Have you stopped buying profiles or is it a gear slut addiction ? :-)

  • Hi folks, have you finally found your sound and stopped buying profiles or is it like the gear addiction ? buying the same profile from different people ? cause I think I do I have to stop. :) cheers.

    Nah.........I bought the Kemper for a few specific sounds; I bought a few packs (I think 3?) and now that I have those sounds I'm pretty well stacked. Don't really need more, although I wish someone would do a really good Orange Dual Dark set of profiles...

  • Just keep, sort and audition them in RM, mate; that's what it's for.

    Put the resulting keepers or regular go-tos in the KPA.

    I am so green. Helps to read the manual more than the introductions. I thought I was importing from the zipped files into Rig Manager. I was importing the files directly into the Kemper. Is there an undo feature? I'll get this, eventually.

  • I give in every time to 3 in particular, but I won't name them 'cause the thread will be moved to a different subforum.

    They're out there but the thread will be moved if we mention names.

  • For me personally, I find it's a lot like other gear like with tube amps or pedals.

    You'll find profiles you like and use them for awhile until the 'new car smell' has gone and then you seek something else that is better or different sounding. It's a vicious cycle!!

    ~ Marc.

  • For me personally, I find it's a lot like other gear like with tube amps or pedals.

    You'll find profiles you like and use them for awhile until the 'new car smell' has gone and then you seek something else that is better or different sounding. It's a vicious cycle!!

    That next pedal/guitar/bass/profile/plugin/computer/synth will be the ultimate answer that unleashes everything!!

  • I'm glad it's not just me. Here's the thing for me, you have a few Vendors that you start to trust and you see a pattern of other people on here that have similar taste. Then you see the same guys gushing over a different vendors profiles, and you think "well those people must be using in the same application as myself as they have have had similar good experience's so I'll jump in and buy more" but I find some of the others not to my taste at all!

  • I've had my Kemper for almost five years and have never felt the urge to buy any profiles. I've also never spent any money on apps for my phone, because I'm weird.

    As for finding my sound, I keep finding "the one" when browsing the Rig Exchange and stick with it for a few months, then get bored and find another one. There's plenty to go through. :)

  • After maybe 250$ of trial and error, I found my favorite vendors and stick to this only. Now I rarely buy anything new except non essential stuff, when it's my birthday or something.

    I am with you. I only wish you could resell the ones that didn’t work out.

    I’ve stopped mostly in the past 6 months, but have a list of a few I want, but it’s gettinf to the point of what else can I get that sounds new, different or better than what I have.

  • Fortunately buying a set profiles cost about as much as a meal or similar, not a lot. I get that the expense can add up but if you get enjoyment it is worth it, imagine going to a movie. Even if a few don't hit home. I have spent way too much on real amps that didn't work out for me.

    I will say there is truely alot of cost that goes into making profiles and most sellers are not making much if anything.

  • I bought way too many at the beginning and quite frankly, 80% of them were very disappointing, especially when I go back and visit them now, It almost makes me sick to think of the money I wasted when I hear how bad a lot of the profiles are…
    But I have no one to blame but myself, you buy this KPA, you’re excited, everybody’s hyped about XXX’s New profile package and boom! you’re done...
    “”Bert Meulendijk, Sinmix, Guidorist “”
    These guys make some great (useable for live gigging), profiles…
    Any others that I purchased were a horrific disappointment… I’d sure like to name them, but I guess I won’t.
    Some of the absolute worst garbage I have purchased are IR packs
    But there are some real gems on this forum that are free, and of course there are some on rig manager, some that I use regularly…
    You just never know, I guess that’s what keeps us coming back and back and back and back for more!

    Edited once, last by SQUAREHEAD (June 26, 2018 at 4:49 AM).

  • Like many people here I went a bit crazy when i first got my KPA and bought loads of stuff. Nowdays though, I find myself turning the knobs inside profiles I already have to head towards a tone that's needed.

    I'm the first to admit I used to scroll through seemingly endless profiles to find a tone rather than doing the classic tone shaping adjustments of an amp profile that already sounded solid (amp eq, gain tweaks, git volume etc etc)...

    The temptation to keep trying new ritzy named amps that are just a mouse click or a flick of the browse knob away is still super strong - but it can kinda feel like i'm flicking through countless good channels on the tv , instead of digging in and enjoying a movie :)

  • I try to keep my self from that impulse...

    After You realise that the SOUND of the profile is mainly the cab and You already have a couple of great cabs that works live and at home. The fun starts going through all the thousands of rigs I already have using these cabs and finding hundreds of great combinations. Basking in the nuances in the feel, harmonics and the response of the amp part.

  • Shoping profiles is cheaper than purchasing guitars - but I'll keep on buying both ;)

    Because I am buying faster than sellers are profiling, there are not many packs left to grab for me. I was over 50.000 profiles ... last year :rolleyes: And I am not alone! There are other addicts in the club...
    But I am a very well organized rig junkie and I have a special folder system with one additional "all profiles"-folder that still allows FAST search despite of the insane amount of profiles. By the way, my favourite profile out of them all is a clean PRS 2-Channel rig.

  • Shoping profiles is cheaper than purchasing guitars - but I'll keep on buying both ;)

    Also cheaper than the amps they are simulated from. I dread to think of the costs of all the amps I have with near 95-98% accuracy. I don’t think I could spend a 10th of the cost on profiles over the next few years as say the cost of a dumble.