I heard a rumor about a new Kemper Reverb that compete BIG SKY or IMMERSE type of reverb

  • Here’s a quick clip of freezing a verb while being able to stack a 2nd one. Me like.

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  • Seems to be the spring reverbs from the last beta that
    have changed, i saw somewhere that they had changed the mix
    parameters on the spring reverb. Unfortunatley i made
    extensive use of these so will have to tweak quite a few rigs,
    my own fault i suppose for using a beta for my main sounds, it had been
    out so long and stable i'd forgotton it was beta.
    The new verbs are really good, i use an eventide space and they are up
    there with that, no shimmer verb yet, not complaining ive had kpa over three years
    and didnt buy it for the effects so the delays, reverbs etc are a bonus, thanks kemper.

  • Here’s a quick clip of freezing a verb while being able to stack a 2nd one. Me like.

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    Awesome Dan 8)

  • With the bugs I think I'll pass this beta. I'm not in any hurry. Sure nice with the new verbs but I'm more interested to hear how the update for the pedals will be like.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • I had the same experience. My legacy verbs sounded different. As I am playing this sunday in church and liked my reverb is used, i went back to the stable version. I hope Kemper will fix this so there isn’t a difference. But thank you for those new reverbs. The ones I tried sounded killer!

  • I caved in once I learned that the ON/OFF button could be used on the Reverb slot. I spent hours playing yesterday, with my 2x12 in the center and EV's on either side and the reverbs are just stunning!

    I think having the presets with high mix settings is really useful, especially at the beginning so you can really hear what they're doing. Easy to save a more subtle version for everyday use.

    Thanks again Kemper! ?❤????

  • The REV module is still the preferred place for reverb effects. Spring Reverb is an exception: for an authentic reproduction of an analog spring reverb, that one should be placed pre stack.

    Hello Burkhard,

    do I miss something?

    My old reverb presets are tweaked with spending a lot of time and I named the presets which I created after some songs or artist's.

    I can 't find my old presets. Where are these ones located? Would be crazy when these presets are lost.

    Please don't say I have to recretae them with the lagacy module or store them again from rigs where those are in.......

    I try to unzipp the backup to see if they are in the old folder and than I try to copy them .........hope that works

    Hmmm, I load the backup on my laptop, I change the name to .tar and I opend the folder of the revrb presets. All old reverbpresets are there. I copy the presets to the shared folder of my usb stick and put the stick into the kpa. Pressed ecxternal stora and than Import...... Kemper imports user data and tha "No import necessary" All rigs and Presets are already iun browse pool.

    There is no old reverb preset in browse pool!!

    So I've done a new backup of the current beta, where the kemper said that all presets are in brosepool, I change the file again to .tar and unzipped it. There is the reverbs folder and all my old reverb presets where in this folder, sorted by name.

    Back to the kpa: Where can I find them. The kpa said, they aere already there.



    Edited once, last by Eltzejupp (January 19, 2019 at 11:11 PM).

  • People at TGP under the impression that there's more (reverbs?) to come. As far as I know it's only the Spring, Cirrus, Natural and Echoverb, is that correct? I didn't think any more verbs are expected?

    GearJocke me too, although, I'm not sure there's been official word that an update to those is even in the works, has there?

  • On youtube you can find a video titled: "Kemper Evolution Reverb - First Look at all 10 Presets!! - Namm 2018".

    The 10 presets in the demo are: chorus. slow, bloom, strings, ice, breath, tender, formant1, formant2 and formant3.

    The latest beta includes presets with the same names as the first 7, but none titled "formant". So that could lead one to speculate that there's at least one reverb type yet to be released. There's 29 new presets though, so it's also possible that they've been renamed and maybe slightly changed to fit working models. NAMM is only a week away, so we might hear more about it. If I remember correctly, the new delays were released over 2 separate updates.

  • People at TGP under the impression that there's more (reverbs?) to come. As far as I know it's only the Spring, Cirrus, Natural and Echoverb, is that correct? I didn't think any more verbs are expected?

    GearJocke me too, although, I'm not sure there's been official word that an update to those is even in the works, has there?

    The Tone Junkie vids showcased a formant verb amongst others. I think they might be holding some back like they did with the delays.

    As for them working on “pedals”, all that’s ever been officially said was that it was somewhere on the to do list, along with other requests like the dreaded editor. I wouldn’t bet on seeing updates in those areas at NAMM, but maybe we’ll all be surprised.

  • sambrox Ikm pretty sire there is another update to follow soon. The reverbs were held up for the development of the new preset management system (I am much more interested in that than any reverbs - although the reverbs are great). I can’t believe that they held on to the reverbs for 6 months since Summer NAMM commented explicitly that the hold up was a new present management system bit that we would all like it then release the reverbs on their own. Therefore, I’m hoping/expecting a second instalment very soon.

  • Yes, I’ve always been expecting 6.0 rather than 5.x. Where does the manual reference 6.0?

    Addendum 5.7

    Legacy Reverb
    The Legacy Reverb is based on the first reverb algorithm created for the PROFILER. The main purpose of this
    reverb type is to maintain full backward compatibility with Rigs that have been created before the advent of
    PROFILER operating system 6.0.
    If you are going to build a new reverb from scratch, you should select one of the new reverb types instead