iNuke 1000 poweramp + Kemper loudness issue

  • Howdy all

    Currently the live rig is Kemper rack monitor out (cab sim off)> Behringer iNuke 1000(bridged) Output A @ 4 ohms> 4x12 cab 4 ohm input.

    It's not quiet by definition, but given how much power should be going to that cab its very quiet. I have the amp cranked, basically clipping!

    I'm A/Bing this with a peavy 6505+ 120 watt head :evil: which is tearing paint off the walls with post gain set @ 3, significantly louder than the iNuke.

    Any ideas why my iNuke sounds like a tiny little girl of a power amp?

  • Master out is at 0 db, ive tried setting it to less (-6dB,-12dB) but with the amp cranked, still not loud enough. If I bring the master volume up, it gets louder until its clipping, but not at an ear shattering volume. No input gain settings.

  • The iNuke might not be working properly in bridge mode. Try one channel , it should still be 210 watt rms per channel at 4 ohms which should be loud enough, if you still don;t get comparable volume then behringer is fudging their ratings, and they won't be alone, the whole industry is not standardized when it comes to how they rate their products. There clearly is no way your getting the rated power, but also don't forget that tube amps keep producing additional wattage past clipping so the peavey can very well be producing more than 120 Watts if you're pushing it past its clean headroom.

  • Thats exactly what Im using, just one channel ?( it SHOULD be more than enough

    Should I even trust solid state amps at this point?

    I should note its not like a minor difference in volume. Its like being barely present over the band while clipping the entire time vs ear melting headroom of the 6505.

    Edited once, last by DAngerbear (March 11, 2018 at 10:04 PM).

  • Hi, whilst this wont sort your current issue out don't give up on solid state!

    I'm using a Palmer Macht 402 solid state power amp live..going from main kemper output L & R into Palmer L & R and into a stereo 2x12 cab (cab sim off)...its VERY VERY loud and doesn't clip, 200watt per side or 400watt bridged. I used to play EVH 5150iii 50watt as a valve head its very loud but the Palmer is EXCELLENT and only 1u.

    Not expensive either £245.00...worth looking into, but hope you get to the bottom of the Nuke problem. :thumbup:

  • One area to check is really this "bridge mode" versus "one channel", which seem to contradict. If you bridge a power amp, you normally need to connect your cabinet differently e. g. to both red banana plug sockets. The iNuke seems to require a special Speakon-Y-adapter. I see a hint on its back plane, that in bridged mode you need to connect your speaker cable to +1 and +2!

    The other thing is ... you seem to be using Monitor Out, but then refer to Master Out at 0dB!? There is no Master Output. There is Master Volume, but that doesn't follow a dB scale. Assuming that you are using the Monitor Output, where is Monitor Output Volume in dB. That's what counts.

  • One area to check is really this "bridge mode" versus "one channel", which seem to contradict. If you bridge a power amp, you normally need to connect your cabinet differently e. g. to both red banana plug sockets. The iNuke seems to require a special Speakon-Y-adapter. I see a hint on its back plane, that in bridged mode you need to connect your speaker cable to +1 and +2!

    The other thing is ... you seem to be using Monitor Out, but then refer to Master Out at 0dB!? There is no Master Output. There is Master Volume, but that doesn't follow a dB scale. Assuming that you are using the Monitor Output, where is Monitor Output Volume in dB. That's what counts.

    I figured a Y-Cable might be implied, but I was still thinking that the wattage I was working with outside of bridged mode would be more than sufficient.. Not the case! Seems a bit ridiculous I need a Y cable to pump 1000 watts (supposedly) into a 4x12.. Somethings not adding up, no one needs that kind of power HAHA

    Maybe my wording was off, but my master volume is cranked. But regardless of the master volume (I could set it to -6, -12) the power amp is clipping when I try and bring it up.

    I'm half considering bringing the rig to a music center and hopefully find employees cool enough to let me A/B some more stuff.. I'm not trying to slave my 6505+ (although it sounds awesome) around with my rig.

    Edited once, last by DAngerbear (March 20, 2018 at 9:38 AM).

  • Don't focus that much on Master Volume, which doesn't have an absolute scale e. g. in dB. You might nor use the current Profiler OS, which displays all the individual output volumes, when Master Volume is turned. Check at which level is the volume of the particular output the iNuke is connected to e. g. Monitor Output.

    Other than that I saw that the iNuke has a built in DSP, which includes a number of features like crossover, eq, limiter,...which can be configured via Behringer software. Have you checked those settings? Perhaps something is screwed there. Perhaps there is a way to reset all those settings to a meaningful default without using that software.

  • Don't know if you got it fixed or not, but it will need a single cable with wiring for bridge. You switch to bridge mode but use a cable connecting the pins for the bridge setting and it will make a difference. I had a similar issue/question when comparing to an ISP amp I had. The volume was not hitting what they said. I emailed them and then got a connector and wired it correctly and it worked. It was also more linear than the ISP so I sold it. I now have a powered head, but still have the iNuke.

    "More Guitar in the Monitors" :thumbup:

  • Sorry, don't understand what fix you expect from us!? Bridging the iNuke is not our business.

    Please refer to the iNuke manual in order to figure out how to feed the mono line level signal into the iNuke and how to connect the cabinet to the iNuke in bridged mode. If the connections are ok and volume are cranked up and the iNuke still doesn't generate sufficient power at 4 Ohm, that is a case for Behringer support.

  • Sorry, don't understand what fix you expect from us!? Bridging the iNuke is not our business.

    I don't understand your response.

    The OP has not mentioned whether he got it fixed. Since I have one of those amps and used it for testing I mentioned that it was not a Y-cable needed, but the connection to the correct pins in the cable setup for bridge mode. That is the fix for the iNukes to run in bridged mode.

    "More Guitar in the Monitors" :thumbup: