Metal Guys, How Are You Using Your Kempers?

  • There are so many great sounds in the Kemper, but trying to dial in things like Metallica, Pantera, At The Gates, etc. it seems like you're better off buying a profile pack that already has those sounds. I'm not that great at dialing in someone else's tones, but I hear people who do it all the time. Is there some nuance I'm missing or do you need to get the rig pack? Pantera, for example, I've been trying to dial in those tones, but not very successful so far. There are some that are OK, but I think there was one from Choptones or somewhere else that had the rhythm and lead tones all dialed in as close as you can get. So anyway, how are you guys getting your tones? Are you just shaping rigs, or profiling certain amp setups, or buying amp packs?

  • You need to either profile the amp or find a profile of the amp you want. You likely can’t tweak a Peavey 5150 profile to sound like Metallica or Pantera. You’d want to find a Mesa Mark III or something to get you into the Metallica ballpark, and find a bunch of high gain Randall profiles to get a Dime sound.
    So yes, buying a profile pack for specific sounds makes the most sense.
    As for how I use my Kemper as a metal guy: I profile my own tube heads to capture whatever settings I’m liking best at the moment. Being able to flip between all my favorite amps with the push of a button is awesome. Plus I can get my favorite tone at any volume. For example: my Bogner Uberschall sounds fizzy and loose at bedroom volumes, but roars to life when I crank it. Profiling the cranked settings allows me to enjoy “my tone” without disturbing the next 3 city blocks :D

  • Yep, definitely get profiles. This isn't like the AxeFX where you could pull up a Mesa Mark patch and fiddle with it to get in the Metallica ballpark, you're either close or not with the Kemper. Look up rig packs, download or buy ones of amps you like, and have fun.

    For reference, when it comes to live anyway, I mostly use a profile I made of my own Engl Savage for rhythms, with a Mesa IIC+ profile for leads and a Mark V profile for cleans. I also have assorted profiles I like, such as of the 5150 III, Triple Rectifier, JVM, Revv Generator 120, etc.

  • Yep, definitely get profiles. This isn't like the AxeFX where you could pull up a Mesa Mark patch and fiddle with it to get in the Metallica ballpark, you're either close or not with the Kemper. Look up rig packs, download or buy ones of amps you like, and have fun.

    For reference, when it comes to live anyway, I mostly use a profile I made of my own Engl Savage for rhythms, with a Mesa IIC+ profile for leads and a Mark V profile for cleans. I also have assorted profiles I like, such as of the 5150 III, Triple Rectifier, JVM, Revv Generator 120, etc.

    I've downloaded all the free ones available on Kemper's website and as many samples as I could find from commercial profiles, but only thought 2-3 of them were really good. I think they were probably done with high output, ceramic pickups which I don't have in any of my guitars. So far, it seems to me that profiling with medium output pickups is the most versatile with different kinds of guitars. Anyway, what commercial profiles have you used that you would recommend?

  • For our latest album coming out soon, we used profiles from Sinmix and honestly a few of the stock ones that came with that we tweaked a bit. The Loomis 5150 3 and the Lasse Lammert ones are excellent IMO. I have a multitude of Sinmix (I like the Framus and TriRec ones with the Hesu cab) and a few Stymphalian ones as well that may have made their way in there. I use an actual 5150 III live.

  • I was checking out SinMix earlier, but I'm kind of wanting to get profiles of less accessible amps such as the Uberschall, Friedman JJ, XTC20th. I think it was Choptones who had a pretty good JJ pack. Also, one profile pack I haven't been able to find is the EVH 5153 Stealth. I love that amp - more than the newer EL34 version. I'd love to get my hands on a good quality pack for that amp.

    I saw that some profilers offer custom packs, but I heard they don't always actually use the exact amps and only tweak existing profiles to make it sound like it. If anyone knows where I can get a full set of EVH Stealth profiles, let me know!

  • I buy profiles , audition them and play ... I should dive into changing cabs , tweaking with the amp parameters (definition, clarity,...) but I haven't come to that point ... I just like the sounds , small variations are neglectible , as long as the core sound is there i'm happy.

    I do have a stomp and a FX preset (wah and lead morphing) that I copy in all rig I use and i'm done

    My main to go profiles are topjimi ones : Bogner Uber for heavier stuff and his friedman Steve steavens for a bit less gain ...


    Kemper stage with 2 mission pedals (in a Thon line 6 FBV case) and a Zilla 212 (K-100/V30) , SD powerstage 700 poweramp

  • +1 on finding the closest profile first. ou can only really tweak profiles rather than fundamentally change them, although as mentioned changing cabs can change the sound quite a bit...

    There is some good free stuff on the Rig exchange but TopJimi profiles are pretty good.

    Not sure where I got mine but I use ENGL profile for rhythm and Mesa Triple for lead ( doesn't help much when I can't remeber where I got them!!...

  • I have some of my older Revv Generator 120 profiles on the exchange, which I've gotten some good feedback about. I'm currently developing a commercial pack that will feature about 50 profiles of my personal Revv amp and it will have a variety of cabs, as well as a handful of DI profiles. An early clip/sample can be checked out here:

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  • Edit: Wrong thread.

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

  • Very simple setup here. Kemper on top of a frontloaded diezel v30 4x12.

    The profile is a sinmix 5150.

    After 20 years of quest, this seems what works best for me in a band setup.

    No FRFR nor connection to any FOH.

    I am so worried that I could change to the worse, that I do not touch anything anymore. I am in tone heaven and am set in 2 minutes at gigs. Perfect!

  • This is a fantastic position to be in. Sadly I am always tempted to think there could be a slightly better sound around the corner. I guess it is part of the fun with the Kemper.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • Here's my DM band Coffinrot that we recorded using all Kempers. You can stream it for free. We used a combination of Sinmix Kempers and actually some stock profiles we tweaked (the Jeff Loomis 5150 and the Lasse Lammert). I still use my 5150 III live but intend to switch to Kemper (at least in some of my other bands) because of how good it sounds.