only like my Kemper with cab light off thru a cab, anyone else?

  • I’ve been grappling this with for a few weeks. I’ve asked various people here and on Facebook and they say the best way to use the powered Kemper through a cab is with ‘monitor cab off’ and the cab light left on.

    I’ve tried this and I honestly don’t like the way it sounds. It’s very midrangey, colored, and processed sounding. When I turn the cab light off through my 2x12 it goes back to sounding awesome and like a ‘real amp’. I’ve tried tweaking the output EQ and re-eq’ing my presets with the cab light on and I just can’t get it sounding as good as it does with it off.

    I guess my solution for live gigs may be to use an external cab sim on the output to FOH since the internal cabs won’t be active. Anyone else prefer the Kemper this way through a cab or am I crazy?

  • Doesn't make sense if your cab is plugged into your poweramp and the poweramp is plugged into the Monitor Out. With the "Monitor Cab off" checked in the output settings there should be no difference in turning off the "Cabinet Light". This turns is off to all outputs globally but you would want that on for the FOH. Please elaborate on your signal chain.

  • I'm running a powered Kemper straight from the orange/red speaker out jack in my 2x12 cabinet.

    Here is how my output settings are set (not sure if I have something set wrong)

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    I hear a distinct difference with the cab light on (with 'monitor cab off') versus how it sounds with the cab light off. With the cab light off it sounds like there is no speaker sim active at all, whereas with the cab light on it still sounds colored like a speaker sim is active no matter how I set things in the output menu ('monitor cab off' has always been selected).

  • I don't have the powered version and thought you may be plugged into the Monitor Out. Manual says "Cabinet Off" also disables the cabinet portion of the profile for the Speaker Out also. So you shouldn't, in theory, hear a difference between switching the Cabinet light on/off while plugged into the Speaker out with "Monitor Cab Off". Your setting look absolutely correct.

  • I noticed that this guy also does the same thing when running into a cab (turns the cab light off):

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  • I noticed that this guy also does the same thing when running into a cab (turns the cab light off):

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    I skipped quickly through the video,
    disabling the CABINET on the front panel disables it for all outputs,
    disabling it with the 'Monitor Cab Off' tick box only disables it for the Monitor and Speaker outs (they share the same signal),
    while keeping it intact for the Main outs - so you can have te guitar cabinet sound on stage while still sending the full Profile (including the cabinet) to the FOH.

  • Thanks, that's how I've understood it. But my issue is that I notice a very distinct difference in the way it sounds with the cab light off versus with it on. To me I don't find the sound as usable through a cab with the cab light on, it still sounds colored by the cab sim even with 'monitor cab off' checked. When I turn the cab button off, the sound is purer and brighter to me, much more presence. Why that is happening is what I'm not really understanding.

  • I am new to Kemper and just learning myself so I have been spending quite a bit of time deep in the Reference Manual.

    I noticed two thing about your settings which might be work checking. I haven’t had a chance to try these myself so forgive me if you have already done these and know the outcome better than I do.

    1 - P41 of the Reference manual lists the recommended output settings. I notice that you have Master Left selected for monitor out. The manual recommends Master Mono. This might account for some sound difference even when not using stereo Fx due to phase anomolies etc

    2 - have you tried disabling Pure Cabinet? As this is also a phase relatioship feature it may be having an effect on a mono output signal.

  • Thanks, that's how I've understood it. But my issue is that I notice a very distinct difference in the way it sounds with the cab light off versus with it on. To me I don't find the sound as usable through a cab with the cab light on, it still sounds colored by the cab sim even with 'monitor cab off' checked. When I turn the cab button off, the sound is purer and brighter to me, much more presence. Why that is happening is what I'm not really understanding.

    Please open a support ticket, attach a backup and a reference to this forum thread.