Reached a wall with my Kemper.

  • Now your being rude.
    That tends to happen on forums, which is why I don't like posting my music.

    Ridiculous. What is not factual about my statement? Is it possible to get someone to where he wants to be without knowing where he is? I contended that it's mission impossible, and I stand by that. There's nothing rude about it, mate.

    Secondly, you went on to characterise this forum as being "like the rest", which it isn't, and specifically, in your case you alluded to the possibility that your music would be criticised. That's actually never happened here when someone was posting whilst chasing a tone, only when it's been invited, as many do, along with any thoughts or feedback.

    Your response is hyperbolic. Fact. Not being nasty, so please don't mischaracterise this post as well. If you want people to help, at least try to make it easy for them... IMHO.

    Now I'm ignorant for failing to post my music, when demanded of me.
    Thanks very much, really helpful attitude. Glad the Kemper makes you so happy.

    Firstly, your music wasn't demanded of you. A clip, in these situations, is usually only a few seconds (all we need) of some generic chugging or whatever.

    Frank's (the guy you're responding to) statement is actually correct. Mr. Kemper himself asked you to provide a clip or two, along with the rest of us. Nobody even hinted at wanting to hear your art. The word music wasn't even mentioned!

    Hopefully this makes sense to you and you end up seeing what's going on here. "Doc, my leg hurts." "OK mate, roll your trousers back and let's take a look." "I don't see what good that would do."

    Figured another analogy might help if the one I provided earlier didn't suffice. If you'd like more, I've a never-ending supply; it's analogy city in my world 'cause I teach that way. HTH, mate, and again, please try to withhold your misjudgements of what's really going on here - we want to help, and you're not making it possible at this point.

  • Come on Terence , I post Beer ridden looper clips here and still ...the nice guys on this forum are nothing but helpful and non judgmental.
    If i can get away with crappy looper demos , my friend you have nothing to worry about, why not let them help man?
    Give them a chance and they will help ;)


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • somtimes i think that these threads are just lack of patience from the new user, i have my kemper for almost one year (will be on September 29)
    and everrytime i use my kemper with a bunch of free profiles, i always got more and more better tones,

    it is not our imagination, it is just letting your ears get used to distinguish the sounds,

    you may think your ear is trainned but come on, i just owned a single tube amp on my life, it is not easy to compare it to other tones,

    if you have a good headphone set, then after many months you will start to hear that difference that kemper has to offer to us

    if someone do not have patience to wait and see (or hear) then sell it...

  • Thanks Jonathan, but the usual ridicule happened before I actually posted a clip. It usually happens during and after also. That's why I didn't post a clip.

    I think some members were a bit critical specifically because they'd repeatedly asked for samples in order to understand the issues you've been having, and after suggesting that you'd post some, you never did. It makes some people wonder if you're really on the up and up or just yanking their chain. I have never, not on this or any other forum, seen anyone who was asking for help with their tone get chastised or ridiculed for their music after posting a sample. In fact, I can't recall the last time I saw someone get ridiculed for posting their music in general, that is unless they were asking for critical input specifically.

    How can you honestly expect anyone to offer meaningful advice with respect to your tone unless you post a sample so they can actually hear what you're referring to? You've yet to offer any real specifics with regard to what you don't like about your tone, either. So far, the most I've gathered is that you prefer the tones from your Strat to those of your Les Paul, and you feel the tones other people are getting, including the guys at Chop Tones, sound superior to yours.

  • Guys at chop tones record more than one profile at a time to do those demos BTW, just saying


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • somtimes i think that these threads are just lack of patience from the new user, i have my kemper for almost one year (will be on September 29)
    and everrytime i use my kemper with a bunch of free profiles, i always got more and more better tones,

    it is not our imagination, it is just letting your ears get used to distinguish the sounds,

    you may think your ear is trainned but come on, i just owned a single tube amp on my life, it is not easy to compare it to other tones,

    if you have a good headphone set, then after many months you will start to hear that difference that kemper has to offer to us

    if someone do not have patience to wait and see (or hear) then sell it...

    No, I plug into my Marshall with my LP it sounds excellent. I don't have to wait months for it to sound good. If someone tries a £1450 piece of gear and it doesn't sound satisfactory to them, in my experience it doesn't get better. I'm happy to know what people are doing, to get their Kempers sounding the way they want them.

