Kemper.
    They both sound fantastic! Depending on the day, I think one chain is better than the other, but the real truth is either would work well for my hi gain stuff.

    I get the general impression that they sound similar. Massive price difference though. I would have save £1,000 by getting a loadbox. Could have got a new head and a load box, for the price I paid. I'll probably annoy many people by saying this, but I do feel I paid too much for the Kemper, considering the results I'm getting.

  • I get the general impression that they sound similar. Massive price difference though. I would have save £1,000 by getting a loadbox. Could have got a new head and a load box, for the price I paid. I'll probably annoy many people by saying this, but I do feel I paid too much for the Kemper, considering the results I'm getting.

    you may sell your kemper and get the loadbox and new head, even losing some money you earned experience that nobody could tell you how it would had been...

  • . I'll probably annoy many people by saying this, but I do feel I paid too much for the Kemper, considering the results I'm getting.

    Should not annoy anyone...if you spend a lot of money and don't get the results you expect then that's not surprising.

    As has been mentioned a few times, the rec9ordings provided do sound off so there is almost certainly somethign wrong but shame we can't seem to nail it for you :(

  • Should not annoy anyone...if you spend a lot of money and don't get the results you expect then that's not surprising.
    As has been mentioned a few times, the rec9ordings provided do sound off so there is almost certainly somethign wrong but shame we can't seem to nail it for you :(

    Well, we might be able to get closer with a DI track and a track with a preset profile...

  • I get the general impression that they sound similar. Massive price difference though. I would have save £1,000 by getting a loadbox. Could have got a new head and a load box, for the price I paid. I'll probably annoy many people by saying this, but I do feel I paid too much for the Kemper, considering the results I'm getting.

    For the last 3 weeks numerous members here have repeatedly urged you to upload a DI recording in order to help you figure out why you're getting the results you're getting, and thus far you've yet to upload one, opting instead to post about how you don't feel you've gotten your money's worth. Others have given good reasons why you should consider profiling your own amps, and that suggestion seems to have been politely brushed off. Do you really want to know why the KPA isn't producing the results you expected, or would you prefer we all end this discussion and move on to another thread?

  • If I play through my Marshall, its instantly good. I may adjust the EQ but that's not because it sounds bad. If I play through my Kemper, I'm dialing just to get it to sound good. I have to go through tons of profiles to get a usable sound, not just a good sound.

    T. Apparently you can play loud enough on the Marshall to know it sounds good yet you won't try a profile on it.
    So buggin the neighbors excuse is bullshit
    These guys sincerely want to help you but I think you're just fuckin around for the hell of it.
    Post something or Quit please.
    You have proven one thing though, Lots of good hearted people own Kemper's. :thumbup:

  • T. Apparently you can play loud enough on the Marshall to know it sounds good yet you won't try a profile on it.So buggin the neighbors excuse is bullshit
    These guys sincerely want to help you but I think you're just fuckin around for the hell of it.
    Post something or Quit please.
    You have proven one thing though, Lots of good hearted people own Kemper's. :thumbup:

    Actually, the Marshall sounds good at low volumes to me. I never said anything about having to crank my Marshall to get a good tone. Take it easy mate, you don't have to post if your getting annoyed. You may not like my amp, I wouldn't hold it against you. We can all have different tastes in gear.

    When I can, I'll post the DI track. You said the same thing about me not posting samples. I did post samples and if you look back on the thread, Mr Kemper himself said that it sounds good to him, and there's nothing wrong with the Kemper.

  • Mate, there's DEFINITELY something wrong. As far as I'm concerned it doesn't sound good. If CK thinks it sounds good then great, but I wouldn't be happy if my Kemper sounded like that.

    Thankfully it doesn't.

    Please let us help you or sell up and go the route you've been talking about as Ive a sneaky suspicion you won't be 100% happy until you do. Good luck!

  • I still have not been told WHAT the tone is on the LP that he is after, give me a song or example , out of the 5,000 rigs i have in RM (my RM takes 3 mins to load :D ) I can tell you i can find this sound. Whilst my asshole points to the ground i can tell you i have it. Do the DI thing too dont get me wrong, but what is the tone or sound you want just send me a clip or pm already please.


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • For the record, when Ash says 5,000, he means 50,000+; it's the beer talking. :D

    Yeah, Terence, DI track has been the next-logical step for quite some time now, mate, so go for it.

    Keep a copy of it, BTW, so you can upload it reamped with the same Rigs forum members use for the exercise. This'll ensure more-accurate comparisons than if you were to play something else, even if it's a similar riff, in order to produce comparison clips from your side.

  • I'm very sorry for this guy. And not for defending KPA, but for "wasting" a ton of money in a thing that doesn't sound like he wants...
    But the curious thing is that EVERYONE HERE, listen to sh*t in the audios he upload.

    Everyone suggest a DI track, but he insists in complain about wasting money. We are your last resort in a ocean of uncertainty.

    Take the lifesaver or sell it.

  • I still have not been told WHAT the tone is on the LP that he is after, give me a song or example , out of the 5,000 rigs i have in RM (my RM takes 3 mins to load :D ) I can tell you i can find this sound. Whilst my asshole points to the ground i can tell you i have it. Do the DI thing too dont get me wrong, but what is the tone or sound you want just send me a clip or pm already please.


    I've answered this earlier.

    I'm after quality tone. Once again I'll explain. I plug my guitar my Marshall or a friends Messa, Orange, Vox, I get a good quality tone. I plug into my Kemper, I do not. If you look through this thread I've given details on the profiles used, some members have been kind enough to mail me profiles to try. I've gone through all the suggestions listed here and it hasn't made a difference.

    I'm away right now, when I get back I'll try the DI suggestion. But in light I've what I've experienced so far, I think its more probable than not that this isn't going to solve the problem. Mr Kemper has listened to my clips and pretty much said that that is the way a Kemper sounds. I'm inclined to believe him.

    My experience so far has indicated that for £1,400 I've been chronically ripped off. Wish that wasn't the case, but that's where I am today.