A very RUDE Facebook page about Kemper... Let’s report it

  • The best thing is to ignore such pathetic no-life losers who have no life or intellect. Did you see how many visitors they had 8o Hardly anyone :)

    I'd say totally ignore them.

    The funny thing is they have reference to me in a while back when I had my monkey avatar. They actually suggest to invite me to their page. I am certain I know who they are and where they come from, but for the sake of sense and sensibility, :D :LOL, it's best to ignore trashy low lives like that.

    They must think that I have nothing better to do with my time than going to their page to proof the obvious that they're such pathetic no lives losers in every aspect and meaning of the word losers than to even bother. Why get one's self dirty and level down with low intellect ignorant dumb idiots :?: Seriously, why even bother. :S

  • Yup best policy is dont feed the Troll.
    They can kiss my...kemper(s)

    These guys are in serious need of a hobby.
    i suggest chasing parked cars.


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • no dude I am not but I know one thing by experience, people like you , who are very TOLERaNT when we joke about other people are the first to jump out of their seat in fury when we joke about them.... I know youd be the first to react if someone start a facebook page to say that your business sucks. And as english is my second langage I dont wanna have a hard time debating with you so I will stop it now. Where is the block button? Anyway discussion with you is over

    I meant no offense. My comment about “defaming me” was meant as a joke to lighten the mood. I inserted a winking emoji on my iPad to let you know I was joking, but I guess this forum doesn’t allow that because it didn’t show up.

    No need to block or be upset. My apologies for the misunderstanding :thumbup:

  • it irritates me and if I was Kemper president i’d sue him . I respect the fact you dont care about anything... but I was insulted reading that . We all have different reactions to this I dont ask you to react like me but dont ask me to react like you... its both ways you know...
    Btw many of us got business here, so imagine if YOUR business was attacked like that in a facebook page exemple “YOUR BUSINESS” SUCKS.... would you find it so funny ???? Hell no

    @Gforce...I actually care about a lot of things ....my point is the page is a ‘p!55take’ it says so on the page and ...as has been stated earlier Mr Kemper himself has laughed along and ‘liked’ a post about n there ...
    and finally ...yep people have said I suck publically before .(just the other day most tecently ..) ..others have said I am ok ....others say I’m the best thing since sliced bread ... me ..? I’m just going to be thankful that I able to make a living doing what I love with one of the best bits of gear it has ever been my pleasure to own in the 40years I’ve been doing it ....”Keep On Sucking” ;)

  • As I have got older, I have learnt ignoring idiots, and not giving them any time or credibility works best.
    People attempting to 'court controversy' and not achieving it.
    Attention seekers hate being ignored. It's an easy, stressless option, and it annoys the hell out of them...

  • Let's not exaggerate. Kemper is not a religion. (At least for me.) Ignoring is the only thing that it deserves.

    You're absolutely right. I still use tube amps, but I'm also able to capture those sounds in profiles that for the most part sound the same. Why I might have seemed harsh in truthfully declaring the facebook Page makers as low-lives is because I've been here long enough to know based on reading a few sections of that page who it is and know that their intentions are malicious, not jut humor.

    However, I believe, at the small chance of their page getting real attentions or views, it would still work in favor of Kemper but they're too dumb to realize that. Ignoring however is still best. If they were just a little smart,they would have realized that "the inventor" liking one of their post, is effectively ignoring them also.

    Edited 2 times, last by Dean_R (July 3, 2018 at 12:27 PM).

  • We appreciate what your saying and I know you mean well, but it's all too true, pages like this are a dime a dozen. Take one down and two more will pop up in it's place. If they were issuing threats and such then this would be an entirely different situation.

    No thats the only one in Facebook. And they DON'T have the right to use the Kemper LOGO as they do. Its a violation of intellectuel property as Facebook explain in their REPORT page . And Kemper have all the rights to ask Facebook to erase this page . Its also sexually explicit and idiot... And it's not a different situation than an intolerable situation... A gross vulgar page. sexually explicit, who violates intellectual property, use the Kemper logo without permission and full of defamation. That's bad enough to report it to facebook

  • its a satire page, it says so on the "about" part.

    So it claims! Also the person claims that he tried the Kemper and it didn't work for him.

    When was the last time you bought equipment that didn't work for you and then you went ahead to make a whole facebook page dedicated to proving everyone who loves and uses that product to be wrong :D I doubt that you would do that.

    It's somewhat funny, but it's also sad that a person has dedicated all this effort to say Kemper Sucks because it didn't work for him. I mean I'm seriously and truly chuckling as I type this 8o but this person in a way has my sympathy for the petty life he's leading because he's clearly not having fun and not really laughing, he's doing the exact opposite of what he claims in the "about" page.

  • @Gforce guitar you don't get it? Really? It's a satire page!!

    Please... don't make Kemper users look like fools without humor, coolness and intellect (I don't wanna be confused with ANY amp nerd, cause they will never get, that profiled tube amps sound MORE authentic, ya know? Blind test proofed it again and again...and again ;) )

    "Sexually explicit"? Even my wife is laughing now (and then was aking, which one was the satire - the Facebook page or this thread :thumbup: )

    Edited once, last by Ibot39 (July 3, 2018 at 2:32 PM).

  • So it claims! Also the person claims that he tried the Kemper and it didn't work for him.
    When was the last time you bought equipment that didn't work for you and then you went ahead to make a whole facebook page dedicated to proving everyone who loves and uses that product to be wrong :D I doubt that you would do that.

    It's somewhat funny, but it's also sad that a person has dedicated all this effort to say Kemper Sucks because it didn't work for him. I mean I'm seriously and truly chuckling as I type this 8o but this person in a way has my sympathy for the petty life he's leading because he's clearly not having fun and not really laughing, he's doing the exact opposite of what he claims in the "about" page.


    First off, this page is for humor. I have owned both the powered and unpowered KPA. Both remarkable pieces of technology that didn't work for me. When I discussed this in some online forums, I discovered a large subset of dogmatic fanatics who took became defensive at my critique to the point of taking it personal. So, I created this page to blow off some steam. I also poke fun at tube amp snobs who can be equally dogmatic: I took crap from many of them just for trying the KPA. This is satire people...lighten up!An amp is a tool; whatever works for the job, channels your message, and connects with the audience is what works...period. You don’t have to justify anything or defend your choice to anyone if you don’t want to.

    Page quote.

  • Let's form a lynch mob and go looking for the guy who made the page.

    I'm serious, we should hurt him, hurt him bad.

    Break his fingers, slice off his toes, shave his head like a reverse mohawk.

    Or we could just all get along, hold hands and sing kumbaya! Someone message that guy on Facebook and tell him, "We want to get together and sing kumbaya with you, Mister".

    Seriously, we'll kumbaya him. Save Mr CK's business.