    You may plug into an expensive Marshall and not like it. Someone telling you to be patient is a load of drivel, unless they suggest how you can get the sound your looking for with the gear your using.

    So what are you actually doing with the Kemper to make it sound better? Apart from patience, what's your actual technique?

  • I think a majority of us have no real problem finding profiles to connect with. And tweaking, if necessary, is very much up to the players taste so all of the info you've been given is good advice. But it just sounds like you're using profiles you don't care for to begin with, then trying to make them into what you want. Wouldn't it make more sense to just find a profile you like?

    If you don't want to buy profiles there are plenty to try out on the Rig Exchange. Not all great, but there are just as many that are as good or better than the paid profiles if you take the time to look. Or in your case, the video you posted is showing use of some Choptones profiles. Looks like it's the Fried Lilbox set. If you like the sound in the video and you're using a Les Paul seems like that might be a good place to start.

    And for my two cents - I frequently shift between a Les Paul and Strat. I always find that Definition on the Amp page does it for me. Higher for the Les Paul with WCR pickups and about half whatever works for the Les Paul sounds fine with my Strat. But then I like bright crisp sounds that may not be someone else's taste. I also tend to set Sag at about 4-5 to get more touch sensitivity out of any guitar.

  • Someone telling you to be patient is a load of drivel, unless they suggest how you can get the sound your looking for with the gear your using.

    We are suggesting many ways to help you, heck, you even have the owners ear! The only other advice I'll add Terrance is for you to send a clip privately for the Kemper team to assess. Obviously you aren't comfortable posting your clips publicly.

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    I'm feellin ya T.
    This is like watching 10 firemen try to pull a man from a burning car and he won't release his seat belt.
    If you have no Patience you met a crew who does. 8)

  • No, I plug into my Marshall with my LP it sounds excellent. I don't have to wait months for it to sound good.

    You can't plug into another man's amp and expect it to immediately sound like YOU would like it to sound without adjustments. Keep in mind that profiles are snapshots of other people's amp setups, so you don't have exactly the same options as on a real rig, because determinations have already been made with regards to settings, cab, mic placement and choice, etc etc etc.

    Have you tried the choptones profile pack you linked to a video of?

  • You can't plug into another man's amp and expect it to immediately sound like YOU would like it to sound without adjustments. Keep in mind that profiles are snapshots of other people's amp setups, so you don't have exactly the same options as on a real rig, because determinations have already been made with regards to settings, cab, mic placement and choice, etc etc etc.
    Have you tried the choptones profile pack you linked to a video of?

    Dont want to get into a tube amps discussion, but when I plug into any Marshall combo or stack it sounds instantly good to me. Then, its just a question of some minor adjustments. Not to make is sound usable, but different.

    Some tube amp heads have to have this specific tube, the EQ set up like this, or to them it sounds like c##p. I just plug in and go when it comes to my Marshall.

    Even when just practicing with the Kemper, I have to tweak to get something usable. Thats with it plugged directly into the speakers. Wish it were different, but that's the way its working out!

  • An interesting side-effect of buying the Kemper, is that it's changed the way I hear guitar tones, for the better.

    I've recorded live, in studio, and at home, and felt that I had a decent ear for recording good guitar tones. It's gotten even better after purchasing the Kemper and making profiles.

    To be clear, your complaint is the way it sounds as played back through a guitar speaker cabinet, correct? Or are you unhappy with studio monitor playback?

    If you won't post clips, at least elaborate on what gear you are using for playback (speakers and amplification). Speakers alone can turn a good Marshall tone to pure crap.

  • No, I plug into my Marshall with my LP it sounds excellent. I don't have to wait months for it to sound good. If someone tries a £1450 piece of gear and it doesn't sound satisfactory to them, in my experience it doesn't get better. I'm happy to know what people are doing, to get their Kempers sounding the way they want them.
    You may plug into an expensive Marshall and not like it. Someone telling you to be patient is a load of drivel, unless they suggest how you can get the sound your looking for with the gear your using.

    So what are you actually doing with the Kemper to make it sound better? Apart from patience, what's your actual technique?

    Are you listening to the Kemper through studio monitors or something other than a guitar cab? That would go a long way to explaining why it doesn't sound like your Marshall JCM combo. For example, studio monitors sound nothing like a guitar cab and it's not an exaggeration to say you shouldn't expect them to.